Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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^Yep, Pizzapie. And I know that you are just in your early twenties. She looks pretty young there. But I also think it depends on how she wears her hair and how she dresses. When she wears her hair up, she usually looks about 10 years younger. When she wears it down, she looks about 30. All in all, not bad for 34. I hope when I'm 34 that people say I look younger!LOL! :D

Thanks ThisIsMe for posting the Nantucket pics. :)
^Yeah, a lot has to do with her hair and dress. When they had her hair up in the earlier part of S2 (one ep it was a ponytail), I thought she looked like a teenager- the clothes certainly didn't help that.
The wavy hair makes her look a little older, and so do the clothes.
As a woman its nice to be able to look older or younger when you want. But I wonder if they would use that in a episode how people miss read other people based on looks sometimes? Just a weird question. ;)
here guys..

*hugs* audacity - thought i would return the favor

she does look really young..hey thanks for the pics..i love the first one..she looks so offended..its just the coolest picture, i dont know why just makes me smile
oh btw
Radical ..that is the coolest picture offically rock
im out
allie :D
In the Why Lindsay must go thread, i dont even know why i go in there.. it pisses me off sooo bad.. *mr brothers holding me back* lemme at 'em..
Oh dude, don't even bother with that thread. What's the point? Trust me, it's not like they visit here and get all mad about it. Let the haters hate. :p
^D'oh. I obviously can't take my own advice. I just took a peak, you know, to see....argh! now I'm mad! Haters! Breathing, calm, its all good.....ahhhhh, no more angry thoughts. Anyway, don't listen to me...curiosity killed the cat.
Guys, not the venue for this. Remember, everyone is entitled to an opinion. This thread is for discussing Anna/Lindsay, not people who don't like her. Back on topic, please. Thanks.
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