Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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^I'm just thinking about the times that I've gotten angry about something. I'm not usually an aggressive person at all but have snapped at people due to stress, illness, whatever. I remember feeling pretty awkward about it and I wonder if that came across in my little 'display'. Could it be that Anna is portraying a character that isn't used to her own outbursts? Maybe that's why they seem 'off', they are on purpose. Just a thought...
I like Flygirl's observation that all the Lindsay-anger was just weighted towards the end of the season... in Manhattan Manhunt she didn't really have an outburst, she was just upset she was stuck in the lab, but even so, Mac assured her it was beacuse of her attention to detail that he wanted her there, so it kind of worked out, but I can still see where she'd be upset; we still didn't really get a bigass blowout over it.

I do really enjoy her more light-hearted scenes though. The one with Mac when she shoots the arrow is great - awesome acting from AB, and great reaction character-wise from Lindsay. Loved it. GO TEAM!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's all I've got to say on the matter for now.
good points everyone. I too am the light-hearted one around my house and circle of friends, takes alot to get me pissed and when I finally get pissed, I usually give the cold shoulder.. lol. But, it could be that Anna is just the type that can play off a character who's more witty, or light hearted, etc, etc. better then she can a character whos angry or snappy... hence the difference between her and Aiden. Shes from Montana, she was raised a genuinly sweet, light hearted girl.. believe me, I know.. coming from a small town girl.. lol.. now I'm in the big city.. yay me!

I agree, Lindsay has a great season comin' up...

eta: I had trouble with TPTB too, then finally a lightbulb went on and I was like "OHHHHHH"
CSINYRULZ said:I too am the light-hearted one around my house and circle of friends, takes alot to get me pissed and when I finally get pissed, I usually give the cold shoulder..

I'm the same way... :D
I had to wipe off sweat from my forehead after reading your posts. :lol: I love reading different opinions. :D As for mine, I'm pretty tired so I'll post them some other time. :)

Oh, and I agree with Lindsay having a great next season. :)
FlyGirl21 said:
This is my take on Lindsay’s anger. My comment is that it is not so much her acting (for me), as much as it was seemingly out of character for her. Granted, character development for such actions needs to begin somewhere, but for it to be so weighted in the final episodes when we really did not get that side of her character throughout most of the season was a bit off balance. She was the lighthearted one and then all of a sudden in All Access she gets very emotional – very uncharacteristic from the Lindsay we had come to know – and then we get another heavy one with Stealing Home (I really enjoyed this episode btw because of the character interaction that took place and she did really well). Anyhow, we got so many heavy drama filled episodes from her at the end all slammed together, when Danny – an established and ultimate drama queen – had his brother beaten to a pulp and yet we received nary a dramatic scene from him following RSRD (with the exception of Stealing Home).

I do think the balance was off--to go from lighthearted Lindsay to several episodes where she's upset/yelling was a bad move on the part of the writers. It did seem a little out of character, which was part of the problem, but everybody gets angry now and then. Mac is usually pretty even keeled, but when he gets mad, I buy it. And it makes an impression. It's not the same way with Lindsay, and that's a problem in my eyes.

She can get heavy handed with the suspects, but they all do, and while there have been times when I might have gone “huh?” to something she did, for the most part she does very well. For instance, I love how she outed the snot prep girl to her father in Youngbloods. :D

That was a good moment, and I also liked how she got annoyed with the mother in "City of the Dolls" when she sensed the woman wasn't be honest with them. Both instances came across as more real to me then when she yelled at someone who left her number of man Lindsay was accusing her of killing in "Super Men" or when she yelling "All Access" or "Stealing Home." Anna actually had a better balance for Lindsay during interrogations in the beginning of the season than she did towards the end, when she got too intense and couldn't pull it off. Cool and collected but focused works much better for her than worked up and angry--she should leave that to Melina and Carmine.

I will be interested to see what they decide to do with her character next season, and I hope they choose to take her back in the lighthearted direction. I enjoyed how Lindsay would tease Mac and get him to smile in the middle of the season, and how she'd rib Danny (before they took that too far). I hope they get back to that with her character, because I think those were her best moments.
Top41 said:
I do think the balance was off--to go from lighthearted Lindsay to several episodes where she's upset/yelling was a bad move on the part of the writers. It did seem a little out of character, which was part of the problem, but everybody gets angry now and then. Mac is usually pretty even keeled, but when he gets mad, I buy it. And it makes an impression. It's not the same way with Lindsay, and that's a problem in my eyes.

