Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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RL has been so busy this week so I haven't seen the whole ep but I've saw the ending and com to think of it I asked myself 'Where have Hawkes and Linds ran off to?'
but then again they are more of the scientist types of the group so i can kinda understand....
I've never thought about it in that way, but I guess somehow it makes sense. You can't involve all the characters with the same level of implication in each case. But sometimes TPTB could left behind their rules. And last episode could have been the right time for it.



"I'm glad you stayed"
is it just me or are they really dumbing Lindsay down a little in the latest episodes? I mean lately all she does - apart from treating evidance, is stand there all cute and ask more or less obvious question to help Mac or Stella realize what is going on. and I think its really unfair

as for her not being let onto the action - I dont get it. in Zoo York she tackled that guy and in Risk she was chasing the suspect.

its understandable that she wasnt in the middle of the action in S3 but what is the problem now? other then the writters disinterest, that is
i'm thinking now that the writers got Mac's story out of their system they're hopefully gonna give Lindsay, Danny, Flack, and Hawkes some love.

i'm all for making Lindsay lighter than she was last year but to make her so light that she seems like idiot is not the way to go. sure with the lolipop things i can see her not really knowing what they are b/c they seem like a city thing but not knowing other things to make Stella look better.... seriously come on!!!

this is not even half the season remember so i'm sure we'll get some smart, literally kickass Lindsay back before the end. the writers said they would promise to follow up on "Snow Day" with D/L and they better.
I don't think the lack of Lindsay is disinterest on the writers' part, but merely a case of focussing on others more. Lindsay's past was an important story line throughout last season and the first half of this season was more about Mac and his 333 stalker.

I do agree that it's strange that very often Lindsay WAS :mad: the one who explained something she discovered to others with the use of great background info and now she's acting like an intern around Stella :rolleyes:...she has been in NY for over two years now and should not be surprised by stuff like heroin lollipops anymore.

This season Lindsay and Hawkes seem to be the more CSI-CSI's (working in the lab) and not the COP-CSI's (doing raids)...whenever the kevlar appears they disappear...
^^ you do have a point Dutch Treat, Lindsay did get a good chunk of story last year. i just want one ep though where TPTB really follow up on her and Danny not being cheeky and putting the condom spray in his pocket or a little flirting here and there.

i defend Lindsay on not know what the heroine lollipops were. i've never even heard of such things before this ep (i am now never eating lollipops like that again lol). i don't think Lindsay was surprised by them i think she was more interested in them and it didn't seem too phase her, it's NY after all anything can happen.

as i've said before Lindsay is more a scientist than a cop. and lets not forget that in Montana she was probably not a cop so she's not really trained to be one like Danny, Stella and Mac.

Lindsay's a tough chick i'm sure now the writers will give her some good material.
the cop-csi thing i've found wierd because they have never really said if she was a cop before in Montana. Whereas with Mac/Stella and Danny they were all in the academy and its mentioned, Hawkes well his backstory is Medicine but we never heard if Lindsay was in the acadmeny if she's like LV and they are just CSI's.

I do find her more the scientist how easily she get amazed by stuff they find, i mean if i was here i would be to the stuff they seem to find at scenes. I like the eagerness like in YODO when she found the metal its nice to see someone excited about it.
^^ I get what you guys mean, but I think the big deal here, comes with the fact that we can't help it but compare what Linds is doing this season with what she did in season three. I mean, I think there was an incresing progression in her character since she first appeared on the show. Then she reached her peaks by the end of season three, and now the character is getting down to a normal level.

Ok, I've got the feeling that I haven't express myself that clear... anyway, what I wanted to say is, don't worry, what Linds is going through right now semems the example of "the calm before the storm".



"I'm glad you stayed"
i understand what you mean yas. TPTB built Lindsay up as awesome as she usually is and then they kinda brought the character back down.

i like the way you put the example as the "calm before the storm"... really hoping that comes true
i defend Lindsay on not know what the heroine lollipops were. i've never even heard of such things before this ep (i am now never eating lollipops like that again lol). i don't think Lindsay was surprised by them i think she was more interested in them and it didn't seem too phase her, it's NY after all anything can happen.
OK, could someone please refresh my memory. Stella was the one working with Lindsay when she found the lollipops, wasn't she? If I'm not mistaken, in an earlier episode, Stella told Mac she was working Narco when Giuliani was elected mayor. It's more than likely she knew of heroin lollipops from those days. It's entirely possible Lindsay wouldn't know the lollipops were heroin if she hadn't worked Narco.

Yes, we're not happy with Lindsay's development at the moment, but most of the characters, save Mac, Stella and Danny, have experienced uneven development and screen time this season. I wish, like Gaelen, Lindsay would just hurry up and shoot somebody! :lol:
I would just like to state that I think Lindsay/Anna has been doing an excellent job thus far in this season. I was afraid that they were going to have her be all up in Danny's business and get all emotional again, but having her interact with Flack AND Stella in the light scenes made my night. And I hope they continue with that.

Lindsay really does bring out the best in people when she's happy.
^ I agree. That scene with Flack and Stella (although it felt a bit out of place) in itself was quite funny...little Lindsay reading comic books and buying all kinds of trick stuff from Laughing Larry sounded quite endearing...And I think she did great in the confrontation scene too, when Larry started joking about the one-way glass and she told him off.

But for me the best part of this episode was when she finally admitted that she is not so great when it comes to dealing with very emotional people. We've seen that quite a few times already when she had trouble talking to mums of victims or this season with the girl in Boo! It clearly is something that is bothering her and she tries to do the best she can with that 'handicap'.
>>> I loved the scene where she was talking to Stella and Flack about LL's was hilarious. Did you see the look she gave Stella when Stel said she had sea monkeys?!? :lol:
the Mac/Lindsay scene: I think that she, from her own experience, knew that she cant really say anything to help. and its really not easy to feel helpless when someone you care about is in pain

the case: she was just great and I like that in this one she was a partner and not someone to ask the obvious questions. her talk with Flack was hilarious. it was sweet that though they are from really different backrounds they have still some things in common. and she and Stella work really well together too. Girl Power :)

and we finally got to see Lindsay in action - thanks TPTB :)
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