Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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pizzapie said:
Last thing I'm going to say on this. Anna has mentioned in interviews that she had to do several readings as part of the audition for NY. I'd imagine she had to show the complete range of emotion. If she couldn't do "anger" they either wouldn't have hired her, or would have not written it that way. They might not could do without the interrogation scene, but they could write/direct it differently, or even not have Lindsay there. I think part of the reason it doesn't bother me is that there are a couple of people I know well who portray anger exactly as Lindsay does.

I have never set foot in this thread until now, so here goes.

A casting director and/or a producer cannot always make accurate judgments about what will come across on screen once you get someone on the set and with the rest of the cast. Anna also said that her audition wasn’t very good and asked Hill to say a word on her behalf that might mean something as well and cannot be ignored in light of evidence that is more favorable. Also, they simply can’t have an actor on a crime drama that is never emotionally distraught, what would her point be, even Flack and Hammerback who are known for their comedy have expressed moments of emotional depth, solemnity, and distress over death.

Every point has a converse view so you will never achieve an absolute on something subjective, such as an actor’s performance, which is all about perception, feeling, partiality, and yes, bias. That I believe was Top’s point when mentioning Russell Crowe, she can excuse his shortcomings because of her feelings towards him as an actor and as a man. The beauty of having a point of view and an opinion is that you are entitled to it, but it doesn’t make what you say any more right or wrong simply because you believe it to be the case. That holds true for both pro and con arguments, it is in agreement with others than your viewpoint begins to hold validity. Clearly, when it comes to Anna’s emotional range there is agreement on both sides, pro and con, and a great schism between those sides.Top is saying, rather clearly I believe, that she thinks Anna is much better and believable in light/comedic scenes than she is in dramatic scenes. I can’t imagine why that would be a point of contention, when it is a salute to Anna’s skills in comedy, only by taking it negatively does it become negative.

As far as some people lacking the ability to convey anger convincingly or properly, I guess I would ask then how you know they are angry rather than simply annoyed, bothered, or peeved. Perhaps they have not unleashed the entire sum of their anger. Even if you may have encountered these people, I don’t think most of the world has and doubt very much that the writers would ask Anna to project to so miniscule a portion of the population. Especially when the point of television is to attract the masses, especially network television, so what would be the point of demonstrating such a rare phenomenon considering that many just find it odd or unconvincing rather than some heretofore-unknown portrait of anger.

Anger is rarely an annoying, docile, unconvincing, or laughable emotion, for me in Lindsay it is. I can also say that for a brief moment in her bow and arrow scene I saw something light and convincing and like Top, believe that her skill as an actress is best utilized in comedy.

^Apparently, you have never met someone who may have had issues with self confidence. If her audition was so bad, Hill's recommendation would not have swayed TPTB. It's fine if you don't think her anger is done well, but not everyone thinks that. I would disagree, anger is sometimes a very annoying emotion, especially in a field in which they should NEVER display anger to the suspects for fear of the case being thrown; however, this is done routinely by the others.

ETA: For the most part, people are not going to continue watching a show if they don't the actors. I think the improved ratings at least would say that people don't mind Lindsay. I have ten friends (none of whom go onto message boards) who all like Lindsay and who all think Anna's portrayal of her is done well. Most of the viewers will never come on to a board like this, and quite frankly, that is what TPTB will catering to.

Here are some lyrics that I think fit Lindsay quite well.

Perfectly by Jessica Harp

I like who I am, but I guess you don’t
I think that I can, but you think I won’t
Amount to anything at all
If you love me, you sure show it strange
Is there anything that you wouldn’t change
I can’t be your paper doll

I want to be perfect, but I’m me
I want to be flawless, but you’ll see
Every crack, every chip, every dent, every little mistake
I want to be perfect, just like you
But there’s only so much that a girl can do
When I look in the mirror what I see
Makes sense to me, perfectly

I like tennis shoes, you like high heels
And fantasies, but I’m what’s real
I guess you could say the shoe don’t fit.
Maybe I’m from Venus, you’re from Mars
My imperfections are what they are
I guess one of us must deal with it

I want to be perfect, but I’m me
I want to be flawless, but you’ll see
Every little crack, every chip, every dent, every little mistake
I want to be perfect, just like you
But there’s only so much that a girl can do
When I look in the mirror what I see
Makes sense to me, perfectly

I try to fit in the mold that you made
But I’m tired of playing this little charade

I want to be perfect, but I’m me
I want to be flawless, but you’ll see
Every little crack, every chip, every dent, every little mistake
I want to be perfect, just like you
But there’s only so much that a girl can do
When I look in the mirror what I see
Makes sense to me, perfectly
pizzapie said:
^Apparently, you have never met someone who may have had issues with self confidence. If her audition was so bad, Hill's recommendation would not have swayed TPTB. It's fine if you don't think her anger is done well, but not everyone thinks that. I would disagree, anger is sometimes a very annoying emotion, especially in a field in which they should NEVER display anger to the suspects for fear of the case being thrown; however, this is done routinely by the others.

ETA: For the most part, people are not going to continue watching a show if they don't the actors. I think the improved ratings at least would say that people don't mind Lindsay. I have ten friends (none of whom go onto message boards) who all like Lindsay and who all think Anna's portrayal of her is done well. Most of the viewers will never come on to a board like this, and quite frankly, that is what TPTB will catering to.

