Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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Top said:
Personally, I'd kind of like to see a real heroic moment for Lindsay, when she steps up to the plate and really saves the day. Like someone else said, it would be cool to see her pull--and use--her gun. It would be cool to see her rescue Danny from one of the dangerous situations he always seems to get himself into. Something to establish that her character really does have mettle, if that's what they're going for.
I agree with you there. I definately want to see, and I think we all NEED to see an episode that focuses on Lindsay's skills as a character instead of the brooding past we've seen so much of and utterly sick of. I was to see more of the brighter side of her character. As Stella has mentioned, Mac chose her specifically because of her attention to detail (I'm sorry but the line "sorry to state the obvious" doesn't cut that portrayal).

We've also pretty much seen everyone pull a gun. Stella's shot, Mac's shot, Danny's shot, Flack's shot, Hawkes(?). But Lindsay seems to prefer holding the damn thing. We need to see her in a more action packed sequence where she doesn't look like a damsel in distress or a rookie out of place.

Lindsay's character, in my opinion, has alot of potential. So far, the writers seem to be perfectly content in not exploiting that availability.

I don't know--both Catherine and Sara are pretty strong personalities on CSI. CSI shows do tend to feature strong women, even if they also have the nasty habit of undercutting those strong women with some of their storylines (like "All Access").
It's true that both Catherine and Sara are strong characters but you have to admit that they're portrayed in different ways. I guess what I was trying to get at in my previous point was that they don't want the two to be too alike. IMO Sara's nothing like Cath, but on some fronts they are. *shrugs* Maybe they're still playing with Lindsay's character - trying to find out where her character really stands within the NY team.

imho, i feel like lindsay was pretty emotionally strong to hold that weight of her past in, even though she did not face it at the time. she may not come off as tough-strong-nails, but she's tough in an under-the-radar-tough way.
I'm sure she must be emotionally strong to be able to keep that in all those years but I did not like the way they handled her behaviour in Silent Night. She's a professional and should be expected to show more emotional restraint. It would have made more sense if she went in, couldn't stand it, and asked to be excused. Simply leaving was a little immature and for some may have killed their liking for her character.

Would it be agreed that Lindsay's past could have been handled much better that it was?

1 lollipop in the right place can catch a person off guard.
Yeah, like up the ass :lol: Hehehe.

Speaking of the sling shot, not only was the contraption cool, the way she improvised, I liked her sassy answer to Danny when he was kind of making fun of her.
The teasing was nice to see, we've missed that between the two of them. But one thing I was a little on the fence about was Lindsay's ability to hit the same spot on all 3 shots. I think it would have done some good to make one miss, or make her turn and shoot Danny instead when he laughs at her. All 3 hits in such a small radius of a target seems so...I don't know - fake somehow. I mean it's a small detail I guess when you look at the bigger picture. But the reality of it that even possible?
^^ Well, since the "passivity" in Lind's role during the latests episodes seems to be a prime topic this days, I feel like needing to say somehing more about it after seeing "One wedding and a funeral".

Did you notice that she satyed in a second line during the whole investigation? It's not that I'm complaining, because I know TPTB can't give the same importance to all the characters at the same time, but I mean, it was like if the only function Linds had was "hey, I'm going to stay right there so Mac and Stella can develop their theories to someone". She was like a mannequin!

Anyway, one thing I really loved about her is the line "I hate to say the obvious". :D



"I'm glad you stayed"
I loved Linds in this weeks ep :D

Exactly^^ becuase theres the odd time where shes had to say the most obvious lines in the show :lol:
^They're hilarious moments but she has more purpose than simply to state the obvious.

But I have to say Lindsay is much more pleasant this season than the previous. She's more "baggage free" now :D
I didn't like the "I hate to state the obvious" line. It was lame, and the fact that she played second fiddle to Stella that entire episode was also lame. I like Stella, but I like Lindsay more. I'm tired of her always shadowing people - what exactly was her purpose in the scene where Stella finds the mysterious box on her car? Ask questions and look like a moron?

Would it be agreed that Lindsay's past could have been handled much better that it was?

Yes - the writers did not do a very strong job with her past, especially how they made her barely breathe a word about it to Danny. But that's gone now, and she's back to her perky self :) even if she is stuck in the lab most of the time.
the writers did not do a very strong job with her past
I'm not of the same opinion. For me, the way her past was shown, wasn't that bad. I mean, yes, she didn't drop a hint about it to Danny until the last minute, and what? Sometimes you don't feel like wanting to share your intimacy with anyone, especially if you haven't dealt with your issues yet.