The thing is though, they somewhat did that with all of the characters. None of them were as angry until the last eps of the season. It's just that for them, it does not seem as out of character, because of the S1 development. I think that Lindsay's anger in "All Access" was so powerful simply because I think it was out of character. And I think it was clearly built up during that scene. I don't want them to completely return to just to "lighthearted" Lindsay, that wouldn't be realistic, and this show is a drama. However, I want the subtlety to be there, like in Stealing Home during the interrogation or when she was with the father.
The thing is though, they somewhat did that with all of the characters. None of them were as angry until the last eps of the season. It's just that for them, it does not seem as out of character, because of the S1 development. I think that Lindsay's anger in "All Access" was so powerful simply because I think it was out of character. And I think it was clearly built up during that scene. I don't want them to completely return to just to "lighthearted" Lindsay, that wouldn't be realistic, and this show is a drama. However, I want the subtlety to be there, like in Stealing Home during the interrogation or when she was with the father.

'Nuff Said.. *applause applause*
Grrr, this is taking far too long to get to this one page – hiccough in the server? But at last, here we are …

That was a good moment, and I also liked how she got annoyed with the mother in "City of the Dolls" when she sensed the woman wasn't be honest with them.
Ah yes, can’t forget that …

It's just that for them, it does not seem as out of character, because of the S1 development.
Very good point.

I don't want them to completely return to just to "lighthearted" Lindsay, that wouldn't be realistic, and this show is a drama.
I agree, I just don’t want them all lumped together – way too much. Maybe now that they have established that certain things affect her emotionally, it won’t stand out quite so much. This is something they didn’t do prior to this episode – sure, she could get mad at a suspect, but she had never been one to have an outburst.

I will be interested to see what they decide to do with her character next season
I am excited to see this as well. I really enjoy her character and am curious to learn more about her.
pizzapie said:
The thing is though, they somewhat did that with all of the characters. None of them were as angry until the last eps of the season. It's just that for them, it does not seem as out of character, because of the S1 development. I think that Lindsay's anger in "All Access" was so powerful simply because I think it was out of character. And I think it was clearly built up during that scene. I don't want them to completely return to just to "lighthearted" Lindsay, that wouldn't be realistic, and this show is a drama. However, I want the subtlety to be there, like in Stealing Home during the interrogation or when she was with the father.

There's out of character and then there's just out of left field. My problem with the scene in "All Access" was that in addition to the acting problems, we had no basis for it. We've never had any indication that Lindsay and Stella were especially close, so it was frustrating to see Lindsay freaking out about what happened to Stella when people who knew her better, like Mac and Danny (who has a history of freaking out over stuff like this) were relatively calm. There wasn't enough context.

I didn't like her screaming at the man on the boat in "Stealing Home" either (again, it seemed to come from nowhere and turned out to be misplaced anger, too), but I did like the moment when she was with the father of the dead girl. She seemed much more real in that scene, her emotions more genuine, than when she screams at suspects.
I know it's been said a thousand times, but couldnt there be stuff from her past that just make her yell out like that. She also could be very complex, most of the character's are, but they dont seem like it becuase we've known them longer. (That's bee said 50 thosand times too, i just wanted to say it...)
Top41 said:
My problem with the scene in "All Access" was that in addition to the acting problems, we had no basis for it. We've never had any indication that Lindsay and Stella were especially close, so it was frustrating to see Lindsay freaking out about what happened to Stella when people who knew her better, like Mac and Danny (who has a history of freaking out over stuff like this) were relatively calm. There wasn't enough context.

I didn't like her screaming at the man on the boat in "Stealing Home" either (again, it seemed to come from nowhere and turned out to be misplaced anger, too), but I did like the moment when she was with the father of the dead girl. She seemed much more real in that scene, her emotions more genuine, than when she screams at suspects.

I think it's fairly clear from the interactions of Lindsay and Stella that they show that they are close. The interaction is not simply that of two colleagues. I'm not surprised Mac didn't get all upset, visibly, because he is extremely even tempered, but the concern was clearly there.

Stealing Home-Have you never had misplaced anger? It may have been, but that's also realistic. The others have done it as well.
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