~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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most of the best tv shows are all on one channel...


and twonies!! I love them, I can't stand american money, I always end up with a billion one dollar bills.
ok some of the best things about canada are also our awesome bands/singers and actors (A.J. Buckley included) :D oh and i guess curling and lacrosse are ours too :)

oh and bird_of_flame, ur comment about most teams players being canadian made me laugh. ok so back in '04 when the flames were making their cup run, i was cheering for the Lightning! and my dad being a diehard Flames fan was hating me for it and constantly asking me why I don;t want a Canadian team to win the Cup. My response: "I do want a Canadian team to win the Cup - Tampa has more Canadians on their team than the Flames do!" ah the joy of it was that that (at the time) was a true statement!

ok and how odd is this as im typing this what should come out of my speakers (from my itunes playlist) but the "Team Canada" version of Paul Brandt's song Canadian Man (basically he redid it after Team Canada won 2 hockey golds at Salt Lake):lol:
I only listen to 2 Canadian bands and i love them. Michael Buble and Nicleback!!! OMG speaking of MB his new cd comes out May 1st!!!!

May is gonna be so awesome for me!!!
Hey, quickbeam. Take your income tax to H&R Block, they'll do it really quick. Also, they give discounts to students, so it should only cost about $35.

I did mine a while ago, and just got my return back. Which is great, cause I needed the money :lol:

My response: "I do want a Canadian team to win the Cup - Tampa has more Canadians on their team than the Flames do!"

Haha, that's so true! Im curious now, I wonder which team actually has the most Canadians.
Oh and if you have an SPC card, and go to H&R Block, I think its only like 29.95ish...but don't quote me on that, LOL!

ok i was bored so i actually figured this out. Anaheim has the most Canadians on its roster with 20 followed closely by Tampa with 17, then Calgary and Dallas each with 15.
*hands shelbs donut*

I bow down to you and your dedication. LOL. Im shocked that it's Anaheim, to be honest. I assumed it was Tampa, I dunno why.
Oh my god, people go try a chocolate mint iced cap! I swear, they’re the best things I’ve ever tasted! They taste like mint Oreos! *sips on iced cap* I’m not addicted, I swear! :p

My dad probably would have known about that; he’s the hockey fanatic in the house. He watches every game, and follows every team. He even goes to play field hockey with a couple of his friends (they have a league, he’s on the beaver team). And now my brother and I are turning into him. Hockey, especially during the playoffs, is really addicting.

Who here experienced really nice warm weather today? *raises hand* See, this is the time of year I love, not too hot and not too cold, but sunny and bright and all that beautiful spring stuff… at least until it rains. :rolleyes:
ok i was bored so i actually figured this out. Anaheim has the most Canadians on its roster with 20 followed closely by Tampa with 17, then Calgary and Dallas each with 15.
:lol: sounds like something I would go and do, except that I know nothing about hockey.

Man, it is so windy here right now. I mean, it's a beautiful day, right at 20C, but it's so freaking windy! The tree in our front yard is falling over. I can see the roots coming out of the ground and everything. And it's sooo crooked. It wasn't like that this morning. I mean, it was crooked, but not that much. And it's a *HUGE* tree. Thank goodness the wind is blowing it *away* from the house :lol:
So, just to track back to the topic we were discussing earlier about security at universities... well, I have an interesting development.

I had just hopped on the bus to head to the university, when the bus driver informed me that the university is all closed down, and there's police everywhere, and the buses aren't allowed to go into the terminal.

So, I came back home, and checked my university e-mail for security alerts...

At approximately 5:00 pm today (April 20, 2007), Campus Safety received
a report of 6' tall, dark-haired male, dressed in a light shirt and
camouflage pants, walking through campus possibly armed with a gun.

Saskatoon Police are on the scene, sweeping the campus. Members of the
campus community are advised to leave immediately or remain behind
locked doors.

Further developments will be shared with the campus community as soon
as possible.

They sent that alert at 5:51... I got on the bus at 6:42, with no idea what was going on, due to the fact that the reason I was going to the university was to CHECK my e-mail (because I'm using dial-up on my landlord's phone line right now, which I avoid whenever possible). Seems to me like once again, the e-mail system of security alerts is kinda not working so well...
Wow. That's just unacceptable. They really think that sending out an email is going to solve anything..? It probably wouldn't reach half of the students in time. What about people who don't have an email. I mean really, they could send out more security telling people to go home, say it over loudspeakers. Something.

We were talking about technology in my Sociology class yesterday and how much we depend on it for almost everything. But it's such a failure to us as well. People use emails now to send emergency messages..? It just seems so stupid.
yeah the email thing is a little odd. i mean the Uni should have everyones phone numbers, its not that hard to send out an automated phone call (my highschool did it when you were absent).

and as for the edmonton weather muddy....and chilly like 12* below normal for this time of year. res parking lot is a mudpie, just in time for everyone to move out.

and if the tims accross from me has the mint chocolate iced caps, im so there after packing! :lol:
well when you think about it, right now email is about as good as they can do. i dont know about other universities but guelph doesnt have a speaker/announcement system. and if there really is a crazy guy with a gun, is announcing over the campus where he can hear 'watch out! theres a crazy guy with a gun!' really the best thing?

as for phone numbers, sure they can send messages to all the residence rooms easy enough, but keeping track of 10 000+ students phone numbers every year? thats not going to be easy, even with cell phones where you might not have a different number every year. and even with automated messages the machines cant handle 20 000 calls at once, it would still take an hour or more.

there really is no way to get everybody out and keep everybody away if something like that were to happen. the best thing i can think of at the moment is changing all the buildings and rooms to electric locks so if there is someone suspicious on campus you can at least keep them out of the buildings.

and mint chocolate ice caps? definitely will have to try those! i know i had the caramel one before and it was deliciously sugar rushing goodness
I think sending mass text messages that there is a gun man lose on campus would be insane. I know that people are critizing Vtech, saying this is what they should have done, but just think about how busy it is in lecture halls, people would get trampled to death.
ok so i forgot about the iced cap...will try to remember tomorrow. lol. or i guess thats later today; wow, i should really sleep!

the electric lock idea is a good one. i know that the college i am at in edmonton has just finished (or is in the process of finishing) switching all of the door locks over to electric.

but i think that in a lot of cases the ways of alerting others to situations like that would vary between schools (depending on the size, number of people needing alerted, methods of alert available, etc.). so yes there should be some sort of guideling nation wide, but the majority of that type of planning should be done by the individual school.
just not like my old highschool. we had a bomb threat once and the principal and cops investigated, and a half hour after the threat decided that then was the time to pull the fire alarm to evacuate the school. and by evacuate we go across the street (maybe 75 feet) away from the school.
when i was in highschool someone called the school board with a bomb threat, im not sure if there were specific schools, but they didnt take it seriously and did nothing about it. my mom works with the school board as a speech pathologist and she heard about it, so she came and picked my brother an i up from school. she figured if its true they are safe but if its not they miss one class. big deal. i can only imagine the backlash if there had been a bomb and the school board did nothing about it. luckily nothing happened.

oh, and after all the talk of ketchup chips i had to get some yesterday, they were kethupy goodness.
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