Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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Thanks for posting those. This is my favorite
Jorja Fox and Anna Belknap’s characters have much more allure – and neither of them had to show skin to do it
that's so cute.

I don't know if they will give us everything about her past next season, but I do hope that they do with Lindsay what they did with Danny. in Tanglewood we got to know a little about Danny and it wasn't until next season that we got to learn what happened. Well, this season we learned in Manhattan Manhunt that she has some bloody secret for becoming a CSI. I only hope that next season we get a conclusion about what happened.
scoj said:
i saw some clips of anna in Alchemy and she was really good in what i saw. as for the reality trap ive not seen any of it or found it anywhere. have you tried amazon or something, ebay maybe?

I looked on for The Reality Trap, but the search only gave me Reality Bites and The Parent Trap. :mad:


I think Anna boxes in the movie, Alchemy. The pics look that way at least. Now I can't wait to see it. :)
Spoilers for Alchemy (using space because I'm being lazy and don't want to use the codes)
Rented it the other day- I think it's more like she's being the person that her friend practices on. Her parts are funny, but she's probably on screen a grand total of 5 min.
I wish I could get some movies with her in them. I think I'll look for some movies she has been in. I might rent WAT just to see her character Paige Hobson.
Paige Hobson?...haha soaps stole that too..except I dont think her last name was Hobson...But yeah, I'm gonna rent all kinds of movies. :D
weird question, have we ever seen lindsay armed? would love to see her try to clear a scene a'la 'Miami'
What is Alchemy about?

I managed to catch three episodes of MI (and will hopefully be seeing some more). I thought Anna was pretty decent in the eps, and I like Eva Rossi, her character on MI, fairly well. I think what helps is that the MI writers seemed to have a pretty clear sense of who Eva was.

Eva also had a great line in the second episode when they all sat down to play cards: "Sometimes I can't even tell when I'm bluffing." That cracked me up and it was delivered well. I actually felt like Anna had a handle on her character.
Top41 said:
What is Alchemy about?

I managed to catch three episodes of MI (and will hopefully be seeing some more). I thought Anna was pretty decent in the eps, and I like Eva Rossi, her character on MI, fairly well. I think what helps is that the MI writers seemed to have a pretty clear sense of who Eva was.

Eva also had a great line in the second episode when they all sat down to play cards: "Sometimes I can't even tell when I'm bluffing." That cracked me up and it was delivered well. I actually felt like Anna had a handle on her character.

I guess that blows the popular theory of give her more time to adjust to the role, especially if she seemed to have a feel for her character three episodes into MI.

Her comedic timing seems to be good and reinforces the statement that comedy is her calling.

Re: armed Lindsay, no I don't think she's ever held a gun this season. I would want to see her hold one next season.

Re: MI, yeah, that line cracked me up too. It's funny that she said she didn't like her Eva character at first yet she's really good in acting her out. It would be interesting to see Lindsay act like Eva, but I doubt that would work (with the continuity and all).
I kind of like Eva so far, though I've only seen three episodes. She's a little fake sometimes, but I thought she was more convincing getting the high school kids to open up to her than Lindsay was when she tried with that little girl in "City of the Dolls." Eva's toughness feels a little more genuine to me--I think part of that is the writing. I sense that the MI writers had a pretty clear idea of her backstory when they created her, thus giving Anna more to work with.
^ I think maybe the point was that Lindsay doesn't know how to work with kids. It's at least definitely a possibility.
Spoilers for Alchemy

There's this professor who's about to get fired if it doesn't publish. He wants to see if someone can fall in love with a computer faster than with a real person. The person who he chooses (he tells her they're doing an experiment to test social interaction) is living with her exboyfriend. Marissa (Anna) tells her that she's got to get him out, and he can come live with her. Later on Marissa decides to marry him (after about two weeks), but... (I won't tell the ending)
The real guy in the experiment is Dr. Love, and the professor acts as "Jerry" the computer.
I can't say a whole lot more without giving it all away. It's funny, there's a small bit of good advice in it, but don't watch it expecting it to be a masterpiece or anything.
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