Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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Gaelen said:
her first tackle onto the car in Zoo York was one defining characteristic of Lindsay that I miss.

She only tackled someone once, so I don't see how it could be considered a "defining characteristic." Cool? Yes. Defining? No.
^^ Angel dear, of course it should be a red one :p :p

And throwing lollipops is something I can see her do just as easily as firing bullets with a slingshot :lol:...loved the scenario :)

And Liffy I do hope they're done phasing now and actually consider putting in more scenes where Lindsay can show off the skills that make her different from her NY colleagues :D Perhaps, since Stella and she are working so great together, she can teach the former some country girl skills to fight off intrusive guys... :rolleyes:
I loved Lindsay in the last scene with Stella. sh meant business and they worked together really well. its nice to see some girl power.

well, maybe next time she will tackle someone down :)

Im sure she has a great aim but I dont think a lollipop can cause that much damage when thrown :)
PerfectAnomaly said:
She only tackled someone once, so I don't see how it could be considered a "defining characteristic." Cool? Yes. Defining? No.
Well that all depends on what you consider a defining moment. They must have put that scene in there for a reason. She was new, held her ground and confidant, "This girl's got her heart set on Manhattan".

Well at least I think it's a characteristic that we should see more off, she's more than capable of doing to and could give the perps a run for their money.

Angell said:
i have an image of lindsay throwing lollipops at the girl. she has good aim (we've seen that!), so it's likely it would only take 1 lollipop. how about a RED one?
:lol: Oh yes it definately should be a red one :) and your little scene was hilarious though I suspect a little jaw dropping scene when Danny first finds out, followed by a smirk and Lindsay would simply stand there with Stella, both rolling their eyes. Flack would elicit the same response :lol:

Dutch, I think Linds needs to teach Stella how to use a slingshot with perfect aim :lol: It'll help her fend Drew off :lol: But she's definately different in character to the other New Yorkers and that's good to see. She hasn't necessarily lost her origins in that big ol' melting pot.

Carolina said:
Im sure she has a great aim but I dont think a lollipop can cause that much damage when thrown
That sounds like a nice summer project. All I need is plenty of lollipops and people running away from me. We'll see if you can knock someone out with lollipops. Though...I guess it's more probably they slip on one and knock themselves out. A knock on the head would be a nice touch :)

^Hopefully next time she does get to tackle someone, but I really want to see her shoot. We've seen Stella shoot on countless occasions, having Linds do it would be cool :)
Gaelen said:
PerfectAnomaly said:
She only tackled someone once, so I don't see how it could be considered a "defining characteristic." Cool? Yes. Defining? No.
Well that all depends on what you consider a defining moment.

I was going off the meanings of the words "defining" and "characteristic." According to good old Web's Dic. "defining" means "To determine or identify the essential qualities or meaning of" and "characteristic" means "revealing, distinguishing or typical of an individual." Basically, something a person does repeatedly that makes them who they are. Doing something once doesn't make it a "defining characteristic." And I don't consider trying to grab the suspect in "Risk" to be the same as tackling the suspect, so it was only once.

They must have put that scene in there for a reason.
I'm sure they did. I'm just not convinced they did it to define her character since it's the only scene of it's kind in two and a half seasons.

She was new, held her ground and confidant, "This girl's got her heart set on Manhattan".
I don't really see what that quote has to do with tackling a suspect.

Well at least I think it's a characteristic that we should see more off, she's more than capable of doing to and could give the perps a run for their money.

I agree. TPTB should've made it a defining characteristic. They dropped the ball on that, IMO.
^I think there's still hope that they'll bring Lindsay's aggressive side back in the future episodes and seasons. I wasn't around when Lindsay first came onto the show but was the initial response to her character being so forward? Good or bad?

There's also the possibility that because the writers are continuing to portray Stella as a very strong-willed character that they want Lindsay to be a more mild so as their characters dont seem too much alike.

I think Anna's pregnancy threw the writers off balance, since they were probably forced to alter all their future scripts to fit in with her maternity leave and so on. Was her story developed due to anna's pregnancy or was it already planned?
Well, the timing of her story wasn't planned, nor were the exact details. However, since she first came on the show her bio said she had a dark secret in her past which inspired her to become a CSI. We got hints of it in Manhattan Manhunt, and there is another ep (thinks hard, nope can't remember title off top of head) where she is listening to 911 tapes and has a lost look on her face. The commentary on the s2 dvd informed us that it was supposed to be some sort of reference to her past.


