Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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At this point I will take any Lindsay. I'm hoping that once Anna is back that the episodes will be jammed packed with Lindsay. ;)
I hope that she comes back from her leave to some great stuff from the writers that will develop her character and leave all of the fans on a good note with her at the end of the season. The way that some fans have been unsure about Lindsay so far, and even a season and a half after her introduction some fans are still unsure, isn't a good sign if you ask me. Even though they're giving us some information about her right now, the limited screentime due to Anna's shortened schedule isn't giving them much of a chance to have an impact. Lindsay is either just sitting in the scene, or it's a major moment that seems abrupt because she's barely been there so far in the episode. *shrug* I hope their main concern for the remainder of the season, with regards to Lindsay, is using this storyline to give some depth to the character.

I also hope that Lindsay works with all of the other characters and they don't go back to the way it was for most of S2 where she only seemed to work with Danny (whether she did or not is open to interpretation). That's all well and good if the writers' aim is simply to promote a romantic pairing, but for the characters themselves, it's not doing any good. And for a show that claims to be character driven, I would hope for more than that. They've got about 43 minutes to tell (usually) two separate stories and work in the forensics that made the franchise such a success, so there isn't much time for personal stuff. To use all of Lindsay's (and Danny's) personal devlopment time on a romantic relationship, knowing the way these types of shows generally treat romance (ie, not well at all), seems like it might be a waste. Developing non-romantic relationships that the writers would be less likely to muck with seems like the better plan overall...

Also, I hope that they don't use her past to explain her absence and then ignore it after that. That would be really cheap. To build up some genuine character development and then immediately disregard it would be a shame. It would imply to me that the writers only gave her that kind of a story because they had to, and that under normal circumstances they won't bother. This is an ambitious backstory they seem to be planning, so I hope they follow though with it.
I think they're doing fine with Lindsay working with Hawkes right now. I'm a D/L person, but she really needs to develop as a character instead of as one half of a maybe-couple. She needs to have character development without Danny... When she gets the whole story out then, we'll see. :)
Faylinn said:
Also, I hope that they don't use her past to explain her absence and then ignore it after that. That would be really cheap. To build up some genuine character development and then immediately disregard it would be a shame. It would imply to me that the writers only gave her that kind of a story because they had to, and that under normal circumstances they won't bother. This is an ambitious backstory they seem to be planning, so I hope they follow though with it.

I'm torn on this. I don't think it will be dropped completely--it's been in the character's bio from day one, and it sounded like, at least at the beginning of the season, Anthony Zuiker had some pretty big plans for seeing Lindsay deal with this.

But on the other hand, the storyline really isn't showcasing Anna's strengths at all. I'm not drawn into the story because Anna isn't conveying it convincingly. I couldn't help but think when Lindsay was crying at the autopsy that Danny's crying was much more believable in RSRD. And her sullen response of "Leave me alone" to Stella came off as childish and spoiled rather than the raw emotion of someone in pain.

The moments when I found her most believable and interesting were in second season. I liked how she joked around with Mac and teased him. I also liked how she approached the case in "Cool Hunter" from an angle that maybe wasn't quite scientifically sound, but that her thinking outside the box was ultimately what led to unraveling the mystery. I even liked some of her less sympathetic moments, like when she defied Mac to try to find out why the killer had murdered the girl in the park or when she was fishing for info about Danny and Aiden from Stella, because those moments made her more human.

