~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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Re: Canadian Thread #4

I've been to...

Greece (favourite place in the world)

I stepped foot in Toronto & Montreal but it was just to switch flights coming to and back from Europe. I must say that Montreal has the nicer airport.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I've been all across Canada and the US. I've also been to Europe, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Russia. I agree that Jaspar is much nicer than Banff. Banff is too touristy
Re: Canadian Thread #4


I've been to... um. Palm's House of... Um. Palm's House of International Boredomness and Tomfoolery! It has... um. My Bed! Whoooooo! And.. My Tv with the Martini lamp on it! CRAZY! Plus knicknacks of all sorts, the corner of contagious teddy bears and the bookshelves of constant junk! WOW! Worth the 50 cents pay...

I would like to go to Germany one day. Just to hit on the german guys D:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Palm, I could have sworn I read "Just to hit a German guy" :lol: I was thinking to myself "Oh that's not very nice" :lol: :p

I've been to...


...And that's it. Erm...I almost ended up in Seattle once if that counts. :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Palm said:

But seriously, what's the Caribbean like? Last time I heard, it had Pirates...

pirates have been on a steady decline, and this is strongly correlated to the increase in global temperatures... flying spaghetti monster? anyone?

i love living in canada but i sure do like leaving it. especially in the winter to go to lounge on a beach. then you come back all golden brown and people look at you funny. but everyone loves canadians, my cousin from michigan always puts a canadian flag on her backpack when she goes to europe :lol: when i go to new york in a week people will for sure know im canadian :D

eta: oh! i forgot. i have a present for you Palm in case you hadnt seen it elsewhere on the board but another user posted this. thought you might like it ;)
Re: Canadian Thread #4

ok lets see i've been to:
Jasper, Edson, Hinton, Banff, Lake Louise and Canmore too many times to count
Medicine Hat (and various small towns/cities in that area)
BC (go camping in the Kootnay mountains every summer),
Denver (well the airport to switch planes)
thats it..well i guess i've been to Saskatchewan...drove thru it on the way to Manitoba...lol. :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I've been to:
Mexico (woot!!! :D Favourite place)

Other places too.. But I've never been to anywhere in Canada really. :eek: As you can see my family likes warm places. :p

I love leaving Canada too. hehe But I like coming back... Sometimes. Even if that means I'm coming back to snow and school and homework, eh! :D
Re: Canadian Thread #4

allmaple said:
eta: oh! i forgot. i have a present for you Palm in case you hadnt seen it elsewhere on the board but another user posted this. thought you might like it ;)

*revive* Well. I was in a magical happy place for about 30 seconds there. |3~

Spaghetti monster?! That reminds me of that creepy icon I had of the spaghetti monster. How.. ironic? :p
I think I should go down and become a Pirate in the caribbean. It'll be weird, but dangit! I'd do it! Plus, hey hey! Tropical weather. Sandy beaches. Perhaps sexy men in speedos. Yes. The Caribbean is the place it's at for Pirates!

Not Saskatchewan. It's winter so the seas have dried up, yarr.. D:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Damn Palm your icon is fine like Cherry wine :lol:

You guys suck, i havent been out of Alberta *Pouts* Lucky Duckys.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

you havent heard of flying spaghetti monster?? oh its hilarious, someone created it as satire after kansas tried to introduce intelligent design into science classrooms. if youre in need of a laugh i suggest you look it up, its great. im glad canada hasnt had stupid law suits over stuff like that :rolleyes: americans will sue over anything, no offense to any americans or anything
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I've never heard of the flying spaghetti monster either. To me it sounded like a nice pasta dish you can get for the kids at some Italian restaurant :lol:. I'll look it up when I'm not so lazy.

Damn frigging Vancouver rain. I wish I was in another country right now. *sigh*
Re: Canadian Thread #4

D: RAIN?! *begs for rain and not snow*
I'd rather be wet than cold.
Okay, rephrase. I'd rather have rain than snow. =/
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Seriously :eek:? I loathe rain & love snow. Now that school is done I don't have to worry about the snow anymore. I get to enjoy it heehee.

C'mon Santa baby, gimme a white Christmas :D.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

^ .....

We should switch weather. D:
I love dancing in the rain. It's so fun! :D
Plus, you look psychopathic when you do it and everyone like: "..." and I'm always like "LA LA LA LA! DUCKS!"
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Oooohkay. Um.
So! Anyone get their Christmas Shopping done already? Planning to go?

I have one more gift left, but I don't want to attempt to get it because it's at WEM and since it's getting closer to Christmas, everyone's getting more psycho and hateful. Like Grand Theft Auto. But in the mall.
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