Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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I agree pizzapie. I think it makes for a much better episode when someone like Lindsay, Mac or (if) Hawkes yelled. Because Danny always yells everytime it gets a little old. When Lindsay yells, since she rarely ever does, we know she is passionate about it.
Maybe they were going for something that was unexpected. We certainly would have expected for Mac or Flack or Danny to lose it, but they held it under control.
I think it's clear Stella is concerned about teaching Lindsay. In Wasted, true she wanted to get to the true story, but she was also concerned about making sure Lindsay moved beyond just the confession. A mentor does not have to be overtly concerned about the advancement.

I think we're supposed to wonder why Lindsay reacted that way, and all it would have taken to explain a little bit of why would have been a simple line, which they should have done.
^Awesome! finally! I didn't think there was anything out there for Lindsay. Now if Anna would just put up a website, we'd be set!
clhawk said:
JDonne said:
Sorry to disappoint you.

Why should I be disappointed?

Perhaps, I misinterpreted your inquiry. It is simply curious that you would ask me about my experience in therapy and counseling since others before me in this thread and other threads, those that share your view of Lindsay/Anna, have made definitive statements. Statements about everything from self-esteem issues, coping mechanisms, the various ways anger manifests itself, altered states of personality, and theories of statistics without being questioned on their qualifications and credentialing. I couldn't help but think you were asking in pursuit of something deeper because if not, then my mind said why not ask the others as well. Perhaps I was wrong and the question simply was what it was rather than an attempt to turn around and ask how I would know about Lindsay’s mental state if I did not have certification in the area.

However, it matters not now, so back to the discussion.

Top41 said:

No, my problem is not with it being sudden. The suddenness I accept. It's the acting and fact that Stella and Lindsay have no special bond that I've seen that I take issue with. I guess Lindsay could have just been upset because it was someone she knew, I'll buy that, but I think it would have been more effective for the show to have someone closer to Stella, like Mac or Danny, show a little emotion, not to mention someone who can pull it off better than Anna.

My problem with that scene is two-fold as well, the biggest issue is Anna's delivery, which simply wasn't convincing, it lacked the conviction necessary for me to believe she was genuinely upset. As a viewer, I was supposed to believe that she was slowly building up to this outburst, but what I was aware of was that the writers wanted me to see the build up to an outburst. Anna's acting lacks naturalness. The second problem was that she was so upset by Stella's plight when Danny and Mac barely registered on the emotion scale, their reaction was scary and as out-of-place as Lindsay’s. If you want me to believe that she was upset because Stella was a colleague well that I may be able to accept, but please don't ask me to swallow that they have some off screen not hinted at ever closer than close relationship. How close could they be? Someone brought up how long the rest of the team has worked together, possibly in another thread, in order to say that Lindsay has not finished meshing that she doesn't quite belong. So I ask if the rest of the team meshed and Stella wasn't concerned about Aiden's well being after 3 years as co-workers and friends then why should I buy that after a few months Lindsay's relationship with Stella is worth such diva-like behaviour. I don't think the scene worked, nor did any of the other over the top scenes of outrage and disgust, especially the ones displaying misplaced anger. Because, on television after the first time it gets annoying and old.

^Ditto, Thanks Alyssa :D

I think that picture of Stella and Linds is cute..Shows that theres a friendship forming there.

licorice, thats a nice icon. Very cute. :D

smiliee, 5 times what?
^I think we'll at least get hints of it. We've discussed it before a while back, but what do you all think it is?
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