~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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Re: Canadian Thread #4

yeah i cant drink tea either, but i can drink coffee like its water and thankfully the caffeine doesnt effect me (most of the time). starbucks caramel mochiato (sp?) are really yummy or white chocolate mocha's from second cup. anyone tried the java chip (cold frap) from starbucks...yummy coffee in the summertime. lol.
hmmm forbidden flavours you say...ill have to check it out next time im visiting the grandparents;)
ok now im craving starbucks....hmmmm....walk across the street....but i must study....you evil people:)
Re: Canadian Thread #4

hehe found friend to go with me.....screw the finals....ill take coffee over finals any day. :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

We haven't got any snow in Markham. We did get a skiffle last week but it disappeared quickly.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Ok, this is probably going to sound stupid, particularly because I probably could've googled for this info, but I was wondering if someone could help me with a little geography problem...sort of

Ok, I have this friend who is over in Canada on a working holiday, and he's working at a place called Lake Louise. This morning on some breakfast show they were broadcasting live from a place called Banff. Now, my mother and I watched thinking that he might be somewhere near there and when I googled Banff, it kept coming up with Banff/Lake Louise and I was just wondering if anyone knew whether they are the same place or just near each other...

Ah man, if only he left one year later, mum said he could've taken me...I've actually been thinking that after I finish school, I might do sort of the same thing...oh well, still got a year to thik about it
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Banff and Lake Louise, are very close to each other, but it's not the same location.

I did some google-earthing just so there's a visual and that things look a little more clear on the matter.


Most often, the two locations are together on signs or in ads because they're very close geographically (compared to other locations). Plus, it's more than likely you'll have to go through Banff to get to Lake Louise so they'll include both names when advertising, or describing them. :)
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Me and my friend might work at Timmys :lol: it's my first job so i have to start off some where, am i right?

Plus free dohnuts ;)
Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol....yeah i had food fights with my friends when they worked at timmy ho's...then again they worked nightshift and we always visited at like 2 am. :lol: my friends lived at our timmys. nothing like your friend sliding dukes of hazzard style through the drive through window but i digress.

yeah banff and lake louise are about a half hour (possibly less i can't remember) and are both really popular ski resorts here in alberta. theyre grouped together alot because of the closeness of the locations.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I love lake louise, so incredibly pretty, although i love the West Coast of Canada in general. I can't wait to go back sometime.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

My Dad always drags us to Banff at least once a year.. I prefer just the quick trip to Waterton - it's so beautiful there. Waterton and Glacier are the parks that my family love!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

[Has heart attack in mention of Banff]

Sorry. Bad memories there. I'll stick to claiming Jasper as my own.
[Hits Dr. Shuriyu]
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I went to Banff once, my dad really wanted to see it. All i remember doing there is going to this weird McDonalds and seeing this horse carrige *...*
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Jasper's more of my kind of town. :) Been goin' there every year since I was born. :D

I've been to Banff once for about a half hour, because someone in the car needed to pee while we were on the road. :lol: I saw some pretty neat stuffed animals at some weird information building though. :p
Re: Canadian Thread #4

i havent been west of windsor or east of quebec city. dont throw things at me! :lol: id like to get out to bc one day but my when my family travels we like to go tropical. hawaii, caribbean, and next christmas costa rica (yes its booked already :p) my dad is still a little weary of being in the middle of a rainforest, he thinks a jaguar will eat him or the giant bugs will come after him :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

^ *staring at allmaple's icon before rant*
Holy hell. You get to go OUTSIDE of Canada? Oi.. [faint]

Foreign places scare me. I went to Orlando and this cop pulled a U-Turn right beside a sign that said "No U-Turns". And the iHop ripped us off. And I was afraid of everything because I'm timid like that.

But seriously, what's the Caribbean like? Last time I heard, it had Pirates...
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Mmm... Pirates. Oh wait I mean... what thread is this? Canadian? Oh, yeah right. I'm actually going to the States for a few days. Just North Dakota, nothing exciting.
You know, I've never been to either Jasper or Banff.
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