American Idol

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I can't believe Alison was in the bottom three! She did well with the song and she was NOT shouting it, Simon. :lol: Did they put her in the bottom three just cause of her outfit? :lol: My mother told me on some message board she saw someone was saying that Alison's dress should have been the tenth contestant because the judges were talking more about it than about her performance. :lol:

The fans who vote might not have had much faith, the performance was not one of her better ones, the song choice wasn't the greatest. I don't know if people were voting based on outfit or vote was placed elsewhere.

I can't believe what Simon said to Megan though... something like "we're not even going to pretend that we're gonna bring you back; this is your swan song, enjoy it." Wow... that was kind of rude, but then again it's Simon. :lol: I think though what also hurt her was the way she said certain things after her critiques from the judges. Some people might have took that the wrong way even if it wasn't how she meant it.

Some of Megan's comments and actions were uncalled for. She is being judged on a tv show, for the crowd's entertainment. She choose to put herself in that place and the ups and downs are taking praise and criticism from the panel, by now the people auditioning know what they are getting into. It is season 8 after all, so if that is not what they want to be subjected to then it would be advised to not audition.

I think what Simon said was a little mean but Megan did make the comment before that she loved Simon but she didn't care what he or the judges said. So what he replied with, and in a very professional manner, was straight forward and typical of him.

I didn't actually watch but the last ten minutes or so of the show tonight. Did they play an April fool's joke?

When Ryan put the contestants into groups of 3 my friend and I thought he was being weird, but then he went group to group. Though there was the part where Ryan told Matt to sit down and Matt thought Ryan meant the stools and Ryan points and goes over there and motions to the couches. Once Matt got over there he and Kris joked about that being an April Fools. So I guess that counts lol.
I can't believe Alison was in the bottom three! She did well with the song and she was NOT shouting it, Simon. :lol: Did they put her in the bottom three just cause of her outfit? :lol: My mother told me on some message board she saw someone was saying that Alison's dress should have been the tenth contestant because the judges were talking more about it than about her performance. :lol:

The fans who vote might not have had much faith, the performance was not one of her better ones, the song choice wasn't the greatest. I don't know if people were voting based on outfit or vote was placed elsewhere.

Yeah, she sang it well, but it was too safe for her. She should have done something a little more risky I think. :lol:

I think what Simon said was a little mean but Megan did make the comment before that she loved Simon but she didn't care what he or the judges said. So what he replied with, and in a very professional manner, was straight forward and typical of him.

She said she didn't care what the judges said? I didn't hear that cause I ffwd through that part. :lol: I did hear part of what she said about her fans are still there "so call and vote guys". She said the same thing last week. :lol:

When Ryan put the contestants into groups of 3 my friend and I thought he was being weird, but then he went group to group. Though there was the part where Ryan told Matt to sit down and Matt thought Ryan meant the stools and Ryan points and goes over there and motions to the couches. Once Matt got over there he and Kris joked about that being an April Fools. So I guess that counts lol.

Oh... :lol: Yeah, I guess that would count. haha.
Again I wasn’t going to watch this elimination episode but there was a bit of a hoo-ha online about Danny taking the p*ss out of Matt to the extent that he took it far too far, so, you know, I just had to have a look and see what was going on.

I have to roll my eyes at the hoo-ha because he wasn’t exactly the only one doing an impersonation of a fellow contestant and if Danny’s impersonation of Matt could be said to have been bang out of order, then I think Anoop’s impersonation of Kris should stand right alongside of Danny’s impersonation of Matt.

Goodness me, but I honestly do wonder at some of the comments elsewhere on the net. I just didn’t realise that there are such a lot of unfounded, ignorant, rude and abrasive comments about the people themselves floating around. Mind you, I have delved into something like that when it came to Tatiana (and probably DC), so, all in all, who am I to say? Hmm?

As a side note: I have a horrible feeling that Danny is on the verge of a blow-out/breakdown of sorts. I dunno really, but something in the way that he was, well, he worried me a bit because he seemed so out there but it didn’t seem genuine at all – it was as if he was forcing himself to be bouncy and jumpy and smiley and grinning and all that crap. *shrug*

Anyhoo, I still don’t like DC (sorry) and, for me, the song he sang sounded a lot like so many other songs out there that have been done a thousand times over. It was pretty mundane for me and his horrible “Not as much as I love you” seriously made me roll my eyes. Despite his arrogance and what not, I thought he was a bit better than making such a vomit-inducing comment. Still, having said all that crap, I sincerely hope that all is well with him and his family.

