Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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WOW reading that was all kinds of intense... I agree with the jury comment that was made, haha.

I really like Lindsay's addition to the team this season, I found it to be a good change in dynamic, and I like a lot of the qualities she brings to the team.
In terms of the acting comments, I agree that her ability to do the subtle/sarcastic comedy is great (one of my favourite lines: Footage from your 30th birthday Messer?" Haha. Perfectly played and perfectly delivered). AB's got a knack for delivering the lines well. (I'm happy they haven't really given her any of the overly cheesy lines; Mac and Stella seem to get the majority of those).
In regards to the angry-acting... As much as I love Lindsay, I wasn't overly impressed by the outburst... but I agree with pizzapie that some people just get mad like that - I also have a friend who, when she gets mad, I can't take her seriously if my life depends on it.
As for TPTB and casting, I think it's just plain insulting to suggest that AB only got the role beacuse of HH. Casting directors aren't stupid, they know waht they're doing! But this is an argument that just seems to be going in circles. I guess it's just all up to personal preferences... personally, I don't think David Caruso can act worth a damn, but I can understand that other people like him and that the Miami casting directors saw something in him that worked with the role and hence he got the part. Fine by me. Doesn't mean I'm going to start watching the show, but I'm also not going to start blaming people for hiring him cuz if he really was that horrible, he wouldn't get it. I personally just don't like him.
Buuuuuuuuut I digress.
113 days til the premiere. *sigh*
I'll definatley take sides in saying that I like Lindsay better in the light-hearted scenes. Shes different, you cant really compare her to Aiden, or to Stella, and you cant say that she "replaced" Aiden, though her character did take up that spot, but like Pizzapie said.. (I think), I think the majority of the shows viewers in female.. just kinda what I feel, so obviously the boys are going to get more attention- I'm a victim of their hottness.. lol.. But, we're starting a whole new season, and like I said before, Lindsay is totally open to anything, they havent done much with her, so anything/everything can happen... I'd just like to see more of her background and what shes about.
TPTB=The Powers that Be :) (Yeah, it took me a while to figure it out too, Blue, so don't feel too bad. ;))
lol, It wuld've took me awhile to figure it out too if it wasn't for the fact that they said it on Angel all the time.
So much to say, but so little tiiiimmmmmeeee.

Quickly though …

Lindsay is different, I'll definitely agree there. She was most different though when she was more lighthearted. Once they did away with her lighthearted side, I didn't get any feeling that she was different anymore at all. All the CSIs react emotionally to cases.

This is my take on Lindsay’s anger. My comment is that it is not so much her acting (for me), as much as it was seemingly out of character for her. Granted, character development for such actions needs to begin somewhere, but for it to be so weighted in the final episodes when we really did not get that side of her character throughout most of the season was a bit off balance. She was the lighthearted one and then all of a sudden in All Access she gets very emotional – very uncharacteristic from the Lindsay we had come to know – and then we get another heavy one with Stealing Home (I really enjoyed this episode btw because of the character interaction that took place and she did really well). Anyhow, we got so many heavy drama filled episodes from her at the end all slammed together, when Danny – an established and ultimate drama queen – had his brother beaten to a pulp and yet we received nary a dramatic scene from him following RSRD (with the exception of Stealing Home).

However uncharacteristic it was for Lindsay though, I think Anna managed to pull it off. I will also say that from a characteristic standpoint, I do prefer the level-headed Lindsay who can kick some tail, and offer some good banter – those are the episodes that always stand out for me – for the entire cast, not just Lindsay.

I hope for a lighter Lindsay next year and if they have to throw in the emotion for character growth, then mix it in and don’t give us several episodes in a row – I am sure it gets a little tiring for her as well. If they feel the need for several eps in a row chock full of drama (I really hope not), I am sure Danny would be more than willing to take on an episode. ;) The end of this season wore me out with everything they decided to pack into it! :eek:

She can get heavy handed with the suspects, but they all do, and while there have been times when I might have gone “huh?” to something she did, for the most part she does very well. For instance, I love how she outed the snot prep girl to her father in Youngbloods. :D

And I wanted close in saying that while I haven’t been able to participate that much in this discussion, I have enjoyed following it. I have to tell you, I thought my finger slipped while clicking on this thread, and I accidentally entered the wrong thread :lol: Seriously though, welcome to all.

I think Linds is gonna have a great new season
I agree :D
Wow, I missed alot. :lol:

My point: I personally don't think that Anna/Lindsay needs to work on the anger issue. She isn't an angry person, and when you see someone who normally plays this light hearted person, it seems werid to see them yell or get angry. Like me, people call me too nice, and when I yell, or get angry, they say it doesn't suit me. Like Lindsay, she can get mad and yell, it just doesn't suit us when we watch it.
Oh wow, tonnes of debate going here in the Anna/Lindsay thread. Awesome!
***puts in two cents***
I found the angry-Lindsay scenes a little less believeable. Her lighter scenes with Mac are delightful and, IMHO, are where her strenghts lie. I would agree that she needs to maybe work on them a bit, but I didn't find them so bad that that they were outside the realm of I would expect from the character. Remember she's still the new girl and is finding her way.
:lol: Its true. When a normally nice person yells, it always looks weird.

someone said this earlier, but the first time we really saw Lindsay Mad was in Manhattan Manhunt, Mac made her go back to the Lab, and she didn't want to. She looked pretty pissed.
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