Allison: I didn’t like it that much I’m afraid. Sorry. At the beginning of the song it sounded like she had a massive grolly at the back of her throat causing her voice to be out of tune a bit and toooooo husky which didn’t fit the song. But when she got going she did good, but, I dunno, I just didn’t like it *shrug*
Anoop: Ugh! This song has been so overplayed that it’s actually boring for me now and I have to say his performance was yawn worthy. His added bits were just too much and Tarantino was right it’s a song that needs that bit of roughness otherwise, for me, it becomes incredibly insipid and can cause a sugar overload. Sorry, but it put me off sweets for a bit.
Adam: Yep this just about confirmed what I thought last week. One big show-off who has no connection with the song whatsoever. He just belts it out and screams/screeches the notes. The only saving grace is that the notes are in tune, but it does nothing for me whatsoever. I’m beginning to dislike him I’m afraid.
As a side note: There’s word around that all his apparently *new* twists and angles he’s doing for some of the songs are actually being taken from other versions of the songs. In other words, he’s doing a DC but not admitting it. Would it surprise me if it was true? Not in the least.
Matt: I really liked this, even though he hit some pretty bum notes throughout, but I liked what he did overall. Good job
Danny: Eeeeeep! Beautiful song but golly this was bad. His voice does not do this kind ballad as far as I’m concerned. The only time I felt anything was when he let rip, so the beginning was pretty bad for me, but the end wasn’t that bad. Not good though.
Kris: Ow! Ow! Ow! Bad! Bad! Bad! Didn’t like this at all. I think because he started off too low he was out of tune until he went up a notch, but the end note made me cringe. To me it seriously sounded almost as bad as scratching nails down a blackboard.
Lil: Worst of the evening, though I suppose Kris would be standing right next to her. She ruined it completely. The same as last week she does not have the voice to carry this song off. Someone needs to tell her that she’s not as good as I fear she thinks she is, because she keeps picking songs that are beyond her capabilities. Again the last note hurt my ears!!!
I think Kris, Lil and Anoop should be the bottom three and I think Lil should be the one to go because I can’t recall a good performance from her since these live shows.