~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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Re: Canadian Thread #4

Yeah that's the thing about Youtube...It's not the most reliable. :rolleyes:

sandersidle, congrats on your snow day! :D I think in Edmonton, I've had a snow day once and it was last January when it was too cold to start the buses. :lol:

But today I was off because the Catholic schools have decided every second friday is designated 'Don't come to school and we'll call it a Professional Development day'

That's what they want you to believe. :p

:eek: Megan, how can Americans not know what Smarties are? That has to be some kind of crime.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

:lol: no kidding. It's awful. My dad was taking some classes at the Univesrity of North Dakota (getting his phd), and one day when he got home, he was complaining that they didnt' have coffee crisp bars in the vending machines (he favorite snack). So my mom bought him a bag of those little halloween sized ones. He shared them with his class, and they were all so amazed at how good they were, and wanted to know why they didn't have them in the states :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

they dont have coffee crisp either?? i knew they didnt have smarties or ketchup chips.
sandersidle you live in london?!? weired out. my mom sent me an email because her and my dad were snowed in with 34 inches and couldnt get out to go to work. i never had a snow day when i went to school, high school at least. there may have been one in elementary school. i know in grade 11 when there was an ice storm in april they never officially closed lucas, the teachers just didnt show up. but my mom insisted on driving us to school, but then drove us right back home because there were no teachers :lol: we only have about 2 cm in guelph :D
Re: Canadian Thread #4

*dances* Yay, the snow is finally melting! I'm tired of constantly slipping & landing on my flat ass. I have a feeling it'll come back though :(.

Ooh I love coffee crisp & ketchup chips! I actually shared a bag of Lays ketchup chips with my family a few days ago & damn, they were good. Although, I have a feeling that their next stop will be my thighs & butt. Yep, that's exactly what I need this holiday season...
Re: Canadian Thread #4

i havent had ketchup chips in sooooo long! i may have to break down and get some :D thanks a lot jorja :p
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Wait... they dont' have ketchup chips? I had no idea :lol: and nope, no coffee crisp. Or smarties, kitkat, or areo. They're all made by nestle.
Aw. Poor London. all snowed in. I should call my cousins and laugh at them. Or just send an email. I don't think we've ever had a snow day here. Not even when we got a blizzard in the middle of may. that sucked.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Yup allmaple. I love in London. :) Do you live there too!? :eek:

And thanks Geni. ;)

I love ketchup chips!! Ohh and kitkats. :D I like coffee crisp but I would rather have crunchies. :rolleyes:

Oh and you can all call me Katie, if you want. It's easier then typing sandersidle. :p :)
Re: Canadian Thread #4

i do live in london! well, when im not at school in guelph. that is weird, i thought i was the only one here from london! which high school did/do you go to? i went to lucas. dont laugh! :p :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

All you Londeners are so lucky (or maybe not :p) I haven't had a snow day in T.O. since '99 and it wasn't even an official snow day, I just stayed home :lol:

I love talking about Canada to Americans, it's hilarious. I can name more than half the states and my friend in Ohio can't even name one province. But my friend in Minnie knows more about Canada than I do so... :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

allmaple said:
i do live in london! well, when im not at school in guelph. that is weird, i thought i was the only one here from london! which high school did/do you go to? i went to lucas. dont laugh! :p :lol:

Wow! That's so cool! :D I go to STA (Saint Thomas Aquinas). Hey, I'm not gonna laugh at you for going to Lucas. They beat STA in the Red Feather game this year. :lol: :p
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Well here in Edmonton our snow is finally melting:) then again it's time that drivers learned how to drive without splashing the poor, college kids that have to walk everywhere. lol...wait i shouldnt be laughing i am one of those poor college kids.

let me just say that i just found this forum and am loving it. give me timmy ho's coffee over (insert international coffee maker here) any day. and they finally gave our troops overseas a timmy ho's a while ago. :)

ok, going back a few posts...may i just say....it doesnt take much to make the cover of the calgary sun, but zachardeli (sp?) did royally screw up.

oh, and dont even get me started on how much americans fail of their knowlege of us (no offense intended to the americans who do know, and the ones here, love ya all) but seriously, my friends and i can sing their anthem word for word and name all 50 states and all that and then you talk to most americans and they tend to bunch canada up into one big lump. seriously one guy i was talking to while visiting anaheim asked me what we did in the summer whan our igloos melted. i told him that we lived like the gophers and burrowed underground thinking he'd get the angry sarcasm....he didnt and took it at face value. well im off to try to find that thread with the pics from the eddie cahill gift (the one with the hockey pucks..i cant seem to find it). sorry canadian, hockey, im a huge fan...of both eddie and hockey:) later!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

football was about the only thing lucas was good for :lol: i know some guys who stayed back for a 5th year just to play football :eek:

when we were in florida my brother wanted to tell people he was the prince of iqaluit, but momma wouldnt let him :lol:

eta: oh! and the house of commons yesturday voted down the opposition to reopen the debate on gay marriage! go canada!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I'm glad it was voted down. I don't think Harper should have opened it up again. At least now Harper can say he tried.

There's a Timmy's just down the street from our store. I don't drink coffee but there hot chocolate is good. Not as good as Starbucks but a heck of alot cheaper. The chili at Timmy's is good.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

There's a Timmy's literally 5 mins away from my school, Im (or should I say my friends who are w/ me) too lazy to walk there. LOL. But Im kinda mad at Timmy Ho's today, my tea sucked this morning.

eta: oh! and the house of commons yesturday voted down the opposition to reopen the debate on gay marriage! go canada!

I watched it while they were voting (doing the up & down thing :lol:) and had no idea if I should be cheering for the Yes side or the No side. I was so lost :lol:

So, I was happy to read today that it was voted down :D
Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol...ok...lets see theres a timmy's thats right accross the street from my dorm building and 2 of them on campus. plus a starbucks 5 mins away and a second cup 5 mins away too.
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