Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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AlyssaluvsDanny said:
i dont get it either, but here danny's god so it doesn't matter.

Whatever, I like posting the pics here. So we just have a thread for anna/lindsay and we can post pics here.

So, we're posting the pics here?
I think that Top was quite clear about the reasons against starting a picture thread for Anna/Lindsay--there just aren't that many pictures of her out there. There are quite a few threads relating to Danny, but there's no reason to get offended that the mods don't close them all. It's a pretty well-established fact that Danny (and Carmine) is really popular on the boards, but that's not why the threads stay. I'm sure you've noticed that unnecessary Carmine threads are closed. A thread about the glasses might be a bit excessive, but I'm not a mod, so I'm not going to comment on what they think should be closed...

If someone were to start a negative thread about Carmine, it would be well within that person's right to do so. You have to accept that some people just don't like Lindsay (and possibly Anna as well)--otherwise those threads wouldn't get as much activity as they do. The mods are strict about keeping this thread (and the 'Lindsay Love' thread) clear of anti-Lindsay sentiment because they (and most of the other posters as well, myself included) respect Anna/Lindsay fans. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and fans of this character and actress are no exception.

Now, because this is the Anna/Lindsay thread, here's my two cents about her 'dark secret.' I think it should be revealed slowly over the course of the season. I want the character to be developed, but I want to be intrigued. It would be interesting if we got little pieces of information that slowly came together to reveal the secret, possibly culminating in an episode with a case that brings it to the forefront...I wonder how much Mac knows about Lindsay's past? And I'm curious about her reasons for wanting to go to NY.

And because people have been discussing pictures of Anna, here are the ones that I have. (I don't know if you've all seen them or not, but it can't hurt to post them again ;))

Anna looking lovely in a crochet top

Anna with her hair up

She has a great smile

And here are some promo pics from Medical Investigation

Anna as Eva Rossi

As Eva Rossi again

As Eva (closer)

Another close shot of Anna as Eva

Here she is in a different outfit

Well, I hope you guys like those. :D She certainly is a very petite girl. ;)
Re: Favorite quote, I like "Well, I'm done eating bacon for life." :lol:

Re: backstory, I would like to see bits and pieces of her backstory in a couple of episodes instead of just one. Her mysterious background is one of the things that interests me and I wouldn't want it all to go away after one episode. :D

Re: Her hair, I like it better curly. But straight's not so bad. :D

Thanks for posting the pics! I love her smile in the third pic, and she looks sexier/more seductive in the last (Medical Investigation) pic than the others.
Very well said Fay.
Thank ya kindly, TIM (heh, I couldn't resist calling you Tim. :p) And she does look really tiny in that picture!

Thanks for posting the pics! I love her smile in the third pic, and she looks sexier/more seductive in the last (Medical Investigation) pic than the others.
Not a problem. :D You know, I really like that last MI pic as well, but I couldn't find any more of her in that particular outfit (I wanted to find bigger ones too).

Her mysterious background is one of the things that interests me and I wouldn't want it all to go away after one episode.
Very true. If they did it in one episode, no matter how interesting it turned out to be, we'd probably just be like, 'oh, that's it?' So yeah, spread it out! :p

And you know, I love the 'bacon' quote. :lol: The "Let me know what you find...I'll get my boots" was a great one too. :lol: Didn't she say something a bit later on in that same episode like 'lube really speeds up the process' or something like that? :lol:
Thanks for posting those pics! :)

I guess my favorite Lindsay line would be from "Bad Beat."

While Danny is viewing the "Walrus Video," Lindsay comments:

"Memories from your 30th birthday party, Messer ?" :D

Happy Birthday, Keich!! :)
I also like "Who's the other walrus?"

audacity said

Happy Birthday, Keich!! :)

Thanks! And thanks to licorice too. I didn't notice your greeting back at the first thread. :D
I tried to post this last night, but couldn’t …

Welcome fay! Love the avatar! and thanks for posting the pics.
Faylinn said:
Her mysterious background is one of the things that interests me and I wouldn't want it all to go away after one episode.
Very true. If they did it in one episode, no matter how interesting it turned out to be, we'd probably just be like, 'oh, that's it?' So yeah, spread it out! :p
I agree - her background needs to be drawn out over several episodes to give it due quality. Anything less, and you might as well revisit this season with regards to the Louie follow-up. At least Stella had a black eye and flashbacks the following episode.

