Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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Yeah, I missed a HUGE chunk of S2, So, I'm trying to play catch-up. Cant wait to see it. I heard "Bad Beat" was a great episode.
Hey all! Just thought I'd pass along that Spader was talking about the fact that Anna is a mezzo-soprano---those that sing much darker and richer than sopranos. There are several different types of mezzo-sopranos...I think they tend to be good at singing soul/R&B music as well---hmmm...wonder if Anna can sing R&B? :D

I'm definitely curious to hear her sing. I don't know that I'd want to hear her sing on the show, but it would be interesting to hear her sing in a movie or play. :)
I've been dying to hear how she sings too.. It would be really cool to see her perform.. or just hear her sing at least..

thanks for the info though, Auda!
[geeky choir singer post] I'm a mezzo-soprano - one of the few in my school jazz choir. Essentially, a mezzo soprano is an alto with a bigger range; we can go as low as a normal alto but get much higher, into the soprano range. Usually, any decent singer can do blues/soul (you just need a certain 'feel' for the the swing rythmn and you can go with it), but the alto voice is particularly suited to it because it's female (which allows for more control than the male voice) but much deeper and richer sounding than a higher soprano, which is better suited to classical work. However, being a mezzo-soprano whilst singing jazz etc is VERY helpful, because you get the richness and mellowness that characterises the alto voice and is oh-so-important when singing the blues, without being limited to the alto-range. [/geeky choir-singer post] :p Sorry, souldn't resist. I'm a music-geek. ;)

I would LOVE to hear Anna sing, if only because I'm eternaly interested in the human voice (not to mention the fact that I'm fairly interested in anything to do with our Ms. Belknap any day of the week).

Anyway, how goes it in the Anna/Lindsay thread? Haven't been on in AGES. Anybody heard any rumours as to what wil be going on with Lindsay next series? I hope we get more interaction with Hawkes and Flack (not that I don't enjoy the banter she has with Danny, but still...) You guys think we'll get any more hints as to her 'bloody secret'?

Ooh - Oh! And! AND, my dear friends, I caught a VERY young looking Anna on a REALLY old episode of Law and Order last night (watching old tapes of it at a friend's house - she's a law and order obsessive in the same way I'm into CSI. I like to think we bring balance to each other's lives :lol: ). She wasn't in it for any length of time but it was enough to have me bouncing around the living room all hopped-up on Anna-ness. I'm going to ask if I can borrow that tape and screen-cap it for you guys. It was so weird seeing her seven-odd years younger.
Thanks Gnimaerd for the geeky choir post didn't know that. I think she could sing a bit in a episode if it had something to do with broadway or something like that. I won't mind seeing how she would work alone with Hawkes they are both so smart and careful. Of course I also want to see her work more with Flack.

Bring on the screencaps!
Gnimaerd, thanks for the info about mezzo-sopranos. I dabbled in choir a little, but I was mostly in theater(which goes a lot with singing and music of course, but still...). I must admit that I only knew a little bit about mezzo-sopranos. I'm an alto. Most of the time, I was in theater and such, I concentrated on dance and making sure I didn't sound like "Scarlet O'Hara" when I had any lines!LOL!

That's why I'm fascinated with Anna's background in musicals and stage work... :)

I'd definitely love to see Lindsay and Hawkes work on a case alone. I think that would be an interesting dynamic on the show. Lindsay working with Flack some next season---a must.

I dare say that spoiler storylines and pics probably won't be out until August. :confused:
*moans* I can't wait that loooong...

And yeah, i definitely want to see Hawkes and Lindsay work together - not just because I saw them work together on 'The Handler' (only a couple of episodes, but still) and they had good on-screen chemistry, but because Lindsay really does need that character development. I think it would be interesting to see how they handle each other, two newbies but for diffrent reasons. Hawkes is new to the field but not New York. Lindsay is an experianced CSI but is still adusting to the city. It would be a nice dynamic to explore. And Flack and Lindsay, definitely a must. ;)

I didn't know Anna did musicals (though I knew she won an award for her stage-work). There are sometimes divisions between hardocre actors and performers who do musicals, since they're a less 'pure' form of acting (at east according to my drama teacher :rolleyes: ). But how funny would it be to have Lindsay randomly humming away to herself one episode? They did that with Jorja Fox one time, as a nod to *her* vocal ability, so I don't see why the writers couldn't give that to Anna. :) Maybe she could be absent mindedly dancing to herself while she's at it. (I do that all the time... oh, the embarassing situations... :lol: ).
I think that she only did a few musicals. I think the rest were just stage plays.

Spader brought to our attention some more Anna info:

She graduated Magna Cum Laude. In addition to singing mezzo-soprano, she also speaks French, plays tennis, field hockey and the piano. I think she is also learning how to play the guitar. :)
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