Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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RoosCSILover said:
Wow, I love reading the Anna-spoilers. I'm looking forward to season Three. :D

Me too! I think it's gonna be a great season. And I'm really hoping we'll learn a little more about Lindsay.
So are you guys ready to start trying to figure out a name for the next thread. Did someone keep a record of suggestions from the last time? With Mac and the new character storyline I hope they don't forget about Lindsay. I don't want her whole dark secret just yet but something to show either the affect of it or the reason why she is a CSI. ;)
I can't say that I've been thinking about new thread names. But we still have three more pages before we need a new thread.

But I know what you mean. I don't want her secret to be forgotten about either. But I don't think it will be. Yes, I think Mac's storyline will be big, but I really don't think it will effect Lindsay's secret at all.
Did someone say CSI:NY party? Sounds fun! :D :cool:

As far as thread titles---hmmm---It would have been cool to use the "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl" title, but that's our D/L thread title.

Here's a few suggestions:

-"Dynamite Comes in Small Packages"

-"Hey, Montana! What's Your Secret?" (okay, that's goofy!) :rolleyes:

-"Country Girl Rocks the Big Apple"

-"More Than Just a Country Girl"

"Hello, Ms. Monroe"

"Audacious Country Girl" (I'm liking this one---maybe because it has something to do with my screen name and Lindsay can be quite bold when she wants to.) :lol:
-"Country Girl Rocks the Big Apple"
-"More Than Just a Country Girl"

Both of these are great. Because we all know its a country girl thing. ;)
feenx said:
he watches CSI:NY just to make fun of it.He is such an evil brother.
Ugh! My brother does that with all my shows. And one time I said how much I disliked Sophia on the original CSI and he starts yelling about how much he LOVES Sophia. He doesn't, he was just trying to annoy me. Anywhoo...talking about Anna not Sophia.
I say "Hello, Miss Monroe" but maybe it's just the Dantana in me.
I can't wait for this new season. Just a few days away!! Since Lindsay has been in NY for a year now, I hope that she has an edge to her now! I'm excited.

I like: Hello Ms.Monroe just because we used the country/montana girl in this thread title.
I want to hear Lindsay talk to some guy and be like.. "get outta here punk..." in like a Danny accent.. :lol: that would be so funny.

Linds talking Montana-ish-- Sweet
Linds letting some guy know who's boss-- Awesome
Linds kicking some guys ass and talking NY-ish-- Priceless!
Rad that's a great ran down on what needs to happen. I don't know about her trying the danny accent though. Remember the episode with the guys who were subway surfing. The subway conductor was like what is she from Jersey when she didn't get what he was calling them. ;)
Radical618 said:

Linds talking Montana-ish-- Sweet
Linds letting some guy know who's boss-- Awesome
Linds kicking some guys ass and talking NY-ish-- Priceless!
yeah Lindsay kicking some ass, awesome!!!
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