In fact, I think it was a good thing TPTB didn't let Linds and Danny get fisical -Snow day- until she revealed her past to him. That really worked for me.



"I'm glad you stayed"
^I also agree that she may not have wanted to share anything with Danny until she figured it out for herself. The way her past was shown wasn't the worst thing ever but some things just didn't work for me, especially the leaving the scene in Silent Night. It doesn't seem like her character to do that at all.

It was probably a good thing that TPTB didn't let Linds and Danny get physical until after her past was revealed to him. It would have been too much of a soap opera otherwise. It was just weird to go from Sleight Out of Hand with the near kiss to Snow Day and they'd made love on his pool table with nothing in between. I'm not complaining about the pool table scene cos I love it, but an interrupted date somewhere in between SOoH and SD would have been appropriate to bridge that gap.

It's a little annoying that Linds seems to be taking a backseat this season - but hopefully she breaks out of that shell soon and make a stronger character of herself.

She needs to shoot someone period. :p
Some of the stuff Lindsay has come out with this year have been awesome! like her little condom spray demo and then being very cheeky putting it in Danny's pocket and her "I Rock" scene was by far one of her best moments ever. the whole slingshot scene and grabbing Danny's love handles was more than i could have asked for. the scene on "Boo" when she finally got to draw a gun was amazing!! i've been waiting for her to do that since she first came on the show.

it feels like some of the writers have been dumbing her down a bit for the sake of explaination. i get so pissed when they have Stella make Lindsay look like a bit of an idiot for not knowing anything like when she goes "yeah but Lindsay that couldn't happen" or something like that.

Lindsay has been so much better and spunkier than last season that's for sure but i'd still like to see her get a 'tude with a suspect or bash one against a car again lol. anyone that knows that D/L are a ship can tell that besides getting her baggage off of her that being with Danny has given her some confidence.

it's only the first half of the season, i'm sure we'll get some ballsy Lindsay scene soon enough. i've been liking season 4 a lot, so besides the whole dumbing Lindsay down bit i'm enjoying the stories and characters so much this season.
posting and watching ep. 4x10. :lol:

Cousin said: Would it be agreed that Lindsay's past could have been handled much better that it was?
^^^ i was just saying she was strong to hold it in all those years. but how it played out in the episode, yes, it should have been handled better. i would ask to be excused or trudge through it.

you said it first, Gaelen. i never said where that one-shot lollipop went. :p oh and bullet, lindsay, shoot. :D

catie girl said: the way she improvised
...was really cool!

TPTB, bring that "dennis the menace" 'tude in lindsay out! :cool:

did she get another haircut?? it's so short!
I like the short her but they should stop cutting it. I understand its practical but I like her hair :)

why are hawkes and Lindsay never there when the action is on? they kind of treat them as lab techs
Hey, I wasn't able to see last wednesday episode untill this morning, and, apart I loved the whole episode, I think there were some good points involving Lindsay, too.

Yeah, her hair is definitely shorter, but I love how it makes her looks like. But as someone has already said, please, stop cutting it!
Oh, it was also great that Linds went thought some action during the epi. You know, she was stuck on the subway, too, so she had to run and scream and everything. However, it's a shame she wasn't neither at the bistro nor Mac's rescue...
And, btw, I really loved the "No women wakes up at 3.33 to do an anonymous phone call" line.



"I'm glad you stayed"
I dont mind the short hair, though, I still really love and miss her curls from Season 3, but, *shrug*.... As long as it doesnt go any shorter I'm all good with it.

Im liking how we're getting more of Lindsay outside the lab, its nice, nice change of scenery for her, and it seems like we're getting a bit of the Season 2 Lindsay back, which also makes me happy.
nattybatty55 said:
why are hawkes and Lindsay never there when the action is on? they kind of treat them as lab techs
Thats what I always say!!

^^ i hear ya guys!!! i feel the same way. i get soo mad when they're not on raids like in "Down The Rabbit Hole" or from this week's ep. but then again they are more of the scientist types of the group so i can kinda understand.... but that's what Adam and Kendall are for.

these two need a another badass scene again soo bad. Lindsay had her fill in season 2 and Hawkes had his in Snow Day trying to get the bad guy to talk. i vote for these 2 and Flack for the most underused characters of the show.
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