Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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Yea, I'm taking AP Chem next year. All because of my fandom. That stuff doesn't get to me though. It gets me for like 2 seconds and then I'm like oh, cool!
hey thanks alyssaluvdanny i like my avvie too, uhh i plan on becoming a csi one day too, have since 1997 when they came to investagate my stepsisters death,it was totally before the shows came but then they came and it just made me want to be a csi more
im out
love :D
Oh Allie, I'm so sorry for your loss (sorry if that sounds corny, I'm sure you get that a lot :)). I think that you are choosing a very noble profession. I guess maybe you can relate to Lindsay's situation then?? (At least in a small way, even if we don't know all the details of her experience and it is TV, but these things certainly happen in real life as well).

Radical---it's great that the show and the character of Lindsay inspired you. I bet you will make an excellent CSI.

And yes, it's true. Country Girls can certainly do anything they set their mind to!! ;)
OMG, Radical, your icon is so funny! Of course, I think I'd take the Flack to go. ;)

I wonder if we get to see any of the NY cast memebers go somewhere out of the city for a case. Like upper New York or something. That would be interesting to see.
I think Lindsay being from hte country has made her better at her job. Her character is awesome!
I wonder if we get to see any of the NY cast memebers go somewhere out of the city for a case. Like upper New York or something. That would be interesting to see.
Definitely agree with this - I like it in Vegas when they end up going outside of Vegas to solve a crime (there was one where they buried the guy from the neck down in the middle of nowhere, amongst others)... definitely enjoyable when they go elsewhere. Nice just for a change of scenery, something different.
They could work in something where Lindsay's background would play a role, granted they *did* already do Stealing Home, but perhaps could do it in other ways (like perhaps see the more "rural" parts of New York State? Do such places even exist? Definitely don't know my NY geography, lol)
That was actually the episode I was thinking about. It would be really good to see that happen on NY.

The ep could really be good for a nice Lindsay background. She can't really relate to anything in Manhattan. Except for the girl in Stealing Home. And really, how many Montana girls are going to be murdered in NY for Linds to get a back story.

Pluse, it'd be nice to see characters like Flack and Danny in rural areas.
that would be cool to see one of the CSI's go out of the city for a case... something different, its always nice when you have a change of scenery or mood. Plus, it would be even better if they had a story line that involved Lindsays past, even if it was the littlest thing, but it would be nice, give them a way to give us a little more inside on her.

Radical- love your avvie.. too cute, I'll take Flack

I gotta agree with Aly- I come from a small town and ranch kind of life, and since I've moved to Los Angeles I absolutley love it... I never want to leave.

Radical-sorry for your loss (I know, cheesy cheesy..) you know, I'm a medic so obviously I see gory nasty yucky stuff all the time and sadly, I hate to say it, I'm the one on the rig that they usually have to step in front of, or cover my mouth before I see something gory or the words :eek:h crap, check that out!" comes out of my, I love my job, honestly its the best ever!! you'll make a fab CSI, I'm not great with Science, I took AP Chem my Junior Year of High School and passed, but I cant sit, I'm not one to be patient, hense my current job.. lol

anyone else like going crazy over how far away Sept. is?? seems like decades away. I'll be back in a week.. :)
allie, sorry for your loss.
Radical, I took AP Chem in high school (about 4 years ago). Did pretty well, then became a chem major and now off to grad school in chemistry.

Yes more rural parts of NY exist- upstate. However, I think Lindsay can relate to people from NY, those that have moved to have something new. And we don't know exactly what happened to her, but if it was along the lines of rape, rape of friend, murder of friend/family, there would be people in Manhattan that could relate.
Pizza That's so cool. I'm really excited to take it.

I figured since I'm takin AP Chem, I might as well do something in chemisrty. Forensics is so cool, tough, but cool, so I figured, yea that's it.

And yea, Lindsay played a big part in that. Even though she's a fictional character, I'm a lot like her. The show was huge too, a lot of times I enjoy the show becuase I learn about gadgets and stuff that they use (great forensic words I know :rolleyes:).
audacity said:
Oh Allie, I'm so sorry for your loss (sorry if that sounds corny, I'm sure you get that a lot :)). I think that you are choosing a very noble profession. I guess maybe you can relate to Lindsay's situation then?? (At least in a small way, even if we don't know all the details of her experience and it is TV, but these things certainly happen in real life as well).

thankyou.. audacity you are so sweet i love you soo much :D
*hugs* Allie :)

There are pictures at of Anna Belknap at the Nantucket Film Festival. I think several people are working on getting them. If anyone wants to go there, I think you can just type in her name or the event.

Apparently Anna is wearing her hair straight again. They seemed to be having a good time with the reading of the screenplay on stage at the festival. ;)
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