A few things:

1. I'm not sure what anger has to do with self-confidence. Having worked with children many of whom lack self-esteem, I know from experience that they are prone to strike out with violent outburst of loud and convincing anger. Rather than find it annoying it speaks to my sympathy, my humanity, and my need to know what’s wrong, so that I may be of some help rather than condemn them with sighs of annoyance.

2. I believe I said that there were two schools of thought about her believability when it comes to portraying anger so there was no need for your admonishment.

3. The others do display emotion in a field where it would not be best because this is a television drama. My point is that they also do it better at least from where I stand.

4. I believe, as do others that the rest of the cast does anger convincingly while Anna does not. As I said before, comedy is her calling.

5. We will never know how much sway Hill had over the casting director of the producers, we do know that by Anna's own admission her audition wasn't so good.

6. The ratings increase was so minimal that is will hardly cause a great rise in advertising dollars and that is what pays the bills. Ever noticed the lack of CSI: NY commercials in comparison to the others CSI shows and the networks other top shows? Carmine certainly has, as have posters on this board. Furthermore, logic does not dictate that the ever so slight ratings increase was caused by Anna's arrival rather than a natural progression.

7. We all have friends that don't come to this board that have watched NY, what is the point in saying that? Should I take my ten friends and pit them against your ten friends to see which opinion holds up or should we let each person have their own opinion without taking it personally? Which set of friends will TPTB listen to for advice on the shows direction? The decisive split is what should be most interesting to TPTB.

Anyway, I think it is wonderful, yet telling, that people still remember the bow and arrow scene.

My point about the self esteem was on the audition comment. Have you done something that you think is horrible but everyone else thinks is good? I still remember the bow and arrow scene, but I also remember her first scene with Stella, her first scene with Mac at the zoo, the scene in Youngblood where they were at the school, and yes the scenes where she has gotten angry. Many reviewers, maybe not on here but other places, have commented on how Lindsay brings a completely new dynamic to the show.
Also on the people with lack of self esteem and anger, they do sometimes have very believable displays. But often they are totally unwarranted. And whether you think Lindsay's outbursts were warranted, the other characters have been in very similar situations and lost it. We have seen routinely this season that Lindsay does not like it when people try to pull the wool over her eyes, and while this was an extreme version of it, you could see her losing it all the way through the interrogation scene. Yes it was unprofessional, but you would need to argue that about the others too, and at least she got herself out of there. I still stand by my comment that her anger is believable.
i think your absolutly right. One time when I noticed she got pretty pissed was in "Manhattan Manhunt" when Mac told her to go back to the lab. Her face was priceless. I (unforutnetly) have a horrible memory, and can't remember if the eppy was "All Access" or "RSRD" when she stormed out of the interrogation. (which I believe pizzapie just reffered too). I can understand how that could of made her mad, and her anger was understandable from all perceptions.
pizzapie said:

Many reviewers, maybe not on here but other places, have commented on how Lindsay brings a completely new dynamic to the show.

And, as I said before to everything there is a converse and many reviewers have quizzically wondered what her purpose is and what she brings to the show. As I have said to each their own, repeating your side does not make it so, it just makes it your opinion and that holds its own merit as all opinions do.

pizzapie said:
Also on the people with lack of self esteem and anger, they do sometimes have very believable displays. But often they are totally unwarranted. And whether you think Lindsay's outbursts were warranted, the other characters have been in very similar situations and lost it. We have seen routinely this season that Lindsay does not like it when people try to pull the wool over her eyes, and while this was an extreme version of it, you could see her losing it all the way through the interrogation scene. Yes it was unprofessional, but you would need to argue that about the others too, and at least she got herself out of there. I still stand by my comment that her anger is believable.

I think more often than sometimes anger is believable, at least that has been my professional and personal experience. Anger being unwarranted is a subjective statement and I would never dare step in another's shoes and declare whether or not their emotions were valid.

I said Anna was unbelievable, Lindsay is as well but that is because of Anna, and I stand by my belief that comedy is her calling. I think she would do quite well in a sitcom.

I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with my opinions, it is life.

Anna is great with comedy, but I think her role playing both a funny and serious chahracter is great. She plays both side of the spectrum fabuously.
Believability is different for different people. As far as Anna's acting goes, I think the fact that she continues getting fairly large amounts of screentime says that TPTB believe that her acting is good, she gets larger amounts than other characters, for good or bad.
pizzapie said:
Believability is different for different people. As far as Anna's acting goes, I think the fact that she continues getting fairly large amounts of screentime says that TPTB believe that her acting is good, she gets larger amounts than other characters, for good or bad.
She does get a great deal of screen time on that, we can agree, mostly during the latter half of the season, though her extra screen time was extra Carmine screen time as well, she was pretty much background in the early parts of season two. It would be great if TPTB thought she could do it on her own and most of that extra time wasn't with Danny. I wonder why they feel she needs Danny so much. Yes, it is for good or bad depending on your feelings about Anna and Lindsay.

She got a decent amount of screentime in the beginning as well. Maybe they are pairing her with Danny because of the obvious chemistry they have. She was definitely not background in the first eps, and she wasn't paired as strongly with Danny then. It is interesting that a major backlash occurred when they really started pairing her with Danny and not someone else.
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