Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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pizzapie said:
She got a decent amount of screentime in the beginning as well. Maybe they are pairing her with Danny because of the obvious chemistry they have. She was definitely not background in the first eps, and she wasn't paired as strongly with Danny then. It is interesting that a major backlash occurred when they really started pairing her with Danny and not someone else.
I can't speak for everyone but I think comments about her character, negative comments especially, started long before the writers pursued that particular track, a look back through the grading thread will make that clear, but this is not the thread to detail when or where the dislike began but suffice it to say it was before the Danny and Lindsay development. That particular occurrence just generated more screen time and thus more fodder for criticism.

The Danny/Lindsay pairing really didn't pick up steam until the middle to the second half of the season and that chemistry is obvious only to some not all. I think postulating that her pairing with Danny is the reason behind people not liking her is belittling to those that that don't like her, especially considering the lengthy posts detailing exactly what they find problematic in great length, it is equally belittling to those that would embrace such ideas as truth. That is the same as saying that people who like Lindsay only do so because the writers attempted to pair her with Danny. I'm willing to bet that the majority of people who love Lindsay all the time will vehemently disagree with that statement, so the respect should extend the other way.

Lindsay's screen time noticeably increased in the second half of the season. She spent many of her initial episodes in the lab or with a scene or two here and there, there were no involved storylines for her. I'm sure if it were timed it, we would find that to be true but who has that kind of free time. :lol:

wow, reading the last few posts was like sitting on a jury in the court room.. lmao. I felt like people were throwing a ball back and forth to eachother, one-upping what the last person said, good points made by everyone though. I just like Lindsay, I think she brings a different feel to the show, a different dynamic. Even with Hills recomendation there had to have been something there, something in Anna that the producers saw and liked, they dont just take you on a recomendation, they judge you as a person, the way you handled the audition, etc. True, they dont really cast thinking about episodes that may happen 6-12 months down the line, but I'm sure they saw a part of Anna that reflected Lindsay well, and they felt she was suited for the role. Either way, I enjoy her, I enjoy the fact that shes different from the rest of the cast in that shes not from New York, she brings a life to the show that some of us "small town girls" can relate too.. yay for Anna/Lindsay.. :)
I gotta agree with Top, the anger scenes need more work. She's definitely better at the light-hearted ones, like the insect eating and the bow shooting and the "footage from your 30th birthday party, Messer" comment. :D

It's weird, the only screaming Lindsay fit I remember is from "All Access".

I guess I now know why she's better in Medical Investigation. There, she's always the sarcastic one and never fails to crack a witty comment. I hope in NY's next season, she's loosened up enough to joke around a little bit. :D
true, her light-hearted scenes are better, but her anger scenes aren't horrble. She's pretty good at them. I'm sure it's a new adjustment, which is understandable.
^The only time she's actually really yelled was in All Access. I think she does a good job, but I will be sorely disappointed if they repeatedly do this, because I don't think that is really Lindsay's character. One of the things I like about her is that she doesn't get that type of attitude usually.
She also yelled in "Stealing Home" at the father who threw the party on the boat, and got hostile with the woman who wrote her number on the murdered man's body in lipstick in "Super Men." It wasn't until late in the season that she got an attitude, and hopefully that will be dropped because she doesn't do it well.

keich, I liked the birthday party footage comment from "Bad Beat" too. Danny ignored it, but I chuckled! I think she does teasing perfectly--I liked how she joked with Mac about the roller derby girl who had a crush on him in "Jamalot."

As for the stuff with Danny--yeah, the idea that people don't like her because she's paired with him is kind of bizarre. I think the pairing just doesn't work for some. I also think Lindsay was used to make Danny look more mature and knowledgeable--she was always going to him for advice/help, even if they weren't on the same case together. I also think there was a calculation to the pairing given that Danny is the show's most popular character. There was definitely a concerted effort to "sell" Lindsay this season.
I guess Danny was too busy watching the walrus documentary. :lol:

She yelled in "Stealing Home"? Hmmm, better go re-watch that. But I do remember her getting hostile in "Super Men". It's actually better than her screaming fit.

And Radical, I don't think her anger scenes are horrible, but it does need more work. She could do better, or she try to stay away from scenes like those, or the writers could come up with a way to make her angry-acting more effective. :D
I didn't know she yelled in "Stealing Home", I need to rewatch that too.

I just find it sad that alot of people don't like Linds. She's a great character. :D
^She's gotten somewhat hostile towards anyone who gives her an attitude, but not to those that don't. I think its refreshing to see someone who doesn't take it when a suspect gives attitude. She simply wants them to tell her the truth, and treat her with respect.

So what if there's been an effort to 'sell" Lindsay, I'd argue that there was definitely an effort to sell Danny, especially last season, and the S1 wasn't pleasant. I much more like the mature Danny, and I think this is simply more evidence that Lindsay brings a completely new dynamic to the show.

I'll be disappointed if she doesn't get angry at times, but I think Lindsay's stregnth needs to be in that she doesn't usually get angry, unlike the others.
pizzapie said:
^She's gotten somewhat hostile towards anyone who gives her an attitude, but not to those that don't. I think its refreshing to see someone who doesn't take it when a suspect gives attitude. She simply wants them to tell her the truth, and treat her with respect.

Who takes it when a suspect gives them attitude? None of the CSIs do. But some of them are better at giving it back then others are, like Flack.

So what if there's been an effort to 'sell" Lindsay, I'd argue that there was definitely an effort to sell Danny, especially last season, and the S1 wasn't pleasant. I much more like the mature Danny, and I think this is simply more evidence that Lindsay brings a completely new dynamic to the show.

There's a difference between selling a character and featuring them prominently. I never felt like I was being encouraged to like Danny--quite the opposite at times since he clashed with Mac. But as the season went on and more and more fans responded to Danny (maybe you weren't around TalkCSI for the first season, but Danny quickly gained a large fanbase), the more he was featured.

With Lindsay, she was featured lightly for the first half of the season and didn't catch on with many fans (not all--I know some loved her right away), so the writers started pairing her with Danny seemingly in the hopes that the fans would take to her because she was in scenes with the show's most popular character and he seemed to like her.

I'll be disappointed if she doesn't get angry at times, but I think Lindsay's stregnth needs to be in that she doesn't usually get angry, unlike the others.

There seemed to be potential for that around the middle of the season, but after "Super Men," "All Access" and "Stealing Home," I think they've scuttled that.
thanks for the photos Blue!
Why is it that still photos always look like a set, but on TV it looks real? The magic of film I guess.
Top41 said:
(maybe you weren't around TalkCSI for the first season, but Danny quickly gained a large fanbase), the more he was featured.

Lindsay quickly gained fans, too, their just not as vocal. I think if you visit other message boards (and I'm not simply talking about the D/L forum), you can see the large fan base.

I'll be disappointed if she doesn't get angry at times, but I think Lindsay's stregnth needs to be in that she doesn't usually get angry, unlike the others.

There seemed to be potential for that around the middle of the season, but after "Super Men," "All Access" and "Stealing Home," I think they've scuttled that.


But the last episodes were filled with drama, and made it difficult to see Lindsay apart from it. She was lightened back up in the last eps.
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