Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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Yey, a new thread! Thanks for posting those pics! :D Yeah, I think maybe a picture thread is a good idea. I've been trying to look for her pictures but I can't seem to find a lot of them.
do you guys know who could make me an avvi.....please!!! i really REALLY want one of lindsay
thank you sooooooooooooo soooooo much
Let's try not to clog the forum up--I think Anna pictures can go in here. The traffic for this thread and the number of pictures out there simply don't warrant a separate picture thread. Thanks. :)

Let's see some actual discussion in here, too...what do you guys want to see for Lindsay in season three? I'd like to find out what her big bloody secret is personally. I'm also hoping the writers take some time to give her some bona fide character development.
Allie--- if you go down to the fan art section of Talk CSI, you can click on the New York Icons #2 link and request a Lindsay icon. :)

BTW: Macayla and Alyssa usually have the best Lindsay icons! ;)
I also wanna know more from her as a person. We only know she's from Montana (how many times do we hear that during an episode, somebody counted it?), but I'd like a bit more background info on her. And that bloody secret, yes, I'd like to know what that is.
Agreed, I want to know more about that secret besides it being bloody. Hmmm...maybe she saw her lambs massacred? (Sorry, I just saw Silence of the Lambs and I couldn't resist.)

I'd also like to see her work with Hawkes. We haven't really seen them work on a case alone because they're both rookies, so I'd like to see if they have chemistry.
I don't know if I have to know everything about her, but it would be nice to see how/why she became a CSI. Lindsay said that she had seen something worse than the muder scene in "Manhattan Manhunt." I think that something horrific happened that changed her life, her way of thinking, and perhaps her personality. I think that is when she decided to dedicate her life to crime scene investigation.

What do you all think?
smiliee said:
Especially the first one! I don't think I've seen it!
I believe that one is her current headshot.

Top41 said:what do you guys want to see for Lindsay in season three? I'd like to find out what her big bloody secret is personally. I'm also hoping the writers take some time to give her some bona fide character development.
I'm with you there. I like it when the show gives us backstory on the characters and Lindsay is probably the one (followed closely by Flack IMO) who we know the least about.
Yeah I rewatched Manhattan Manhunt yesterday and I can't stop thinking about what she saw back in Montana that was actually worse. Because the way those poor kids were slaughtered and the smeered blood were really bad.

I'd love to have her hang out more with her colleagues (and no not just Danny :lol: ). It would be interesting to have her spend an afternoon with Stella and then being both called in for a case...

And YEAH!! for the new thread :D
I'm so late, but thanks for posting that first pic of her ThisIsMe I have never seen that one of her before. She looks so pretty.

iheartnickcath I know, it's been a while since I've been over here. My computer had a virus and I couldn't get on the site for a while! It sucked.

I doubt we'll get to know her bloody secret anytime soon. It would be nice for them to mention it in season 3.
What I want next season: learn more about Lindsay's backstory, more Lindsay interacting with the other CSIs, particularly Hawkes and Stella.

I thought I'd share quotes about Anna/Lindsay from a few blogs at There is spoilers if you have not seen S2.

1) Replacing Vanessa Ferlito with Anna Belknap has added an interesting dynamic to the relationships between the characters this season.(The stuff between Lindsay and Mac, Stella, Danny, any of the weekly characters, etc. is a lot more unique than the relationships between Aiden and any of them). In the process, this new character has added a little shot of life to the show. Nothing against Vanessa, but as evidenced by tonight's episode, she and Carmine Giovinazzo were playing basically the same character: the tough girl/guy with a heart and a past. One of them is more than enough.
Original here

Major flirtation going on between Danny and Lindsay. I love it! I cracked up when Danny was interrogating the suspect, and he says, "...Hair from a kinka-poodle - what is it?" And he went after Lindsay when she stormed out - how sweet!
(in regards to All Access)
Original here

Lindsay and Danny got to work together, too (they have a fun chemistry)
Original here

I (like Lindsay) was thinking about Stella .... I like Anna Belknap more with every episode
Original here
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
iheartnickcath I know, it's been a while since I've been over here. My computer had a virus and I couldn't get on the site for a while! It sucked.

Aww I'm sorry hun! I'm glad your back! audacity probably gave it to ya! :lol:

pizzapie said:
What I want next season: learn more about Lindsay's backstory, more Lindsay interacting with the other CSIs, particularly Hawkes and Stella.

I'd like to see all of that too.

I thought I'd share quotes about Anna/Lindsay from a few blogs at There is spoilers if you have not seen S2.

Nice quotes, thanks for sharin' em!
:lol: It was actually my brother.

Anyways, I really like those quotes pizzapie. It's good to know that Lindsay is gaining fans. I like the first quote. Anna is awesome!

What were some of your favorite Lindsay quotes of season 2?
:lol: :lol: :lol:. No seriously, we really need to get you a man, IHNC! I'll be looking for one with a big Texan accent for you. :p

Good to have you back Alyssa. :)

Lindsay question: Would it be better for Lindsay's backstory to be revealed slowly through different episodes or in one complete episode?? :confused:
Anna/Lindsay needs more fans, She completely rocks.

Audacity Gimmie Nicky?!..and I think it should be revealed slowly, instead of at full force because it might be alot to take in that way.
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