Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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iheartnickcath said:
So, What do we wanna talk about now?

Oh wait, what color are her eyes??

LOL! The natural color of her eyes---brown.

As far as Anna, I do like the fact that she is good at comedy/lighthearted scenes. In the theater and on screen, comedy is often harder that drama. There are a lot of actors in Hollywood that say they'd take drama over comedy anyday because it's harder to be genuine at comedy than drama sometimes. :)

Love the icons everyone! ;)
I think that for her to do comedy, drama and everything else only makes her a better actress. Comedy, IMO, seems a lot harder because in order to make people laugh, you have to be willing to make a fool of yourself. (In the words of Julia Stiles. :D )

I can't wait till this new season. I want to see how she handles the bombing and stuff like that. I kinda wish that it aired new episodes through the summer, but, I guess I can be patient and wait. ;)
Thanks audacity! :D

Yeah totally, it builds you as an actress. Making a fool of yourself, does that sound familiar, auda? :lol:

I can't be patient, I want the new eps now..that would be nice :D
^ I think Anna said in her interview on CSIFiles that she, Carmine, and Eddie sing their lines to rehearse, because it frees the mind. (I'm just to lazy to go see!)
pizzapie said:
^ I think Anna said in her interview on CSIFiles that she, Carmine, and Eddie sing their lines to rehearse, because it frees the mind. (I'm just to lazy to go see!)

I say it does free their minds.. :D
I know, I remember reading that. I guess whatever helps. :D

You know, I like watching the re-runs of the eps airing through the summer. Cause you notice more. But, I'm getting a little impatient. ( and it's only June! :lol: )

I wonder if next season we'll get to see a case where it shows Lindsay doing something from Montana. IMO, I think it would be cute if she rode a horse, or something. I dont know...
Re: the holding a gun comment - there's one episode where we see her do a test fire... Super Men, if I'm not mistaken, in the last scenes.

I'm also enjoying re-runs - I've managed to get my hands on all of Season 2, so I can at least watch at my leisure. It's enjoyable - I like that the episodes are easily watched as reruns (go see Zukier's bit on the homepage here and the related thread for more).

About the bit regarding the background - I'm pretty sure we'll see some of it come out in Season 3, my guess is midwayish. I wouldn't be overly disappointed if they put it off though in exchange for developing Flack or Hawkes. Just an idea.
I say midwayish too, that we'll find out more about her.

Aww Alyssa, riding a horse, would be cute to see. :D
cyko1003 said:
Re: the holding a gun comment - there's one episode where we see her do a test fire... Super Men, if I'm not mistaken, in the last scenes.

Oh yeah, now I remember. I think she also test fired that magnetic gun in "Wasted". But what I do want to see is for her to hold a gun while chasing a bad guy. :D
Alrighty, here is some more information on Anna.

The following are dream Emmy ballots or Awards of their own making:

Primetime Kappy Awards
Kappy Awards

Honorable mention for Anna in TV Guide’s Community, “The Dripps” Dream Ballot
TV Guide Community

Honorable mention for Anna in last years Ratty Awards
Ratty Awards

Ratty Awards Homepage

This just came out yesterday evening – for anyone who missed a show and can’t wait for Season 2 DVDs, iTunes is now carrying CSI: NY,. What is interesting, is who they highlight:
“Fans of CSI's William Petersen, Marg Helgenberger, and Jorja Fox (or those of Melina Kanakaredes and Anna Belknap) can now watch their idols in ad-free episodes.”
Full iTunes release

This is a photo I liked -- not your normal promotional still NY Times
That and there is a big beautiful flying machine in the background :D

^^^I wouldn't mind if they developed her backstory over a period of time. I don't think I'd like her story to come out in one episode and then be dropped. I'd like to see the story tied into one of the cases and then slowly build up to it. :)

Thanks, Flygirl---you are our Anna resource!LOL! The article you had on her 'set' clothes and make-up was interesting. Did you post it here also? Already?
audacity said:
^^^I wouldn't mind if they developed her backstory over a period of time. I don't think I'd like her story to come out in one episode and then be dropped. I'd like to see the story tied into one of the cases and then slowly build up to it. :)

I would prefer the same. I know they don't want the "serial drama," but they need some sort of continuity if it is to be "charcater driven."

Thanks, Flygirl---you are our Anna resource!LOL! The article you had on her 'set' clothes and make-up was interesting. Did you post it here also? Already?
I have to give credit to Spader -- she managed to find some pretty cool stuff - I am just her back up! :D

Here is that one site you referenced: I kept the link when I originally found it, but never posted it. I thought the site was kind of wierd because of where the "spotlight" was on the photos. I went back to it for some reason and realized they were highlighting what she was wearing as well as the brands :lol: who would have thought ... ::shrug::

Hold that Thought

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