Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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I think I might send a card... but later 'cause it would be a little ridiculous to send a congrats card before the baby being born. I hope we get to find out if it's a girl or boy.
yea, I might too. I'll send it to CBS or something. Who knows if she'll get, but, it's the thought that counts, right?
I think it is awesome that everyone is so supportive of Anna, (even though it means we'll miss Lindsay on the show for awhile ;)). Since pregnancy can be awfully hard on someone, especially when working, it must be great for her to realise she's got supporters!
She seems like a really nice person and I'm very happy for her. I'm definitely sending a card as soon as we know that her baby is born and if it's a boy or a girl. Maybe I even include a letter to tell her how much I appreciate her work.

You can find the info where to send your card/letter on the CBS site, but feel free to PM me if you want it.
I'm gonna send a card too. Did anyone hear if she got that scrapbook we made her a while back? I liked that project. We should start a knew one for her. I lived in Cali I'd be all for it, I just live far away so, it would be hard for me to set it up.
^^^ About the scrapbook, I havent heard anything back yet. But, obviously when we sent it, there were only "rumors" around about Anna being Pregnant, now that we know, all I can think is that shes just so super busy she hasnt had time to respond - not sure if she will, but I'm still hoping. ::crosses fingers:: I have another one ready to go, we have to give it time though, maybe once the new year is up and running, maybe during hiatus period over the summer we'll do another fan project for her, I have a few in mind actually. :)
I think it is awesome that everyone is so supportive of Anna
I agree. She's probably having a great time right now doing whatever she's doing. :lol:

Oh and I'm thinking about sending CBS a card too! What's the address? :D
Merry Christmas to all Lindsay/Anna lovers!

Merry Christmas everyone!! (I know, I know, where some of you are at the days over and its already Dec 26... I worked all day, sorry.. ) but, Merry Christmas all!!
Happy Holidays!! I think it would be wonderful if Anna had her baby right after the new year. I'm sure she's ready to have her little one. ;)

Kiss, that's a great picture of Lindsay. One of her best pictures may I add. :)
I think she's ready too. She seems like she's gonna be an awesome mom. New thread name ideas anyone? It's almost time..

Anna/Linds #4- You've got friends kiddo
Radical618 said:
I think she's ready too. She seems like she's gonna be an awesome mom. New thread name ideas anyone? It's almost time..

She will make an awesome mom! She seems like such a sweet natured person. :)

Anna/Linds #4- You've got friends kiddo

My Daughter is so smart. What a great title! I love it. I'm not sure that I can come up with anything better. I think three was mine. ;) :lol:

If anyone has any other suggestions we could start a poll soon. :)
I think 3 was yours, and I'm glad you like that one. I thought it was quite appropriate. And she seems so nice. I think she'd be one celebrity that wouldn't act like a complete jerk if she met you.
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