Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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Well, I was reading an interview with Anna and she said that it might possibly be something actually "bloody" (I'm sure you all knew that...). But, idk. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't...
I'm not sure if these have been posted, but the following Anna pics are from Medical Investigation:

Anna as Eva Rossi
Walking from plane

The link to these pics was posted by Spader at another site. Pics were found at

As far as Lindsay's bloody secret, I think that if we look back over the season, little hints have been dropped around. :)

Amrita, are you lurking out there?? ;)
audacity said:
As far as Lindsay's bloody secret, I think that if we look back over the season, little hints have been dropped around. :)

I'm sure you're right. It would be weird if there havent been little hints.
^I would think so considering the fact that Zuiker was going to delve into Lindsay's past around the middle of the season and did not. It's probably better that way, though. I think it would have been a little too much to reveal so much about Lindsay's past so soon.

As far as the Anna fanlisting (there are several of these), several people have commented that their email hasn't gone through or else they can't get validation. I didn't have any trouble but there may be something wrong with the server or the site when accepting membership. Be patient. :)
^Anna looks really good in that first pic.
I think we've gotten small (miniscule) hints, but I think next season we will at least get some major ones, if not find out. I think TPTB hadn't entirely decided what it was going to be, so rather than having to try to do it in the middle of the season, they decided to wait until the hiatus.
Pictures! Yay!!

Yeah, I agree. They've got something big planned for her. So hopefully they'll reveal it :D
delurking I can't think of the episode name but it was the one with the farm party and all the kids were shot. Danny made a comment about all the blood and Lindsay said she had seen a lot more blood before. They were in the lab talking then something came up and the subject was dropped.
That was Manhattan Manhunt. I liked that episode because it was the first ep that we actually got a glimpse that Lindsay had some sort of 'bloody secret'.

I absolutely love those pics audacity. She looks so cute in them. I liked her hair when it looked like that, IMO.
I think there's an infinite number of possibilities for her secret right now... if all we know it involves a lot of blood, that really could be just about anything.
I'm a bit happy, though, that they didn't go into it this season - I think it would have been too much too soon. They first have to develop her as a "present" character, THEN go into her past... I can see more of it coming out maybe halfway through season 3.

Aaaaaaaand that just sparked an idea for D/L. Heading over to that thread. Excuse me. :p
^^She has a fan site with Em? Nice....Several friends, possiblity.

^Yeah, I give them halfway through season 3 to dish all the dirt on her. :D
Thanks for posting those links, Flygirl. Seems like Anna enjoys different yet challenging activities.

I'm certainly not a Boggle or video game person, but I like the Sudoku (or is it Suduko??) puzzles---they really tease your brain. ;)

I've been able to find Anna's new movie "Alchemy," but I haven't been able to find the movie "The Reality Trap." Has anyone been able to find this movie or see it?? I think a couple of people mentioned that they did see it.
i cant even wrap my head around suduko, as for boggle never played it, i play guitar and i love computer games especially the old school ones, lol, but im just a geek at heart.
i saw some clips of anna in Alchemy and she was really good in what i saw. as for the reality trap ive not seen any of it or found it anywhere. have you tried amazon or something, ebay maybe?
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