Season 3 will hopefully give Lindsay some solid play with regard to character development, as well as continuancy for all characters.

And you know, I love the 'bacon' quote. :lol: The "Let me know what you find...I'll get my boots" was a great one too. :lol: Didn't she say something a bit later on in that same episode like 'lube really speeds up the process' or something like that? :lol:
Ditto - those were great, especially in the dead pan way in which they were delivered. Hmmm, another one? It is late - the best I can do is "ever seen what a full grown black bear can do to a man?" Or something like that ...
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
Yeah I don't understand. We can have 5 differnt threads for different things related to Danny but not a picture thread for Anna. And I don't have a problem with people not liking anna/lindsay but I thought this forum was against negative stuff or people. One confused lurker. :confused: :confused:

Ok, to clarify this point (though Fay did explain much of it! :D ), starting more discussion threads about Anna/Lindsay is fine. If you want to start a thread about whether people like the curly hair or the straight hair on her better, that's fine. Same with one about her bloody secret (there was actually one of those floating around a while back, but it may be gone now). Those types of topics have discussion value.

What I don't want to see is a picture thread when there simply isn't the traffic or material to warrant it. Every character doesn't need a discussion thread and a picture thread. For better or worse, the traffic in the Danny/Carmine threads warrant it. But no other character/actor discussion sees the kind of traffic Danny threads do. It's not favortism but simply the way it is.

Anyway, back on topic... :)

I guess I'd prefer to see Lindsay's bloody secret revealed in one episode rather than over several. I don't think we need to do a Tanglewood style thing with Lindsay where we have to wait over a year to find out what her deal is after a big hint is dropped. It would be really easy to have a case that reminds her of her past.

As for the hair, I definitely prefer the straight hair. I tend to think people look better with their natural hair, and next to Stella's real curls, Lindsay's look even more fake. I like her straight hair, though, especially when she wears it up.
Favorite quote? Well the walrus exchange is my favorite but I have to laugh every time I see the little jest with Mac in Trapped. They needed to check the "goo" in which the vic was wrestling. She asked Mac to tell her if he found anything, he gave her his serious look and of course she was the one to have the pleasure to dig in it :lol:.
Welcome fay! Love the avatar! and thanks for posting the pics.
Thanks for the welcome. :)

I don't think we need to do a Tanglewood style thing with Lindsay where we have to wait over a year to find out what her deal is after a big hint is dropped.
True...I was thinking more along the lines of a few episodes early on in S3 that lead up to a bigger episode that deals with it. But if they did it like the Tanglewood thing, I wouldn't be happy. (Not least of which because, after all of the discussion that occurs, what actually happens is bound to be a letdown--and Lindsay's story can't afford to be a letdown when so many viewers already dislike her.)

I tend to think people look better with their natural hair, and next to Stella's real curls, Lindsay's look even more fake.
That's a good point. I like her hair straight as well, but maybe that's because I saw Anna on Medical Investigation first. :p
I actually very much like her hair curly, and I don't think it's intended to look like Stella's. Stella's is a very tight curl, while Lindsay's is a soft one. (BTW, how do they do her hair? I want to try it on mine.)
I like her hair straight, as long it is down. When it's up I think she looks too young.
Faylinn said:
I don't think we need to do a Tanglewood style thing with Lindsay where we have to wait over a year to find out what her deal is after a big hint is dropped.
True...I was thinking more along the lines of a few episodes early on in S3 that lead up to a bigger episode that deals with it. But if they did it like the Tanglewood thing, I wouldn't be happy. (Not least of which because, after all of the discussion that occurs, what actually happens is bound to be a letdown--and Lindsay's story can't afford to be a letdown when so many viewers already dislike her.)
I think to give any true substance to her character, there should be reveals leading up to a “Tanglewood” type episode. It would play into the continuancy that I think we would all like to see more of as well. They were doing this early on with “light-hearted” information like of musicals/operas and then it all stopped.

“Stealing Home” didn’t really “reveal” so much about her to me, as much as it left me with more questions as to who she is. I liked it, in that it made me curious to learn more about her, but at the same time a little frustrated that we didn’t learn anything more solid.
1. She braids rawhide
2. May have father issues due to move (?)
3. Sometimes isn’t satisfied with just solving the case, but needs to know the “why” as well
4. and she likes musicals/opera (okay, from earlier episodes).

