Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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She's so cute, I love her. As happy as I am for her and her hubby, I cant wait for her to be back and Lindsay back to her old self, she needs more than 5 minutes of screen time, ::slams fists on desk:: all season we've only seen her for like 5-10 minutes each episode.
I'm just adding my two cents to say that I love the suggestion of the new thread title. It would seem to fit, especially right now.
I just love those lighthearted scenes with Lindsay. But Anna is also good with light drama as well.

Slams fist on desk with Mellie. :eek: But I'm sure that they have been taking it easy on Anna and that she will return with more development and screentime. ;)

I hope Anna and everyone else around here has a wonderful New Year in 2007.

Are we still going with the new thread title? I like it. :)
Happy birthday Muzzy_Olorea! Sorry if I'm late!! I hope you'll have a nice day!

Anna does seem like such a sweet person, its like Orison said, she came up to her and whoever else she was with when she was on the set a few months back and started the conversation, not many celebrities would walk up to random people visiting a set and talk to them.

Kuddos for Anna, yay!!
That's so sweet! I wish that I met her.. She seems awesome and from interviews and such, she seems so fun!

Sorry, but in the CSI: NY Season 2 DVDs, does it have interviews with Anna in the Special Features? I'm thinking of buying it!!
^ Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think there's any.

And yeah, I still think Anna's a total sweetheart and totally down-to-earth. :)
I remember there being a behind the scenes interview with Anna on the dvds. She was talking about how Lindsay and herself were similar in they were both new to the show, so Anna tried to not prep herself too much. :)
Yea, she was pretty down to earth in the interveiw. There are a few small interviews, not too many though. I wish they'd put bloopers on the disks. I read somewhere Anna has a lot of funny moments. That would be so cool to see.

Hope you all have a great New Years!
See, I knew I was missing something! I should watch those special features again... *lol*

Happy New Year everybody!!
Yeah, theres a few interviews with Anna - more like snip-its, but never the less, interviews with Anna about Lindsay and the show in general.

I second the whole 'Blooper Reel' I wish more shows did that... someday, maybe if enough of us complain they'll do it... :)

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! (5 hours 15 minutes and counting out here on the West Coast)
I second the whole 'Blooper Reel' I wish more shows did that... someday, maybe if enough of us complain they'll do it...
I want that too! :) I love watching the actors as people themselves...! And Anna seems so fun!
I just had a thought about Lindsay's past.

Lindsay has had a problem dealing with bad crime scenes ("Manhattan Manhunt"), and her dark secret has never fully come out. She told Danny she was dealing with past issues ("Love Run Cold"), but I thought she might have been talking about a relationship. Mac hired her, so I have a feeling it won't be long before she talks to him. Yes, Stella went through a horrifying experience herself, but why cover up?
^I don't think the issues from her past dealt with a relationship--her issues have to do with the shooting where all her friends were killed. I guess it's still possible that it was her boyfriend that was behind it. Hopefully we'll find out more when she leaves for Montana!
i hope that her leave is short. And i hope that she and danny get together. lately they have no action together, at the start of the season their was so much but as of late there as been nothing.
D/L Strong
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