Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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pizzapie said:
Lindsay quickly gained fans, too, their just not as vocal. I think if you visit other message boards (and I'm not simply talking about the D/L forum), you can see the large fan base.

I actually have visited other CSI boards, and I've not seen any big fanbase for Lindsay. Like I said, I'm not saying that she doesn't have any fans, but she has a lot of detractors, more than any other character on the show.

But the last episodes were filled with drama, and made it difficult to see Lindsay apart from it. She was lightened back up in the last eps.

Not really, it's just the drama wasn't personal for her--she didn't know Aiden and isn't close to Flack. Regardless, I'm hoping for next season they'll get back to her lighter side. I particularly liked it when she would tease Mac and get him to open up and smile a little bit. That was nice for Mac's character, too, to see him smile a bit.
Top41 said:
I actually have visited other CSI boards, and I've not seen any big fanbase for Lindsay. Like I said, I'm not saying that she doesn't have any fans, but she has a lot of detractors, more than any other character on the show.

Honestly, though, it's both of the female characters on this show that don't have large fanbases. I don't know if maybe that's simply evidence that a majority of those who watch it are female, and find the guys hot (which I can't deny), or what. A lot of people don't like Stella either.
pizzapie said:
Honestly, though, it's both of the female characters on this show that don't have large fanbases. I don't know if maybe that's simply evidence that a majority of those who watch it are female, and find the guys hot (which I can't deny), or what. A lot of people don't like Stella either.

Oh, I'd disagree strongly with that. Stella got off to a rocky start with the first few episodes, but then the writers softened her just a tiny little bit and that was that. I've also not seen posts from people strongly disliking Stella.

Actually when the show first started, I loved that both Stella and Aiden were so strong and capable. I think many liked how the women on the show were portrayed first season. I haven't been a fan of what the writers have done to Stella (in All Access), but I think Stella is a fantastic character.
^Maybe not here, but I've seen some, and also know some, not on boards, that never liked her, because she was so harsh. (Probably more of a problem with her being female and like that, though). I do like Stella, but I don't mind showing that she's fallible. There is a survival game on another message in which Lindsay was higher than Stella.

I think Aiden being so similar to both Stella and Danny was one of the problems in S1 NY. In a show like this, you can't afford to be having two of the same character, but I believe, and I know others have commented on this, that Aiden and Danny were simply male and female versions of the same character. I think most (if not all) of Lindsay's fans would argue one of the reasons they like her is because she is so different.

ETA: This is off topic, but maybe Top could answer this. I've had a couple of times in the past few days in which I am trying to submit a post, and hit submit, but it doesn't go through. Is this a problem with the board or on my end?
pizzapie said:
^Maybe not here, but I've seen some, and also know some, not on boards, that never liked her, because she was so harsh. (Probably more of a problem with her being female and like that, though). I do like Stella, but I don't mind showing that she's fallible. There is a survival game on another message in which Lindsay was higher than Stella.

Which board?

I think Aiden being so similar to both Stella and Danny was one of the problems in S1 NY. In a show like this, you can't afford to be having two of the same character, but I believe, and I know others have commented on this, that Aiden and Danny were simply male and female versions of the same character. I think most (if not all) of Lindsay's fans would argue one of the reasons they like her is because she is so different.

I saw that, too, at TWoP I think, and that actually surprised me. Stella, Aiden and Danny are nothing alike. Stella is the toughest/hardest of the three, Aiden was very streetwise and sharp, but also had a great deal of compassion, and Danny gives attitude but is by far the most emotionally vulnerable character on the show.

Lindsay is different, I'll definitely agree there. She was most different though when she was more lighthearted. Once they did away with her lighthearted side, I didn't get any feeling that she was different anymore at all. All the CSIs react emotionally to cases.
pizzapie said:
ETA: This is off topic, but maybe Top could answer this. I've had a couple of times in the past few days in which I am trying to submit a post, and hit submit, but it doesn't go through. Is this a problem with the board or on my end?

Answering separately so it isn't missed--we did move servers over the weekend so this might be a problem related to that. I'd recommend heading over to QSF and starting a thread about it so our tech whiz, Antony will see it.
^TWoP, there's also an actor survival game in which Anna has far more points than Melina.

I don't think Aiden was all that compassionate, but that's my opinion.
^This isn't a thread about Aiden, but I thought her compassion for Regina Bowen was pretty compelling. She also clearly cared deeply for Danny and kept him from going off the deep end several times in the first season.

Back to Lindsay, at one point do you think she really felt like she fit into to the team? I know Anna said she felt like she fit into the cast right away, and had to remember that Lindsay was new. When do you think Lindsay felt like she fit into the team?
I would say after Manhattan Madhunt. Right after that was "Bad Beat" when she was teasing Danny about the "Walrus Documentary," something I don't think she would do if she didn't feel comfortable.

ETA: Aiden was compassionate towards certain cases, but not most. Compassionate towards Danny, but they were team members. In fact you might could argue there are instances in which she wasn't because she didn't entirely call out Danny when she should have (Crime and Misdemeanor, Dove Commission).
Lindsay did seem pretty comfortable in "Bad Beat." I liked how she joked about having to the dumpster dive, too. "Jamalot" followed up on that, too, with her teasing Mac, so I'd agree it was definitely around that time.

pizzapie said:
ETA: Aiden was compassionate towards certain cases, but not most. Compassionate towards Danny, but they were team members. In fact you might could argue there are instances in which she wasn't because she didn't entirely call out Danny when she should have (Crime and Misdemeanor, Dove Commission).

That's not a lack of compassion so much as it is a soft spot for a co-worker. She did try to reign him in in Dove Commission, and got him to go to the psych eval in What You See....
^But she should have went to Mac and had him taken off the case. She shouldn't have allowed Danny to continue with the case when she knew it was against his orders. The concept of sometimes it's more compassionate to not be.
Back on topic:
Shortly after those was when she teased Mac about him going into the lube pit, and as clearly concerned about Danny in the panic room.
^Okay we both know I can't argue with that because I loved Aiden.

I get where both Top and Pizzapie are coming from.

But I love Lindsay/Anna too, and I say it was hard at first for her to fit in, but I think she's doing a good job at it now. Hopefully next season we'll get to see not only more about her background, but see her interact more with the rest of the cast.
pizzapie said:
^But she should have went to Mac and had him taken off the case. She shouldn't have allowed Danny to continue with the case when she knew it was against his orders. The concept of sometimes it's more compassionate to not be.

Like I said, she clearly had a soft spot for Danny. People don't usually turn their friends in to the boss but try to support them in other ways. Lindsay did the same when she brought the DNA evidence to Danny and not Mac as she should have in RSRD.

Back on topic:
Shortly after those was when she teased Mac about him going into the lube pit, and as clearly concerned about Danny in the panic room.

I think she also clearly felt a part of the team work-wise when she was willing to pursue her own theory despite Mac's reluctance about it in "Cool Hunter." You have to feel a certain degree of comfort to go against your boss a little bit.
^I agree and I liked that, that she was willing to argue with Mac. Sometimes Mac is a bit of a stick in the mud and a little too methodical and narrow-minded about how he approaches evidence. I like that Lindsay proved him wrong in this case. It's been nice to see Mac getting a little more creative and open minded this season, and I think Lindsay finding that connection in "Cool Hunter" helped him do that.
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