Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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pizzapie said:
I think it's fairly clear from the interactions of Lindsay and Stella that they show that they are close. The interaction is not simply that of two colleagues. I'm not surprised Mac didn't get all upset, visibly, because he is extremely even tempered, but the concern was clearly there.

:confused: Lindsay and Stella are close? I've not seen a single scene that suggests that. The only moment that was at all personal between them that I recall was when Lindsay and Stella talked in "Zoo York" about how Lindsay was settling in.

Stealing Home-Have you never had misplaced anger? It may have been, but that's also realistic. The others have done it as well.

I think the problem with that was that she did the same thing to Charlene in "Super Men" who was so obviously not the killer that it was laughable to see Lindsay go after her. I may have bought the yelling in "Stealing Home" if it wasn't for the previous scenes in "Super Men" and "All Access." How much misplaced anger can one person have?
^ You never know. Once again, we dont know much about her past, (which is what I hope we find out about her in season 3) then maybe more things will become clearer about how she acts at certain times.
Top41 said:
:confused: Lindsay and Stella are close? I've not seen a single scene that suggests that. The only moment that was at all personal between them that I recall was when Lindsay and Stella talked in "Zoo York" about how Lindsay was settling in.
The interaction in Wasted, and the interaction in LOLD. They were working cases, but they related differently than either of them relate to the others. I think you also clearly see concern the other way as well in COTP. We don't always see all the interaction that goes on.

It didn't seem to out of place in Supermen. The woman had a major attitude, and we've seen over and over that Lindsay doesn't like it, and tends to get one when suspects give her an attitude. All Access was certainly misplaced anger, but hell, someone he was close to her had gotten assaulted, and she felt helpless. Danny has more than once had what I would consider misplaced anger. Often someone who is really mellow will really lose it when they start, unlike someone who is less so, who a lot of times doesn't escalate. In Stealing Home, the guy was a legitimate suspect, and wasn't exactly being entirely straightforward. And also, I don't think you can fault Anna for doing it that way, because if the director did not want it done that way, she would have been told not to.

And also, people develop and change.

Edited after seeing Radical's post (was typing at the same time): I think part of the problem is that we no virtually nothing about Lindsay's past. All we really know for sure is that she's from Montana, which can explain some things, but not everything. We have no clue why she became a CSI (and can't even really concretely guess), what she's gone through, etc.
Lindsay and Stella are close? I've not seen a single scene that suggests that. The only moment that was at all personal between them that I recall was when Lindsay and Stella talked in "Zoo York" about how Lindsay was settling in.

How can you say that? They are very close and it's very obvious.
pizzapie said:

I think it's fairly clear from the interactions of Lindsay and Stella that they show that they are close. The interaction is not simply that of two colleagues.

Where? When? What episode? When they worked the same case, their time together was minimal and they only discussed office business. There was no moment to indicate they had bonded, the most personal conversation they ever has was when Lindsay was new and Stella reassured her about joining the team. There was no basis for Lindsay to freak out like that when all around her people were calm, people who had known Stella for years didn't react that way, so why Lindsay. The fact is Lindsay has only built up any semblance of a personal relationship with Danny, because that is what the writers focused on this season.

Stealing Home-Have you never had misplaced anger? It may have been, but that's also realistic. The others have done it as well.

I'm sure no one has ever been privy to misplaced anger. :rolleyes: Contemptuous questions make a hostile environment and stall intelligent conversation. Certainly, people have seen misplaced anger, but when it is the same person repeatedly, there is a deeper psychological issue at work.

^You can't just look at the words of the conversation, but the way they interact: positioning, tone, ease with each other. It's not overt, but it's there. They do not relate as just colleagues.

Lindsay could have reacted for numerous reasons, and unfortunately, she's not been given enough of a backstory for us to know. But I tend to think someone reacts like that for a reason. Flack and Mac obviously felt the need to stay calm when they were around Stella, for the only reason to not make her more worried. We don't know what happened afterwords.
Exactly, we don't know what happened. And we don't know Lindsay background to jump to anything or say anything..Hopefully we'll get to know that in the next season.
JDonne, I'm just curious, with all the comments of psychological issues and personality disorders you have made, are you a therapist or psychologist of some sort?
pizzapie said:
Lindsay could have reacted for numerous reasons, and unfortunately, she's not been given enough of a backstory for us to know. But I tend to think someone reacts like that for a reason. Flack and Mac obviously felt the need to stay calm when they were around Stella, for the only reason to not make her more worried. We don't know what happened afterwords.

I think expecting a backstory to clear up her emotional bouncing is unrealistic. Lindsay has as much or more backstory than most of the other characters on the show, barring Danny, and none of it has justified her reaction to certain situations. Also, a person can have all the reasons under the sun for reacting a certain way, but there is a time and a place and hers have usually fallen under wrong time and place.
The only backstory we have on Stella is she was in the foster care system.

Flack...might have issues with his father. Possibly comes from a long line of cops.

Hawks....used to be a medical doctor.

Mac....was in the marines, wife died in 9/11, from chicago

Hammerback...likes to cook and tell stories about his love life.

Actually, we know Lindsay has an uncle that lives in the city and that she used to braid she was around horses. She worked in a CSI lab before she came to NY so she is not a rookie.
having only seen up to the episode live or let die, (joys of being in england) i have to say that i love lindsay so far. shes actually become one of my fave characters in all 3 csi shows. i havent seen much of a back story coming through yet but i hope that they try and give us something next season, i think she whats the damn word, errm, cant think of it, lol, ah yes i think she mixes well with the other characters and brings something good to the show. after reading several comments and looking at everyones reactions it seems she is a bit like marmite, you either love her or hate her. but im a lover.
Well Hammerback isn't even in the main credits, so I don't feel we should have the same amount of backstory.

We also know that Stella didn't know her parents. We also know that Hawkes worked around 9/11- and yes his lack of backstory would be another beef I have.
It's simply that the other characters background explains more about them. Rope braiding does not explain why Lindsay would be a CSI, why she would react to Stella's to situation, etc. It's simply an interesting fact, but has no real relation to who she is as a character, and written better than some things were.
Lindsay was a character that caught me in the first episode, which is more than I could say for any of the others, and she is the character that really began my obsession.
BTW- what's marmite?
All we know is she's from Montana, grew up near horses, and not a rookie...That's nice to know, seriously, but I wanna know more about her and her family and everything else.

I agree, Love her or Hate her. Who cares, we love her!
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