Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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ive been searching for anna stuff all over and i swear i must be looking in all the wrong places! thanks for all the links!
FlyGirl21 said:
Here is that one site you referenced: I kept the link when I originally found it, but never posted it. I thought the site was kind of wierd because of where the "spotlight" was on the photos. I went back to it for some reason and realized they were highlighting what she was wearing as well as the brands

I was surprised one picture was highlighting her pants. I thought it was weird at first, then I read your post. ^^; It's interesting that they actually keep track of what she's wearing and what make-up she's using.
Happy Scoj! :)

Thanks for posting that wardrobe link, Flygirl. It's interesting to see how they highlight the exact type of clothes, hair products, and make-up they use on an actress. In Style does that a lot in order for companies to advertise their products. I always love the pants that Lindsay wears. Gotta love Ann Taylor. ;)

^^ or has a lot of good caps for the CSI shows. Alyssa's site also has many Anna caps and pics from various events and TV shows.
No problem in regards to the link! I am just glad that I took another look at it before trashing it. Now that silly little spotlight makes sense ... and yes, love Ann Taylor ;)

Has anyone forwarded the articles/links to Alyssa?
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
You know, I like watching the re-runs of the eps airing through the summer. Cause you notice more. But, I'm getting a little impatient. ( and it's only June! :lol: )

It is interesting to go back and pick back up on the little things throughout the season. I was watching "Cool Hunter" the other day. It was interesting to see Lindsay's reaction when she looked up from inside the water tower.

I wonder if next season we'll get to see a case where it shows Lindsay doing something from Montana. IMO, I think it would be cute if she rode a horse, or something. I dont know...

You know, what's cool about Bozeman, Montana, is the fact that it is an emerging center of art, music, film, and college life, along with the traditions of farming and ranching. I can't help but see Lindsay having eclectic interests. Riding a horse..hmmm...

My friend Zak sent me some info about a beauty competition at a men's magazine website. They had a competition between three ladies of the CSI shows, and Anna Belknap won over Jorga Fox and Emily Procter. The picture they showed of her was cute. :)
I just thought I'd make an announcement for those that are interested in seeing Ms. Belknap on stage.

On June 17, Anna will be appearing at The Nantucket Film Festival along with many actors, including Steven Weber, Michael Cera, and Jimmy Smits. They will participate in a staged reading of "Coup De Tat." It is a screenplay about a rebel leader, but I'm not sure what roles each actor/actress will have yet.

Al Franken and Brian Williams will also make appearances at the festival. :)

Info on the Nantucket Film Festival
audacity said:
I wonder if next season we'll get to see a case where it shows Lindsay doing something from Montana. IMO, I think it would be cute if she rode a horse, or something. I dont know...

You know, what's cool about Bozeman, Montana, is the fact that it is an emerging center of art, music, film, and college life, along with the traditions of farming and ranching. I can't help but see Lindsay having eclectic interests. Riding a horse..hmmm...
That would be a great opportunity for TPTB to utilize Central Park and the riding stables. Anna seems to love the outdoors, she would probably get a kick out of riding a horse for the show.

Any big Tennis tournements in NY? She's apparently likes to swing the racket - good murder weapon perhaps for the show ... ? :lol:

On June 17, Anna will be appearing at The Nantucket Film Festival along with many actors, including Steven Weber, Michael Cera, and Jimmy Smits. They will participate in a staged reading of "Coup De Tat." It is a screenplay about a rebel leader, but I'm not sure what roles each actor/actress will have yet.
That is great info Audacity, thank you for posting it.
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