But please, I can't take anymore whining and screaming! :lol: So I guess while I'd hate to see the backstory dropped altogether, I don't think it should define her as a character. There has to be more to her if she's going to feel real, and I'd like to see some of the stuff we saw in her earlier when Anna gets back from her maternity leave.
Well, I certainly agree with you there. I'd hate for the continuity from this story to end up being that they just drag out the same feelings she's having right now. However, I don't want her to come back from Montana, suddenly over the whole thing as if it was just a dream. While I don't think the story has been well-tailored to Anna's acting strengths, I'm hoping that the writers can find a happy medium. Bring back the more lighthearted character we saw last season, show that she's able to move on from what happened after the upcoming storyline, but still give hints from time to time that she still had the issues, if that makes sense. When there is a young female victim it should still affect her, even if it's not as strongly. She doesn't need to flee the scene and snap at her coworkers, but she should seem as though it's familiar. Although, I think they need to diversify their victims on NY so that it's not just the young and rich who seem to be dying, which is how things have seemed recently, but that's another story...

It would be bad if they pulled a stunt like the one between "Charge of this Post" and "People With Money" with Flack--he's in the hospital, having just survived some horrific injuries; and then when the new season starts after a span of time, they put in one throw-away line about rehab and he's back to 100%, chasing suspects and butting heads with Mac, with no indication that this life-altering event even took place. That's the kind of thing I want them to avoid with this Lindsay storyline, having her be very upset and full of angst, and then after Anna's maternity leave is over, Lindsay comes back and says one little line about whatever happens and then suddenly it's like she never had a problem. *shrug* These are writers who fabricate the cases the team works. If they can create a case that's a big-ass coincidence so that one of the characters has it mirror their own life in some way, then surely they can create cases that have familiar elements, to give us continuity. Lindsay's character is in need of depth, and to start creating it and then tossing it by the wayside would be a shame.

In the end, with Anna, while I'm not a huge fan of her acting she definitely has her strong points, and the character should be made to fit the actress. And with Lindsay, they haven't done a whole hell of a lot to make her a realistic character, unless we're supposed to believe that the choppy changes throughout S2 is meant to show a genuine, believable person.
I think that the actress is only good as the character written for them and I think Anna's doing an awesome job at portraying Lindsay and whilst there's aspects of Lindsay's character, which I find realisitc although others find irritating, I don't think it's a reflection on Anna and her acting at all. I think that she has a vulnerability about her which really comes out in Lindsay which is a great contrast to Stella's powerful and strong character.
And alternately, a character is only as good as the actor portraying them. Having seen Anna on "Medical Investigation" (a show that I loved), I think it's safe to say that (for some people at least, since others think she's the best thing since sliced bread) while her acting is good it's not the best there is. That doesn't mean she can't (or doesn't) do a good job on NY, it just means that I don't think she's the best actress on the show. I haven't said she's a bad person or that I want her to pack her bags and leave the show, but I don't think all of the character's weaknesses are the fault of the writers.

Anna is playing Lindsay, that isn't going to change. So Lindsay should be tailored to Anna's strengths. Yes, the writers are responsible for the words and actions that we get from the character, but it's Anna's responsibility to bring those words and actions across. In my opinion, the writing and acting haven't been totally in synch so far...
Faylinn said:
And alternately, a character is only as good as the actor portraying them. Having seen Anna on "Medical Investigation" (a show that I loved), I think it's safe to say that (for some people at least, since others think she's the best thing since sliced bread) while her acting is good it's not the best there is. That doesn't mean she can't (or doesn't) do a good job on NY, it just means that I don't think she's the best actress on the show. I haven't said she's a bad person or that I want her to pack her bags and leave the show, but I don't think all of the character's weaknesses are the fault of the writers.

They're not. I mean, hell, the woman couldn't even convincingly portray the pain of being bitten by a snake. She's a mediocre actress at best, and I've seen even her staunchest fans admit her acting isn't the best in the screaming scenes. That said, she's been decent in the lighter scenes, and from what little I've heard of her work in the theater, comedy was her concentration. With good reason, she's better when we see Lindsay's light side.

Anna is playing Lindsay, that isn't going to change. So Lindsay should be tailored to Anna's strengths. Yes, the writers are responsible for the words and actions that we get from the character, but it's Anna's responsibility to bring those words and actions across. In my opinion, the writing and acting haven't been totally in synch so far...

