Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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spader said:

what's Magna Cum Laude?

Graduation with honors (undergraduate):

The Latin ranks are as follows: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude (usually 3.5 to 3.7ish), and Summa Cum Laude. I'm pretty sure the grade point average for each of these varies from university to unversity---although not by much.

Thanks for posting that information about Anna, Spader ! That's a great picture. :)
spader said:
Stupid question...maybe because I'm canadian...
what's Magna Cum Laude?

Dude, don't we have that here? Or is it just 'With honours'? (not like either appeared on my degree!). I could of sworn I heard the whole 'cum laude' at my grad...

Anyway,I just got my copy of season 1 (which I never actually watched, just season 2)...and I miss Lindsay...seriously there so much more emphasis on Mac and Stella in S1...BORING! Where's my M&M? No wonder I never got into it. :confused:
licorice said:
spader said:
Stupid question...maybe because I'm canadian...
what's Magna Cum Laude?

Dude, don't we have that here? Or is it just 'With honours'? (not like either appeared on my degree!). I could of sworn I heard the whole 'cum laude' at my grad...

Anyway,I just got my copy of season 1 (which I never actually watched, just season 2)...and I miss Lindsay...seriously there so much more emphasis on Mac and Stella in S1...BORING! Where's my M&M? No wonder I never got into it. :confused:

that's what I felt like at first... no Lindsay... it just isn't the same... :rolleyes:
WOW, I dont come in here for two days and theres like a few pages of stuff to catch up on!

Gnimaerd love your banner by the way.. :) made me laugh. Thanks for the info on all the singing stuff, I used to be into singing, now I just sing for my own pleasure in the car like 80% of the population, lol.

Thanks to whoever posted Annas resume' (sorry, the name slipped out of my head as soon as I went to post... sorry), fun to look at!

for everyones viewing pleasure before I take off for two months... :) ....


Those are gorgeous screen caps! :D
Gnimaerd love your banner by the way.. made me laugh. Thanks for the info on all the singing stuff, I used to be into singing, now I just sing for my own pleasure in the car like 80% of the population, lol.
Thanks! I'm a geeky choir-goer and study-er of higher music so I couldn't help myself... ;) I mostly sing for my own plasure too (three school choirs a week just ain't enough to keep me contained, apparently, :lol: ). And, you know, the population of my math's class. I tend to sing to myself when I need to concentrate, and since math's isn't my strongest subject... well, I know to stop when I'm hit in the head by a flying text book... :lol:

As for season one, I enjoyed it towards the end (when they toned down the darkness in the colour scheme and worked things up a bit more) but without Lindsay it really does feel like a completely different show. Though I'm not sure if that shift in the dynamics of the series is entirely down to Lindsay turning up.

In series one, we have a lot of Mac/Stella stuff, some Danny/Aiden stuff (and their little sibling/flirty-ish dynamic) not that much Hawkes and some Flack. This series we've had very little Mac/Stella because the writers were busy developing her relationship with her boyfriend so they could do the dramatic Stella episode (wont go into that here for spoilers). We've had much more Hawkes as he's brought in and seen his character develop. We've lost Danny's street-wise, snappy, sarcky relationship with Aiden, (*sob*) but we've gained Lindsay, of whom (is it just me?) he gradually seems to become sort of protective of (or at least sweeter to) as the second series develops. Lindsay is also used almost as a sub for Stella when it comes to devloping Mac's character through others. Whereas before it was Stella Mac bounced his ideas off, he tends towards using Lindsay as a sounding board more and more as Stella becomes less available.

There's the knock on effect of Lindsay not really working with anyone but Mac and Danny (occasionally Stella) in that Flack loses his dynamic with the younger female on the show (he had a great relationship with Aiden, which is one of the reasons I really want to see him work with Lindsay, to see how the writer's handle it differently). And Hawkes' development is limited to the other guys and Stella also.

[subliminal message]haveLindsayworkwithFlacknextserieshaveLindsayworkwithFlacknextseries[\subliminal message] ;)
I heard you on that subliminial message thing Gnimaerd. I agree with everything you said. Season 1 was dark and I remember hoping when season 2 started that it would lighten up. I also remember there being a poll way back when about if people liked the show being lighter and most people did. I think it was probably TPTB and bringing Lindsay to help get the feeling. And I for one like it. Aiden was cool but Lindsay is different, fresh and new. ;)
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
I heard you on that subliminial message thing Gnimaerd. I agree with everything you said. Season 1 was dark and I remember hoping when season 2 started that it would lighten up. I also remember there being a poll way back when about if people liked the show being lighter and most people did. I think it was probably TPTB and bringing Lindsay to help get the feeling. And I for one like it. Aiden was cool but Lindsay is different, fresh and new. ;)

Actually, season one had more votes in that poll.

Welcome back Gnimaerd! Thanks for all the choir info.

Thanks for the resume and headshot spader. You're still my Lindsay/Anna crack dealer ;)

I agree about the way Lindsay changed the dynamic on the show. I didn't care for the show last season, but loved it this season in large part because of the addition of Lindsay. I loved how Mac, Danny, and Stella reacted differently to her than anyone else (and I'm still annoyed she didn't interact more with Flack and Hawkes). I know the PTB at CBS insisted on NY lightening up so it would have happened even if Ms. Ferlito had stayed, but I think bringing in a character like Lindsay effectively changed the tone by providing a change in relationships....did that make sense?

Even in a strictly non-romantic sense, I like how Lindsay's character allowed the PTB to change Danny. Having a new character who is not as experienced, who challenged him, and who didn't expect him to act as much like a child as the others did gave them reason to show Danny as a bit of a mentor, as less emotional, etc. The change in dynamic made Danny a much more likeable character to me.

I apologize if that didn't make sense...I'm rather tired...
Thanks for the voice info.

I'm extremely disappointed in both the lack of Lindsay/Flack and Lindsay/Hawkes interaction. I'm not a shipper of those two, but I think TPTB neglected some of Lindsay's development by not having her interact with those characters as much. I rewatched Necrophilia Americana last night, and Lindsay and Hawkes made a good team- it probably helped that they had worked together before.
thanks for the pics CSINYRULZ! Loing the first one.. the second one however.. that's a classic... Even Hammerback Knows...
hey im new here and im more of a Aiden fan but Lindsay is cool too she has nice hair, she and Aiden would make good friends if Aiden was alive.
I agree with you cfar. Lindsay has changed Danny (friends or more) And I also agree with you pizzapie. Lindsay and Flack need to work together. You have no sense sometimes that these two even know each other.
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