Lady Gaga – Uh, who? Um, all I can say is that it seems to me that people are going so much for the unusual that it's like they're completely and utterly losing the plot. I just thought ‘WTF???!!!’ It also made me think that if the PTBs can fiddle around with Megan’s voice to make it sound good then maybe, just maybe, she might get a record deal out of all this and become a Mega star because I think she fits right in with whatever it was that this Lady Gaga was doing. In my book that’s not a compliment, but maybe others might think it was.

As for the bottom three: Well, they got Megan right, and thankfully she was voted off.

...And in all honesty, I don’t blame Simon saying what he did at all. Yes it was harsh and abrasive, (though I think it was about as honest as Simon has ever been), and I think that maybe Megan did care about what was being said, but, in my opinion, her going home should have happened a long time ago.

Still, Allison in the bottom three again? Oh please, what has she got to do? I’m sorry to say, and it pains me to say this, but on the night’s performances, then I think Matt should have been in the bottom three and so should have Scott. I mean granted it was a really bad song choice for Anoop, but I got more from his performance than I did from either Matt’s or Scott’s.

Still, all in all, for me, the right one went home this week, so, for once, I’m really pleased with how the voting went.

I think that if Anoop, Matt and Scott don’t pick up their game then they could be in the bottom three next week.


Oh PS: Kris reminded me of a young David Essex at the beginning of the lip-synch song :D
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I don't understand this talk of impersonating contestants. Does that mean their performances were too much like another contestant or is there something else I'm missing? :lol:

Who is David Essex?
I don't understand this talk of impersonating contestants. Does that mean their performances were too much like another contestant or is there something else I'm missing? :lol:

Chuckle - I don't blame you for thinking you might have missed something, GNRFan, because it was literally two mins at the beginning of the elimination episode of the contestants showing Ryan Seacrest that they can impersonate some of the other contestants. For instance in a vid we saw Matt impersonating Danny singing (I think) "What hurts the most" and then at the beginning of the live episode we saw Danny impersonating Matt singing the God-awful song he sang. And then Anoop impersonating Kris and so on. It was very brief and a bit of fun, but most importantly very quick and easily missable - so much so that I'm bemused by the hoo-ha Danny's brief impersonation of Matt created online. *shrug*

Who is David Essex?
David Essex is an old British Pop star from the seventies, though he was about in the late sixties. He's not bad but he was and is a bit insipid for my musical tastes. I think they have similar singing voices too, soft and what not...

Here's a link to a piccie:

I think if you ignore the hair and just look at the eyes and what not. *shrug* - chuckle.

Ah, okay. I only watched the last few minutes of the elimination episode. :lol: I thought you meant their actual performances the night before were too much like the other contestants. :lol: Well, maybe them doing the impersenations were like some kind of April Fools day thing. :lol:

I can see a little resemblance between Kris and David Essex. :lol: Although Kris reminds me slightly of Marco on Degrassi High. :lol:

Danny looks like a cross between Robert Downey Jr and one of my cousins. :lol:

My mother thinks Anoop looks a little like Ray Romano. :lol:
I praised Megan for her remarks , Simon insults everyone continually, she was eliminated and spoke her mind, so she doesn't care, good for her, she's talented and will have another shot at fame somewhere else. I was stunned that Alison was in the bottom 3, but was saved:bolian: I still pick Adam, he's phemomenal. however Paula comparing him to Mick Jagger was a bit over the top, there's no one ever like Mick.:thumbsup:
I have been watching this season, but I don't see any of them really making an album that I would want to buy, to be honest.
Tonight's show:

I missed Danny's performance unfortunately because I went outside to check on the pups about ten minutes before the show came on and didn't get back inside until six minutes after it started. Anoop was pretty good as was Matt. I wasn't crazy about Alison's version of "I Can't Make You love me" to be honest, though she's got a good voice. Kris was okay. Scott was okay. Adam was okay. Lil was as they said, very kareoke style, sounded too much like the original.
All of the contestants, were good, not AI material to me, but the ones who were SPECTAULAR in my opinion were Alison , but she's so young, and her bright red hair, did a killer vesion, of "I Can't Make You Love me, If You Don't" gut wrenching. I only thought Bonnie Raitt could do that, but she did an exceptional version. but Adam lordy, singing "Bad World" what can't he sing in his own way and come off phenomenal? he's the one:bolian:
Alison and Danny are my favorits this season!

