Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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I think it would be cool if Lindsay attacked the suspect/killer. :D

Good scenario, Amanda. :) It would be kind of cool to see Lindsay investigating some 'backstage' drama.
That would be kinda cool to see a broadway centric kinda episode, interesting to say the least I guess.. I just cant see Lindsay breaking out in song, or doing something as an undercover in a show, Anna, maybe, but not Lindsay. Lindsay as a character is so open for them to do anything with, they havent given us much about her, so they could almost do anything and give us a little wink into her past or whatever and we'd be happy.
^Well we've already seen this. Maybe attack unprovoked?

I'd also like to see a case involving Broadway, more for the fact that it's NY though.
I think a Broadway case would be fun to watch. It seems to fit in the show. It's very New Yorky (I don't even think that's a word. Oh well, it is now.)
Yeah. Lindsay go undercover on Broadway and having Flack or Danny go with her. Intresting. :lol:

And we already know she can attack someone if needed!! :lol: She was a beast!
i like her hair wavey/curly too, her hair looks good straight, but i think she looks really young when her hair is straight like that. whaen it's wavy she looks more mature.
I'll second.. (or is it third or fourth), I like her hair curly, I just saw an episode the other day where it was straight and I was like "eh, I guess" , I definatley like it better curly.
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