~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol...nice. :D timmys is a canadian institution. it holds a lot of my high school memories.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

You know what's really great about Canada?
We're on top.
[Insert Cymbal clash]

Anyways. Jasper is SOOOOOOO nice this time of year D:
I was running around the mountains screaming 'RI-CO-LA' so if any of you heard a psychotic girl running around doing that... that was entirely me.
And then I fell in the snow. Insert Cold And/Or Flu. :D

Yeah at.. W.T.F. It's the 23rd?! It feels like the... um. Y'know. It starts with a 5. 15th! YEAH!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

oh i totally agree, jasper is really nice around christmas...i miss it. used to visit jasper all the time when i lived up in hinton. but then i moved...lol.
and i know what u mean about it not feeling like the 23rd. it seems like it should be the middle of dec...not the day before christmas eve. (if that makes any sense)?
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I love Jasper. I usually go during the summer, but it might be nice to go for Christmas. :)

Oh, and I love Hinton. One of the symbols from all of my years of vacationing to Jasper is the Husky station in Hinton. :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol...the husky station...been there dozens of times. lol. let me guess...you also went to the timmy's accross the street from the husky? yeah hinton is nice...far enough away from the mountains that the prices arent sky high but close enough that you can go to the mountains whenever you want-weather depending. lol. and close enough to the forest (wait the forest runs through town) that i had bears and deer in my front yard quite often (deer more often then bears though).
Re: Canadian Thread #4


Hinton is NOT nice D:
It is when your passing through. But ever live there? *GAG* Pulp Mill could kill a Moose with it's stench. I know. The walls in my apartment stank of death paper.

But.. well, the Southern part of Hinton is swell. With the Husky station XD
The Lady there was nice to me which was nice because I paid for my gas in toonies :3

Re: Canadian Thread #4

Palm your icon made my ass fall off with laughter...good going.

lol....yeah i remember learning about american corporations in school. there was ford, walmart, mcdonalds. lol we even had a bit about mcdonalds in my college law class. lol.

Lucky you got to learn about Wal-Mart with every day low prices. Wal-mart is like god in Edmonton.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol...actually i did live in hinton for 6 years. and the mill smell isn't as bad as the meat packing plant smell i had to put up with for 5 years before that. the mill isn't that bad anymore, only smells bad when its overcast and crappy weather. but i live in edmonton now, so who cares...lol.

yeah the people at the timmys in hinton were awesome. my friends and i got to know the night staff well. we spent many a late night at timmys-seriously we were there until 3am most weekends....even got the cops to leave the donut shop...yeah we had talent ;) also had a food fight with a couple employees. good times.

lol, in hinton walmart is like god too. or at least it was.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

XD The Safeway is God in Hinton Now.
Wal-Mart has become Buddha.
And the Pulp Mill is gotten worse, actually. [Die]
What I thoughts was hilarious was at 4:30 in Hinton, there was already a line at the Tim Hortons. I mean, 4:30.

I actually miss NAIT right now. I'm so used to tromping over to 'Bytes' and getting my daily dose of Coffee and complimentary muffin/donut. Now I have to make it myself and... well. The Turpentine reeeeeally makes it unappetizing.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol...oh and now that hinton has that new fancy IGA on the hill (i mean they got a new set of traffic lights for it for cryin out loud) safeway will slowly lose its ground. unless the safeway gets a starbucks like it was being rumoured to (back when i lived there in the summer).

lol...there was always a line at the tim hortons in hinton. if it wasnt my friends and i it was the truckers.

but ive gotta go...christmas eve at my aunts place...have a good one, and hope santa is nice to all of you :)
Re: Canadian Thread #4

[Dancing around the Mexican Hat]
Merry Fishmas everyone! [Insert Newfoundland & Vancouver Fish]

Ah, hope everyone's having fun. And got what they wanted :D
And I must give a nod out to Pot of Gold for making some good chocolates instead of the generic "Everyone eats the caramel ones and leaves the others" boxes.
Hooray! :D
Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol...yeah in my family its either the caramel or the chocolate truffles that go first but i was given so much chocolate i think i'll be well stocked till easter ;)

Merry Christmas everyone!

oh and if you have to work tomorrow (boxing day) i wish you good luck, and my sympathies. and if you are shopping tomorrow...well i also wish you good luck...and think that you're brave. the only store im braving tomorrow is best buy...gonna go buy myself some csi seasons on dvd with the gift card i was given :) good luck to all the workers/shoppers out there, hope its not too insane.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

^ Shelbers. I admire your bravery to even go into Best Buy on Boxing Day. [Bow head]

I'm waiting until the whole "Christmas-New Years-Christmas" weeks are over and then I'll go blow my money X3
Re: Canadian Thread #4

You know... I've never gone shopping on boxing day. And I don't ever really plan to. I do have to work today, though. But... as it's a grocery store, and nobody needs to buy food, because they've got so much left over turkey, it won't be too busy. Last year, it was so dead in our store, and we were all bored out of our minds :lol:
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