Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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I think the blues/greens and earth tones compliment her skin tone and hair color the best. The pinks and some reds make her look way soft and very quite and young, but I agree that i hope they keep her style alot like it was in late Season 2.
I know this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of what color looks best on Anna/Lindsay, but it's still really interesting and rather lame and pointless and off topic but anyway. (I'm rambling... I need to be in bed...) So. My mom and I were just watching Miss Teen USA (I have no idea why we decided that it would be interesting, but...) and the girl who won was from Montana. So yeah. I just thought that I would post it because Lindsay was from Montana and the winner girl was from Montana so yeah.

Wow, I really need to go to bed.
^Greekie, Vexus mentioned that in the shipper thread. I thought it was pretty neat. ;)

Something else that I thought was interesting that Moriel brought up: Both Lindsay Monroe and Catherine Willows are from Bozeman, Montana. It is also interesting that Catherine's daughter is named Lindsey. I wonder if this has to do with unoriginality with ideas or perhaps the CSI producers/writers have a thing for Montana and the name Lindsey/Lindsay---could be just a coincidence? :confused:

BTW: I think Lindsay looks good in red and black. :)
I noticed she mostly wears aqua or green too. I particularly liked what she was wearing in All Access. As for other colors, there's this episode I can't remember where she was wearing a red, um, I dunno what you call it. But I do remember it was red and black, and she was working a case with Mac (oooh, rhyming words!).

Also liked what she wore in Youngblood.

As for the hair, I like it any way they do it. She's still pretty. :)

I'm pretty excited about her outfits and hairdos in the third season. :)
I'd bet most of the wardrobe is donated by companies so they can have it worn on TV.

I think the red and black (when she was with Mac) was Jamalot.

Has anyone noticed that Lindsay's worn the same tops a couple of times? (Unlike the others)
I thought Danny had worn the same shirt a couple of times too. Of course that leads my brain to if she was staying over someone place she wouldn't aways have time to get back to her own place. :devil:
he he, CSIWATCHER, I did the same thing, I was like "hmmm she wore that shirt before... " and then my brain just goes into like a tangent of not appropriate thoughts. But hey, maybe she likes to wear the same things, I wear the same stuff in the same month sometimes too, who doesnt? unless you have enough money to go buy an entire wardrobe for every month of whatever... theres no way to avoid it, lol.
About the Lindsay/Catherine connection.

What if........Catherine helped her become a CSI?...and she was Lindsay's mentor?

Would that be cool for a premise for Lindsay's secret to come out....cause Catherine knows what happened...maybe she processed the scene.....a NY/LV crossover.
spader said:
About the Lindsay/Catherine connection.

What if........Catherine helped her become a CSI?...and she was Lindsay's mentor?

Would that be cool for a premise for Lindsay's secret to come out....cause Catherine knows what happened...maybe she processed the scene.....a NY/LV crossover.

Ooh, Flippin' sweet!
That would be pretty cool if someone from another CSI knew about her secret or whatever you want to call it. I'm seriously itching for Season 3... it sucks!! 5 more Wednesdays... no Lindsay on tonight.. :( darn.
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