We know she is a good CSI, but I am looking forward to learning more about the personal aspect of Lindsay.

We have seen Lindsay evolve from her first appearance on the show in Zoo York to the season finale in Charge of this Post. She has grown from “eager to please,” to a trusted colleague and someone who truly cares for her coworkers. I think the degree of empathy she felt for Stella in All Access, the concern for Danny in RSRD and the concern she felt for her colleagues with the death of Aiden in Heroes speaks volumes as to the loyal caring individual she is. Now I have always liked Lindsay, and I have been pretty happy with her development over the last season, but I think for more people to like her, the writers need to move beyond the surface development (for lack of a better phrase) and help us really get to know her. I am all for more info on Lindsay.

1. Why move to NY
2. Why become a CSI
3. Why so much empathy for Stella – is that a sign of off screen development as to how close she is to Stella – while I tend to agree with this thought, I can see where some would much rather have seen the development on screen – or something from her past?
4. Where did she and Danny go when they left the hospital – sorry, my sick little brain can’t help but wonder :devil: But I am sure that with their friend in the hospital, they were on their best behavior – I wouldn’t expect anything less ;) :D

I could go on, but I actually need to get something done today … :D and I know you all have some great thoughts to contribute :)

I tend to think people look better with their natural hair, and next to Stella's real curls, Lindsay's look even more fake.
That's a good point. I like her hair straight as well, but maybe that's because I saw Anna on Medical Investigation first. :p

As for the hair, I liked her straight hair in Youngblood and her curly hair in Risk, I don’t like it up. The straight hair looks more natural, but I also like the curly hair when it is done well.

Good discussion you guys … I can honestly say, that since meeting Ms. Monroe, I have never in my life so thoroughly contemplated a fictional TV character. :lol:

Oh yes Faylinn, this is from the “grading” thread, but I totally got the “paternal” Mac at the end of the Finale. ;)
FlyGirl21 said:
“Stealing Home” didn’t really “reveal” so much about her to me, as much as it left me with more questions as to who she is. I liked it, in that it made me curious to learn more about her, but at the same time a little frustrated that we didn’t learn anything more solid.

That was one of my problems with that episode too. I'd hoped we'd get something concrete about Lindsay, but all it really did was raise more questions.
We have seen Lindsay evolve from her first appearance on the show in Zoo York to the season finale in Charge of this Post. She has grown from “eager to please,” to a trusted colleague and someone who truly cares for her coworkers. I think the degree of empathy she felt for Stella in All Access, the concern for Danny in RSRD and the concern she felt for her colleagues with the death of Aiden in Heroes speaks volumes as to the loyal caring individual she is.

I've really liked this as well, I think she's one of the only characters that has truly DEVELOPED this season. I did like the initially Lindsay, because I could see my insecurities in her as well, she was real. She didn't come in cocky, but wasn't truly sure if she belonged, but gradually learned she did.
I could go on, but I actually need to get something done today … :D and I know you all have some great thoughts to contribute :)

Mine's already done (thank god, I don't think I could come up with anymore for it)

Oh yes Faylinn, this is from the “grading” thread, but I totally got the “paternal” Mac at the end of the Finale.

I've seen this most of the season, and even earlier in the ep, where he asks her if she's ok. I also liked the maternal Stella when she was concerned Lindsay at the beginning.
FlyGirl21 said:
Now I have always liked Lindsay, and I have been pretty happy with her development over the last season, but I think for more people to like her, the writers need to move beyond the surface development (for lack of a better phrase) and help us really get to know her.

I agree on many counts. Surface development is probably a good way to put it. In season 3 we need to get inside her head and find out what that backstory is all about and what makes her tick. Not sure it's going to make more people like her though. To find out what makes her tick there'll come a time in an episode next season when she'll have to flip out again and lose the cool-head (which, I hear, isn't popular.)

I do think the D/L romance is going to play a part in the above. And I think it will be better for the show. It could also make a lot of people very happy by tearing them apart. :rolleyes: :D

Lots to work with, and with Hawkes to grab a load of screen time S3 should be good!
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