Last night Alison brought down the house she was amazing!!!

Danny was also good, but last week was way better then this week but he was still good!!
I am actually quite glad that Scott went this week. I just felt like it was the same thing over and over every week with him, a ballad at the piano. He can sing and all but it's not really all that entertaining, IMO.
Danny: I really disliked this version when it came out, it was almost them committing sacrilege to me. Still, as Randy said, the vocals were exceptional, (apart from a really bum note at the beginning that seriously made me wince), but much like when this version came out, it did nothing for me whatsoever. Sorry.

Kris: In my opinion, this type of music, Jazz funk, is something that is just sooo artificial and at the same time I also think it’s something that doesn’t quite know what to do with itself, and because of that Jazz Funk is one of my least favourite music. So, on that, the performance for me was just boring in every way, vocally as well as musically.

Lil: Oh nonononononono! This was awful. Awful awful awful. *shudder* She just does not have the gruffness nor the power to pull off singing this song. Now, at the beginning of American Idol I would have said the absolute opposite, but, uh-uh, not anymore. This was terrible, a horrible impersonation move wise and a terrible rendition vocally. Not good whatsoever. Ruined a favourite song of mine as well.

Anoop: This is another favourite song of mine and I confess, when I heard he was going to sing this, I was like “Eeeeep!” Oh no!” but golly, I really liked this rendition. I liked what he did with this. Excellent stuff!

As a side note: I kind of agree with Simon as well, a singing yo-yo, but I think that would fit more with Matt for me.

Scott: I think it’s obvious that I’m not much of a fan of Scott’s singing, it’s pretty insipid at times, and while this song could be sung in such a manner, he chose not to and it really didn’t work for me. He was badly out of tune near the end, almost as bad as Megan and the rest of it just plodded along. Not good I’m afraid.

Allison: I thought this was a great song choice for Allison. What I like about her singing is that when she lets rip, there’s no screeching or power, you just hear the feeling she’s putting behind what she’s singing and I love that. Best of the evening for me.

Matt: See, a singing yo-yo – chuckle. Last week was a really bad week for Matt, in my opinion, and yet this week, one of the best performances of the night. That’s what I want to hear from him, all soul and feeling. Great stuff!

Adam: I do prefer his singing when he’s singing a softer song, vocally, but I have to say that his theatrics do still bug me. He seems to over emphasise just about everything. I mean, I know this is personal choice, but, for me, when he performs it’s like he performs the song like a very bad amateur writer.

For instance, in a book, the writer has decided to have their main character receive some devastating news. A bad amateur writer will have their character fall to their knees, wailing pitifully and then they’ll give a detailed exposition of what their character is going through, but a good writer will give the reader the barest of details and allow the reader to feel it, trusting that the reader knows what it’s like to receive such bad news.

I suppose what I’m saying is that for me, Danny and Allison give me a truer, more honest performance when they let rip, and that Adam is so far from truth that it feels more like a pantomime of what he’s trying to convey.

Also, Adam cheated slightly, because although “Mad World” was released by “Tears for Fears” in the 80’s his version was taken from Gary Jules’s rendition from 2001. If I was Danny Gokey I’d be a bit p*ssed at that, because he sang the 80’s version of “Stand By Me”, and I think he would done a lot more with the song if he’d sang the original version by Ben E King.

So, all in all, I thought Adam was excellent vocally, as in, he was in tune and what not, (Apart from the beginning and at the end) but visually and some of the additions to the lines he added was fairly off-putting for me because he just put too much emphasis on them. *shrug* Not sure I’ve made sense here – chuckle.

I think the bottom three should be Lil, Scott and Kris.

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