Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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well everyone..i go to camp in a day, so i wont be on for another week [i know your gonna miss me soooo much..i hope]but before i go.i just wanna thank you all for being so kind to guys are the ill be thinkin of ya'll..and dont forget bout me during the week...
im out
I also think it was assumed that she found a place.
If you're really desperate to see the episode, you can buy it on iTunes for I think it's 2.99 and watch it as many times as you want. :)
I would like to see them kind of draw her past out....I don't want it all revealed in one episode because then there is less to do as far as her character development....but maybe bring out little facts and memories and such over a few episodes...kind of like they did Sara in CSI...we saw her getting angrier over time and we saw what kind of cases really affected her before Grissom finally confronted her on that with Lindsey--draw her out. her character is not the type that would just volunteer the information...Danny or Mac is going to have to do something to make her talk about it
^Very true, CSIBoston. I don't think that Lindsay would just come out and tell anyone about her past. She has revealed a few things about her past, but nothing concrete. I would prefer that they build up to that 'dark secret' rather than just jump into it, reveal it, and then pretend like nothing happened in the next episode. ;)
I think that when we actually find out what her "Bloody Secret" is, other stuff that we have/ we will find out will make more sense...
Radical618 said:
I think that when we actually find out what her "Bloody Secret" is, other stuff that we have/ we will find out will make more sense...

I agree.It will make more sense.
Somehow, I can see a wide range of past-episode analyzing going on after we find out what it is (determining what lines were actually clues and whatnot). I rewatched All Access this weekend, and the first scene where she's talking to Danny it could be said that she looks more affected than just a friend having gone through something terrible... almost like it affected her more. But that's entirely speculation and could really be interpreted either way (not even sure how I interpret it, but could see it as either way).

I'm actually looking forward to finding out what it is. :)
^I think the writers have left it open enough so that 'affected' scene that Lindsay had in "All Access" could go any direction. It might be something personal for Lindsay, it might be that she was frustrated with the case in "LOLD" that she got upset because she's sick of women being attacked. Maybe perhaps, she was simply upset that someone she worked with had to go through an ordeal such as that.

We still haven't found out what makes Lindsay tick or what kind of experience she went through before leaving Montana. There's a lot to find out. But I think we will definitely get some answers this fall. :)
I agree with everyone!! I'm really excited to see what is the "bloody past secret" just to ya know, just to know I guess. Its always interesting to find out things about people, especially bad things then sometimes it helps you understand why they are the way they are. Lindsays tough and every time I see her on screen theres just something about her, like she's doing her job always 120%, sometimes it seems like its "for her"... ::bangs head on desk:: I cant think of the words, its so frustrating. She just seems like something in the past (could be her secret, could not.. who knows) has affected her in a way that makes her want to figure things out, to understand why all the time, basically to help everyone/anyone. I think it was ::forgets episode name:: but the case with Sarah Butler (the mermaid found in the river) and she goes to see the guy who did it, that scene is kinda what did it for me, that something happened to her and made her want to be better at her job, or be the best she could be..

can you guys understand that?? if not, sorry.. urgh.. ::continues banging head:: hopefully I'm not the only who feels like this.
She reminds me of Jordan Cavanaugh from the tv show "Crossing Jordan." Just the way they get so intense when working a case. Jordan's mom was murdered when she was younger. They never found out who did it. Maybe something like that happened to Lindsay. :|
^^^ yeap yeap.

just wanted to let everyone know (becauase I believe it was this thread who was talking about Lindsay in "Bad Beat") It re-runs on July 12... :) at least it does here in Cali, I'm pretty sure its the same for everyone else though. I went to TV-NOW.Com,
CSI:NY Schedule
Thank you!

And I really want to know her "Bloody secret" just to know as well. It would be like, "oh, that's why she ticks at that stuff..."
CSINYRULZ, good synopsis. :)

I think there are a million different directions that the producers/writers could take this idea. It's certainly fun to try and guess what it is.

I love "Bad Beat." Great episode.

Welcome newbies!
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