~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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Re: Canadian Thread #4

Just give me plain orange pekoe tea any time.

Word. Im a big tea fan, I've never had a cup of coffee in my entire life. When I tell that to people they look @ me like I have a third head :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

wibble said
Come to England Jacquie - I'll make you a great cuppa :D :lol:

Hey wibbs, stop stealing our Canadians. :lol:

As a symbolic Canadian, you should know better. :p

*passes English Muffin*

I'll admit, I enjoy drinking tea. Especially near the fireplace, on a wintery day. It's much more relaxing, and tea always helps when I'm not feeling very well. :)
Re: Canadian Thread #4

wibble said:
^ Come to England Jacquie - I'll make you a great cuppa! :D :lol:

Are you paying the air fare :lol: I've been to England twice and I love the place especially the Yorkshire area. I'm second generation Canadian and both sets of grandparents were English. I grew up on things like Yorkshire pudding, steak and kidney pies, and mince pies at Christmas and good old fashion Tea. :)
Re: Canadian Thread #4

now tea i can do :) momma loves her orange pekoe, has to be tetley though :lol: in london at the market there is a store called 'the tea haus' and they have the most delicious teas. my favourites are coronation street rooibos or honeybush. the rooibos and honeybush are the type of tea, and when its called coronation street it has orange peel, strawberry leaves and dried currants. the thing is they are the most popular flavour and sell out so fast!

i am many different generations of canadian all rolled into one. i dont know about when my grandmas families came, but for one grandpa he and his siblings were the first to be born in canada. and then through my moms dad im...15th generation? they came to quebec from france almost 300 years ago. and then my grandpa was the first to leave quebec in all those years :eek:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

:eek: Where are all the coffee drinkers at? I hope I'm not the only one. Anyway, nothing is better then having a fresh cup of coffee after a long dinner with the family. I guess it's a tradition but it totally brings me back to my vacation in Europe. I admit that I have tea when I'm feeling really ill but even then I'll add in a tablespoon or two of honey but they have to be *big ones*. No offence, but all teas taste the same :p. *ducks down* Anyway, just give me a frappe anyday & I'm happy. Oh, how I miss southern Europe :(.

I am first generation Canadian. Both sets of my parents & grandparents have immigrated from Europe, along with my two thia's from my mom's side, here to Vancouver. They actually stayed in Montreal for a bit. It took them a good year to speak English fluently as Greek was so natural for them. The stories they have are priceless :lol:.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

*waves hand* I drink coffee like it's air! D:
I can't drink tea. To me, it's just flavoured hot water. I don't enjoy it. Only when I have a sore throat do I drink Lemon Honey tea. Other than that, I shovel down the coffee.

Oh, except I do frequently get a Second Cup white Hot Chocolate. Swear to God, best friggin hot chocolate ever. In fact... I think I'll go make one right now...

XD For some reason, Jorja, your story of your parents reminded me of My Big Fat Greek Wedding when Toula's grandmother first came to their house and was yelling about the turks. I don't know why D:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

:lol: You're not too far off Palm. Both sets of my papou & yiayia are pretty normal but the relatives I have over in Greece are like that scene & pretty much like the whole entire movie.

"You're not kidnapping me, you bloody Turk!" :lol:x10

But yes, I'm glad I'm not the only coffee consumer here. I drink that thing like it's frigging water & yet I still grew up to be 5'9", making me the tallest female in my whole entire family. Maybe the coffee made me grow like a giant or maybe it's something in the Canadian air :lol:

Heck, it's 10:40 PM here & I'm craving coffee right about now & I think all we have is tea. The only reason why is my family is too damn lazy to throw it away 'cause nobody drinks it. Maybe I'll go grab a double double from Timmy Ho's...
Re: Canadian Thread #4

^ XD Gotta love the Greeks.
"We convinced her to stay, but she still sleeps with a knife under her pillow..."

Aw man. Maybe it's the Vancouver air? I'm like.. 5'3" and can easily be put into most overhead compartment storage and I drink coffee everyday. [Palm's note to self: Start drinking coffee in Vancouver. Grow taller. Seize the West Coast]

[Checks watch] 10:40? =\
Oh crap, I keep forgetting the whole 'Time Zone' thing. Yikes. I guess right now I'd be.... what. 4:35 in B.C? Grawl. It's too early D:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Palm said:

Oh, except I do frequently get a Second Cup white Hot Chocolate. Swear to God, best friggin hot chocolate ever. In fact... I think I'll go make one right now...

most delicious thing ever! when my dad would pick me up from school sometimes wed go to the second cup right by campus. i make it at home from the powder but its not as creamy. probably because i use water and no whipped cream. oh! and i put the vanilla powder sugar or whatever it is on mine.

looks like itll be a green christmas. the snow in guelph is almost gone and itll probably take a little longer to melt the 3 feet london got. im going back home tomorrow! wee!! except the crazy heat wave they were originally predicting for next week isnt happening anymore. weather people never get it right *le sigh*
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I don't like coffee. Or tea. Or hot chocolate, really. Mostly, I don't like hot drinks in general. But there is one place I LOVE, the only place I'll drink hot drinks from. It's called Forbidden Flavours, and it's amazing. It started out here in Brandon, and now has 7 locations total. If your ever in Brandon, Winnipeg, Shilo or Souris, Forbidden Flavours is a must. The original location is conveniently a three minute walk from my house, and halfway between my house and my best friends. We go there all the time. They have ice cream, too. No doughnuts, but cookies, brownies, biscotti, etc. One store even has a used bookstore part in the back.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

^*melts* Mmmmmm... Biscotti. I love those. Great Dippers. I usually buy a muffin though and have a fight with it before devouring it like a dinosaur. Except more abstract and injured chocolate chips.

I keep getting distracted. Crap. What's the topic? Oranges? Aw.... I need sleep.. X____o
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Rachel Mcadams, thats her name...Oh yeah Mean Girls was on Sun and i was trying to remember the actress that played Regina, because RMA is a Canadain *Whoo*

Speaking of hot Chocolate. Me and my friend when to sev (7/11) and to get hot chocolate because she lost a bet to another friend and when we got to school my principal asked who the extra one was for and she didn't say anything so he took it >8( ass.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

rachel mcadams was born at the same hospital i was :D
i dont think theres a speck of snow left here yay! although now its going to rain. but i guess anything is better than snow
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