Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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hehe..hey everyone..hope you missed me..idk y..but just hope so..umm nice avvie alyssaluvsdanny it rocks..and im short its not that bad..but im 5'3 one inch taller..and i dont feel that special, hey at least shes tall enough to ride out
dude, i'm average. I'm 5'5-ish. And i just noticed about the pic, that Stella is closer to the camera. whatever.

allieluv_csi I really like the avvie!!
There is something sweet about Anna being so small. She doesn't necessarily always look so small;I think that has something to do with the fact that she doesn't have really short legs--she's more proportioned. Her height is interesting because, she seems to make Gary, Carmine, and Hill, all look a little bit taller. She makes Eddie look like a giant. :D

But her height shouldn't be considered an impediment. :) Dynamite comes in small packages. Anna's character, Lindsay, definitely has that side to her (along with showing some athletic ability). Small people often have to overcompensate for their stature by being a little bit more aggressive in some areas...throwing guys up against cars, etc. But it seems to make it more fun and enjoyable to watch. ;)
yea that's true, where i live there was a story about a 5'0 female cop who was trying to arrest a 6'5 guy (some height like that) and he was resisting arrest. She was literally standing on his feet as he was walking away but she brought him down to the ground and cuffed him. It was an awesome video to watch. It reminided me of Lindsay actually. ThenI was like, that'll be me one day. (I want to be a CSI.)
:lol: Alyssa oh and we're the same height!

Lindsay still kicks ass, and Anna does a great job with that.
I think in that picture, she is standing on the other side of the body, while Stella is standing right in front of it. She is still pretty short. I can't wait for S3 so we might get some FM radio scenes. Flack looks huge in contrast to her!

Anyways, I was making some quote icons for my site and I found this quote by Anna that I love. If your banking on your beauty, you'll be done when you are 30.
Awww Radical618... that'd be so cool if you were a CSI... were you influenced by Lindsay or the show?? or have you always wanted to do that??

I started having thoughts about being a CSI especially once Lindsay came on.. total country girl ::raises hands to the roof:: so woot woot for us country gals... but then I looked at my job now and I'm like.. nah... I cant sit in a lab.. no way, I'd go nuts!
umm, i was inspired by both. Lindsay and the show. It looks so cool. I know a lot of what's on the show is like super glamorous, but it would still be interseting. A big college near me has a great forensics school, when college comes around, that's where i'm headed.

Hree's a Pic I like btw...

Another**whoot***over here for the country chicks!
It also crossed my mind that CSI might be an interesting job, until I remembered that I can't even look at pictures of little things like skin disorders without feeling ill....I almost backed out of a first aid course once because the drawings in the manual made me..... ugggghh, god, I feel gross just thinking about it...I need to go wash my hands or take a shower or something....blah...

[edit: in case your wondering, I spend lots of time behind pillows, blankets and my hands watching CSINY!]
That quote is awesome! Where did you find it?
Spader posted a link of the article over at the DannyLindsayChem Message board.

I don't know if I'am a country girl, I live in a small town but I do love the city life! :lol: Lidnsay loves both.
Radical618 Its cool that you want to be a CSI. I'm not smart enough in science. :lol: I'm with licorice most of the stuff on the show makes me cringe.
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