Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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It was in the crossover episode. And that spoiler helps but still it could go a lot of different ways. But I'm glad TPTB are feeling good about this season. And that Lindsay wouldn't be put in the background. ;)
Thanks for sharing those spoilers, audacity.

I totally agree. At least these spoilers seem to make it ot that she wont be pushed into the background. I hope these are some cases she gets to work with Flack or Hawkes. It seems to me that Lindsay is getting a little ediger, no?
Alyssa, well she might not be edigy right now but the spoilers give the impression she will be but not go all sara sidle on us either considering what happens in episode #12. So this news is making excited to she what else they have in store for her. And I'm glad in the new pictures she is still wearing earth toned clothes but with a little bit more city style to them. ;)
I think she's getting edgier in the sense of her style and perhaps she's assimulating into New York life.

I think this year will bring out what is really going on with Lindsay Monroe---or what has happened in the past. The type of person that she seemed to be when she first moved to New York isn't the person she is now. I'm excited about this season and what we'll see with Lindsay. :)
Lindsay is getting comfortable in New York and she is able to be her own person and getting close to the people around her.

This year is probably going to show alot of Lindsay and we are probably going to learn alot about her. I can't wait!! The premire is so close yet so far away!!!!
I hope we see TONS of Lindsay this season, we saw a fair amount of her last season, but not enough, same goes for like Hawkes and Flack... I hope we get to learn more about her and her past.

okay, so.. by a show of hands... who would want to participate in like a project for Anna??? (hey, Eddie is gettin' one, Hill got one... so why not start something up for the gals??)

I need to talk to a mod about it and see how I go about putting something together, but I just want a general idea of how many people would want to participate??? so, let me know... ideas for what we could do? I'll be in charge of throwing it together and all so...
CSINYRULZ, pm me about that 'project' please! You might consider doing something like that over at the Anna Forum. ;)

I hope we do see lots of Lindsay this year...not just with Danny but on her own. I think most of us would like to see her work more with Hawkes and Flack. I'd like to see Lindsay, Hawkes, and Flack all work on a case together.
Sign me up too. Yeah a case with Lindsay, Hawkes and Flack now that would be good. I did like Lindsay and Hawkes when they were on that case in Necrophilia Americana. They were great with the suspect.
It looks like she will work more with both of them in S3. It looks like she's on the same case with Flack (Stella and Danny as well) in Ep 2, and in ep 4, it looks like Mac, Danny, Stella, and Flack are all on the same case, so its either an all hands on deck case or Lindsay and Hawkes are working together alone. It will be really cool if they are- Anna and Hill have nice chemistry together.
Yeah. I think her and Hawks would work good together. And I am always up to seeing her work with Flack....
I am REALLY looking forward to seeing Ep.5 and 12.
pizzapie said:
^Me too.

Given the spoilers we know, what do you think the secret is?

I've write it already in the Spoiler threat, but I think thats her secret:

Lindsay was very down when Stella got beaten up by Frankie, she couldn't focus on her case etc., so I think maybe Lindsay got beaten up by an ex-boyfriend and maybe lost her child (and his child?) because of that... well, we'll see.
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