Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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you never heard of marmite? must be an english thing, its like errm some kind of yeast extract vegetable dark brown goo, somewhere calls it vegemite i think, anyway the tag for it is you either love it or hate it, which is true. i love it.
pizzapie said:
Well Hammerback isn't even in the main credits

If my mind powers work, he will be. :devil:

You bring up an excellent point, however, about their backstory explaining more about them. Which in why we tend to fault the writers about half and half with Anna Belknap's acting in the Why Lindsay Must Go thread.
^Thanks, I've heard of vegemite, I hadn't heard it called marmite before. Never had it though.

I agree about knowing more, and I specifically want to know why she came to NY and why she became a CSI. Even though we don't know the last for all of the characters, I think on most of them you can a fairly decent (and probably accurate) guess, while with Lindsay we can't. It's just pure speculation.
Also, on Lindsay in the interrogation scenes: Anna admitted she was still trying to find Lindsay's way, however, how do we know that Lindsay isn't exactly sure of it either. We don't know how often she was able to do interrogation before, Bozeman has a far lower crime rate the NY. Especially if she's in a new town, maybe she feels that she needs to try new techniques.
pizzapie said:
I agree about knowing more, and I specifically want to know why she came to NY and why she became a CSI. Even though we don't know the last for all of the characters, I think on most of them you can a fairly decent (and probably accurate) guess, while with Lindsay we can't. It's just pure speculation.
Also, on Lindsay in the interrogation scenes: Anna admitted she was still trying to find Lindsay's way, however, how do we know that Lindsay isn't exactly sure of it either. We don't know how often she was able to do interrogation before, Bozeman has a far lower crime rate the NY. Especially if she's in a new town, maybe she feels that she needs to try new techniques.

I agree, it is relatively easy to guess out the other character's backgrounds more so than Lindsay, mostly because we've known them longer. (which always seems to be my main point, btw.) And along with Anna trying to figure out Lindsay's way, I think Anna's great at playing the part of an unsure Lindsay, and how she should react to different cases. I feel that from my viewing perspective, Lindsay knows how to act to certain cases and suspects, (she's not a rookie afterall) but she has a hard time controlling what she's not used to seeing. I'm sure if you think about it, Crimes in NY and MT (is that montana?) can be on the same side of the spectrum, or the completely opposite side.
Sometimes states have different protocol and such to follow then other states...Anna's amazing at playing Lindsay. She delivers very well.
Misplaced Anger. If you watched CSI Miami when Speed was on he seemed to have alot of misplaced anger too!! :mad: :p
Yes, the bow and arrow scene is great. I love how excited she is about trying new things. I also loved how she was with the band when they went to get the hand prints. I also loved how she just walked off with the guitars.

And being a D/L shipper, I definitely love the ending.
That bow and arrow scene was one of my favorite Lindsay moments. She looked so adorable. :D
pizzapie said:
^You can't just look at the words of the conversation, but the way they interact: positioning, tone, ease with each other. It's not overt, but it's there. They do not relate as just colleagues.

Where? Because seriously, I've never seen anything to suggest that Stella and Lindsay are close, nothing at all. When they worked cases together, they didn't interact in any special way that I could see. Sure, Stella was concerned about her in "Charge of This Post," but I'd have expected her to exhibit the same concern for any one of her colleagues who had a bleeding head wound.

As for backstory, sure she's under-developed. But with the exception of Mac and Danny, I'd say they all are. With Lindsay part of the problem is consistancy I think--it's hard to get a handle on her character because she's changed so much throughout one season. Hopefully next season she'll be more consistant.
^ I see it as sort of logicall, she's a country girl that moved to the big city, that asks for lots of adaptability, and there for switching character changes... I've seen this happen in real live but after a year and a half her personallity became consistant, maybe that goes for Lindsay too... or am I rambling? :p
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