~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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Re: Canadian Thread #4

There's a Starbucks and Second Cup all within the same 2 blocks as Timmy's is. The only thing missing as far as I know is a Timothy's.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I have three Tim Horton's in my city. One beside Walmart, one on St.Albert trail, and another one by the second Safeway. :lol:

And there's a starbucks near the bank, and another one going up near Esso. We also had a Timothy's, but it's not there anymore. :lol: Can you tell my city likes it's coffee? :p
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I think we have four Timmy's in my city. I don't know any of the roads *blushes* but there's one in Byron, one on my way to church :p, one on my way back from church (going another way), and now I'm forgetting where the other one is :rolleyes:. It's the one I go to most often too. :lol:

We have a Starbucks near my house. It's near Pizza Pizza, Subway and Remarks. It was supposed to be a Timmy's but noooo they built a Starbucks. :(
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Little Timmy's trivia for everyone...

Tim Hortons: Today, there are approximately 2,400 Tim Hortons doughnut shops in Canada - one shop for every 12,500 people. That's more per capita than there are outlets of Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Donuts, and McDonald's in the United States combined.

I can't even begin to count all the TH's in my neighbourhood...it'd take me days :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

All this talk of Starbucks and coffee reminds me of the subtle joke in Shrek 2, when the giant gingerbread man is walking up the street destroying buildings, and people run screaming in terror out of the Starbucks shop, and across the street straight into another Starbucks cafe :lol: (Apparently, the film-maker's point was to show how much Americans love their coffee ;) :lol:)

Just thought I'd drop that random observation in :p

*is distracted by allstar's icon*
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Lemme see here...

There's one Tim Horton's ten minutes from my house.

There are eight, yep eight, Starbucks ten minutes from my house. However, there could be more.

:lol: So you guys can probably figure out where I spend more of my time. I mean, Timmy Ho's makes the best timbits, doughnuts & muffins but Starbucks has my heart when it comes to their beverages. *ducks down*

However, that doesn't mean I'm anti-Canada :lol:.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

i live across the street from a tim hortons, and theres 3 (soon to be 4! :eek:) on campus. i dont go too often, dont like coffee and all. but i tell ya, sometimes i could kill for a sourcream glazed donut! :lol: great now i want one. but then id have to go outside and cross the street to get one, so ill just stay here :D

i still have the picture of daniel craig in his little bathing suit on my msn, and my friend and i got into a conversation about what wed do with his chest and maple syrup.... ok wibble, i have snow now, you can shove me into a bank to cool off :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

You don't like coffee :eek:. Oh man, I drink more coffee then I do water. Frappes are the best. Hell, if Tim Horton's introduced frappe's I'd be there all the time instead of getting my java fix at Starbucks. Of course, it would have to have the right amount of foam. The foam makes it so damn good. I love going to my papou & yiayia's house & having a fresh cup of Greek coffee right after dinner. We drink that stuff no matter what hour it is whether it's 10 in the morning or 8 at night :lol:.

I could never get into tea. The taste doesn't please me & even when I had huge tablespoons of honey it still doesn't do anything. Bleh.

Something tells me I won't fit in if I ever go to England :lol:. While everyone is having a cup of tea I'm gonna be sitting there with a huge mug of coffee.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

French Vanilla Cappachino from Timmy's.
Because I'm snobbish and a jerk.

So, what happened in 2 days to Palm. Hm. Well, my Reciever got stuck on a sex channel and I had to watch a disturbingly hilarious program called "Das Crazy Sex Show". I was blown into my shed by a Chinook. I fell out of my Dad's truck twice and got slapped in the face with a christmas tree, which is now outside being punished. PUNISHED! PPPPUUUUUUNISHED!
And my Bumper Sticker fell off my car. But it STILL was better than going to my class. HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA.
I need blood D:

[Hops on Dr. Shuriyu's Back yelling 'Hi-ho Silver!]
Re: Canadian Thread #4

@.@ Okay, I know I give piggy backs, but this is rediculous! *nearly topples over from unexpectedness-ess..*

What happened to me this weekend? I'm drugged up on anti-histomines because my cold FINALLY decides to hit on a Saturday. It's not great.. I'm still going to a movie thing, though.

Our school play is next week! Whoo! My Fair Lady! *not looking forward to two days of Dress Rehersal. >.<* And on the topic of how many Timmy's there are.. I think there's about three or four. I.. Think.. Three for sure.

Erm.. Yes..
Re: Canadian Thread #4

We have two timmies here. Both of which are fairly recent additions. We also have two starbucks, which are even more recent additions, and both of which are in the same shopping complex. One happens to be inside the Safeway that I work at.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

well being in edmonton i dont even want to think about how many timmys there are, or other coffee places. lol whyte ave. for instance has 2 second cups, 1 timmy's, 3 starbucks and 1 timothys (and thats just the ones i can remember). i love how at the same intersection (like on each corner) are a starbucks, second cup and timothys. its great. :lol:

yeah i do love timmys but theres the time when im really craving a latte or a fancier coffee when i really want starbucks...like right now. :D
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Well, I live in a very small town, and we have one Tim Horton's. It was built two years ago. From the way people act in this town, you would think they never drank coffee before. There have actually been car accidents there, because people can't bother to wait for vehicles to turn in. :eek:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

^ XD Omg, seriously, that sounds like Stony. That town has a Tim Hortons and the line up for it sometimes goes out onto the highway. It's crazy! D:

Even though there's a Starbucks like... 2 blocks over, everyone goes to Timmy's. I think it's the doughnuts. Mmmm. Donut. Doughnut? Do-not. DO NOT! NOOOO! DOUGHNUTS ARE BAD!

[Sits quietly and procedes to jump upon Dr. Shuriyu again]
Tell me a story, Dr! I demand it! THE MASCOT HAS SPOKEN!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I live in Markham and I don't want to try and count the number of coffee shops in town. I'm a confirmed tea drinker. Coffee just doesn't sit well in my stomach. I was also brought up on tea. It's difficult to get a good cup of tea in some places, they want to serve flavoured tea or green tea or herbal teas. Just give me plain orange pekoe tea any time.
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