Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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pizzapie said:
Putting it behind spoiler cut in case some don't want to be spoiled. She kind of does look pregnant- however, I tend to think that if she were, TPTB would try to hide it more than that. Also, in the second ep, she's going to be in a bra on screen (NOT in bed, or anywhere close to a bed), and I doubt they'd do that if she were.
she is? where did you here that.
Here's some info about the stuff mentioned above. :)

In the second episode she volunteers to go undercover. While she is putting a protective vest on over her bra, Danny comes over and tries to reason with her not to do this. This isn't confirmed----it's just apart of the early episode spoilers...something that may or may not change...But I agree---I think they would do a better job at hiding her stomach if she was having a baby. But that one pic makes her look like she has a little one in there! ;)
Maybe it's the way that she is standing in that pic? I think that is would be really cool if they did have Lindsay get pregnant. Seeing as out of all six random cast members.(and Aiden) none of them have kids!
yeah she does look *different* I dont think pregnant different, but who knows?? its true, no one on that show has children, I think it'd be kinda cool but god can you imagine them trying to explain how she got pregnant? whos it is? blah blah blah... but you never know, could make for an interesting season. She looks so pretty-as always.
Even if Anna was having a baby, I doubt Lindsay would. Most people don't want baby storylines on the CSI shows. But it could be interesting to see someone juggle the demands of a baby and their career in CSI work.
^Please click on the link again, I edited it to fix it.

I think it would be really interesting to see one of the CSIs have a kid and see how they handle it. It'd be pretty realistic as well. And also, given that NY is supposed to be more character driven, it could be possible. However, I do tend to think they'd try to hide it if she was pregnant.
^^^ I'd love to see how it plays out, and I'd rather see that then see them right a charcter off the show for being pregnant, that pisses me off even more when they make an excuse for the character to leave... ::crosses fingers:: lets hope that doesnt happen. It should be interesting... I'm definitley excited.
yeaup! 4 more Wednesdays!! I'll have my new ipod by then and I'm so stoked to buy the episodes on iTunes if they're worth buying (which how could I ever doubt they wouldnt be like totally-freaking-AMAZING!) lol
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