Agreed. I wish they'd dropped the dark storyline once they'd seen Anna's performances in "All Access" and "Stealing Home." She's not even bad in the quiet moments--I actually thought she was good with the father in "Stealing Home"--but she simply can't pull off the extreme drama. So why not play to her strengths?

I admit, I think the pairing with Danny is unfortunte given the lack of chemistry, but even I saw the cute aspect of it when they were flirting in "Stuck on You" and "Cool Hunter" before things got all Dark and Depressing and Tormented. The angst didn't work, and it doesn't work for Lindsay. So I hope when she comes back from her leave we see more of Lindsay's sense of fun, because that's when she was most likable.
hehe.... I've always sounded like an idiot saying her name with a 'K' in it :lol:

But about am onth ago, I was searching some random site, including and I started saying it right :p

But now it sounds like I have a lisp when I say it now.... :lol:
Agreed. I wish they'd dropped the dark storyline once they'd seen Anna's performances in "All Access" and "Stealing Home." She's not even bad in the quiet moments--I actually thought she was good with the father in "Stealing Home"--but she simply can't pull off the extreme drama. So why not play to her strengths?
Really? I think that she pulled it off effortlessly and I actually felt for Lindsay when she was crying. :) Nice to see other peoples' different opinions on the same show though.

hehe.... I've always sounded like an idiot saying her name with a 'K' in it
:lol: I've always said it with a silent 'K'. :) It's just natural for me.
^^ People with lisps are adorable! :D Love them. My art teacher has one and he's the best! :D

Back to Lindsay... I think that Anna does a fantastic job with Lindsay. She's so good that I can't imagine anyone else playing her role.
Me either.

I had a dream I was Lindsay and it didn't turn out that good, just to be kind.
But I have had other dreams where I was Lindsay and they turned out great......because I either ended up married to Danny or Mac :lol:
I'm one of the die-hard Anna/Lindsay fans, and I unfortunatley missed a lot of Medical Investigation, I was able to catch a few re-runs, but I cant base her acting abilities off a show I've only seen a few times.

I do however agree with Top , Anna is definitley better in the lighter happier scenes, but on the flip side I thought she did amazing with the father in 'Stealing Home'.

I love the idea of Danny and Lindsay, but my love for a possible relationship has started to spiral down the drain because of all this 'deep, dark, depressing, past' of Lindsays, the two of them were cute in Stealing home and Cool Hunter, and I'll admit - I loved "the hug" at the end of 'Not what it looks like', but, The writers need to realize that theres certain parts of Lindsay that Anna plays well, and other parts that arent so great, they need to start playing up Anna's strengths.

I love Anna, and I guess as a fan I'll support her and her acting no matter what, but, I hate seeing an actor 'trying' to cry or 'trying' to be upset - you can tell when someone is trying too hard, and unfortunatley in S3, We saw some of that with Lindsay - this whole deep, dark past thing is what needs to hurry up and get resolved so we can see the lighter side of Lindsay again.

That was my tid-bit, I'm off to Dinseyland - talk to ya gals later!!

New thread soon!! woo hoo... ::jumps around::
because I either ended up married to Danny or Mac
Nice. :) I've never had that though... :( But I've had a dream where I was shopping with her and Stella. It was so cool as Danny came in with a fishbowl and Lindsay threw her goldfish in as Flack entered as well. :lol: Strange dream, isn't it?

Oh and I loved the Lindsay moment when she and Mac were working on the stripper case and she said: "Let me know what you find" before going into the lubricant pool and Mac gives her a look and she looks really defeated as she said, "I'll go get my boots." :lol: She was so adorable! I love how she's so cute and enthusiastic about what she does...

There was also a time when she got about 300 bottles of beauty products to examine and Mac asks if women really do need all that. and she's all: "You're asking me? I work in a lab."

Ahh. Back in those happier and more relaxed times. I'm missing the old Lindsay again!!
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