I found the old web page and here is what CBS's bio said about Lindsay Monroe (yeah, I know this is just CBS's bio for her and not true canon, but it supposedly is what they thought her background might be):

Lindsay Monroe's old CBS bio said:

Lindsay Monroe worked as a CSI for three years Montana before realizing her dream of moving to a big city like New York. Her Midwestern work ethic and willingness to roll up her sleves and tackle any job is a welcome addition to the team, where she is quickly put through rookie training by Mac on their first case. Excited and always willing to learn, Lindsay offers a fresh perpective to the lab, rarely hinting at the dark and devestating secret that originally motivated her to dedicate her life to being a CSI.
I think there's still hope that they'll bring Lindsay's aggressive side back in the future episodes and seasons.
Well, the think is, I've never portray Linds as an agressive persone, which doesn't mean she can't get angry. I mean, she has always been the sweet one, but not in contrast with Stella, but with Aiden. I'ts just the way I see things. I guess this vision of her has something to do with the fact that she's the younger women on the team, so that makes her the one to look after.

Sure I can picture her kicking some asses, indeed, I think she already did.



"I'm glad you stayed"
Liffy (Gaelen) said:
Well at least I think it's a characteristic that we should see more off, she's more than capable of doing to and could give the perps a run for their money.
I agree. TPTB should've made it a defining characteristic. They dropped the ball on that, IMO.
I don't think they only have to define just that one characteristic, but much more. I feel like they started off really great in season two with subtle (or not so subtle) hints to show that a CSI from Montana may have some different work tactics than one from NY and can bring in some new perspective on things.

In season 3, however, they focussed more on the dark-secret and less. So I really hope in season 4 they remembered this part of the old bio Mercy posted:
...Her Midwestern work ethic and willingness to roll up her sleves and tackle any job is a welcome addition to the team...
...and put in more scenes like the one with the slingshot. :D
dutch_treat said:
Liffy (Gaelen) said:
Well at least I think it's a characteristic that we should see more off, she's more than capable of doing to and could give the perps a run for their money.
I agree. TPTB should've made it a defining characteristic. They dropped the ball on that, IMO.
I don't think they only have to define just that one characteristic, but much more.

I totally agree. Her toughness with suspects should have been only one of many characteristics that made Lindsay who she is.
Gaelen said:
^I think there's still hope that they'll bring Lindsay's aggressive side back in the future episodes and seasons. I wasn't around when Lindsay first came onto the show but was the initial response to her character being so forward? Good or bad?

It's been ages since then, but I think it was mostly good. Some took it as a little too much for her introduction, but I remember liking it initially.

There's also the possibility that because the writers are continuing to portray Stella as a very strong-willed character that they want Lindsay to be a more mild so as their characters dont seem too much alike.

I don't know--both Catherine and Sara are pretty strong personalities on CSI. CSI shows do tend to feature strong women, even if they also have the nasty habit of undercutting those strong women with some of their storylines (like "All Access"). Personally, I'd kind of like to see a real heroic moment for Lindsay, when she steps up to the plate and really saves the day. Like someone else said, it would be cool to see her pull--and use--her gun. It would be cool to see her rescue Danny from one of the dangerous situations he always seems to get himself into. Something to establish that her character really does have mettle, if that's what they're going for.
thnx, mercy, for that old bio blurb. how did you find it? is it still somehwere on the CBS site?

dutch said: ...and put in more scenes like the one with the slingshot.
^^^ i agree. the slingshot was too cool! so crafty.

imho, i feel like lindsay was pretty emotionally strong to hold that weight of her past in, even though she did not face it at the time. she may not come off as tough-strong-nails, but she's tough in an under-the-radar-tough way. she comes up with odd ways of seeing things/making things (slingshot!) or knows that one tiny piece of detail that changes the entire case. ie in Snow Day, she mentioned to flack about the gas leak and when flack finds the gas company suits, he puts the story together. and of course, i'm glad her scenes in the lab come out fun and playful. :D

1 lollipop in the right place can catch a person off guard. :lol:
Like someone else said, it would be cool to see her pull--and use--her gun. It would be cool to see her rescue Danny from one of the dangerous situations he always seems to get himself into.
Definitely, it would be really cool!

It's funny because this topic came up in a conversation between me and my sister last night while seeing "Silent Night". After Linds starts crying at the morgue and says "I was the only one who survived..." and then during the whole episode she is so depressed... my sister unconsciously pointed out, "what's wrong with her? Is she never going to scream or something? Why is she allways sobbing?".
And, you see, I couldn't answer her because I really hadn't a suitable explanation. At least, I could asure her that during season four she seems more energic and happy.



"I'm glad you stayed"
Speaking of the sling shot, not only was the contraption cool, the way she improvised, I liked her sassy answer to Danny when he was kind of making fun of her. The whole squirrels thing he said, and she came back with "no, boys". I thought that was a fun moment for her, totally liked it. That's part of the energy she has this season, just so much better, on so many levels than the Lindsay of most of last season.
I think there's still hope that they'll bring Lindsay's aggressive side back in the future episodes and seasons.

I would like to see a little agression too - there were glimpses in CS and Buzzkill but something clearer would be nice

I would also like to see her strength - both physical and emotional. something with Danny like was mentioned above. or keeping her cool in a stresfull situation with a suspect.

I like her fun sites I just think we need to see more of her
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