~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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exactly i know in my class of 30 that theres only maybe 2 people who dont have cells. and of the 28 that do im pretty sure everyone has theirs on vibrate, especially since a few of my classmates were mothers. i think the cell phone idea would actually work.
i dont have a cell phone, probably never will. but i do think if people were getting messages around me id be able to figure it out.

and i forgot about our snow day! what a mess that was. school got closed in the middle of the day and although they posted it on the website for those of us already at school we were not told. i stood outside my locked lab for 20 minutes with the rest of my class and we didnt know what was going on. the professor was down the hall in his office and someone went down there to talk to him. he didnt come out to tell us and there was no notice or anything. that just goes to show even on smaller campuses there really is no way to contact everyone quickly and efficiently about anything. regardless of how important it is.
The text message idea is a good one; not only will people most likely text everyone they know about the warning should they get such a message, but they would probably also vocally spread the message to the people they pass as they try to get out. However, the main problem once the message is sent out is to avoid mass panic. Let’s face it, there are at least 50 000 students in some of the larger Universities, and there could be at least one hundred in a lecture hall at any one time. Send them all a message simultaneously saying that there is a security threat in the building, and then you have at least a hundred panicked students trying to get out as fast as possible through small doors, not to mention the other hundreds of students rushing out of their lecture halls. Text messaging is a great idea, but the evacuation that comes after is what can cause more hurt than help.

Once a while back I was waiting for my class to start, and I was sitting outside. Next thing I know, a whole bunch of people stream out of the science building near where I was sitting. You could hear the fire alarms going off when the doors were opened. While the building was evacuated quickly, it was what everyone did that surprised me. They just stood outside, right in front of the building, not twenty feet away from the entrance. Why? Because there was nowhere else to go; they were in a small “square” in the centre of the campus, surrounded on all sides by other buildings. There were some people who went out the back way and into the parking lot, but most were out front and basically trapped. Now this incident turned out to be a false alarm (I believe, since I haven’t heard anything of it again), but what if a gunman did come in? Where could the people go once they evacuated? My whole concern is the lack of any real evacuation plan, save for "just get out of the building as fast as you can"; what happens after that? A plan needs to be more substantial.
There are a lot of really good points being made in here.

Where could the people go once they evacuated? My whole concern is the lack of any real evacuation plan, save for "just get out of the building as fast as you can"; what happens after that? A plan needs to be more substantial.
At my university, once you're outside, you can't be 'boxed in'. There are no outdoor places that are completely surrounded by buildings. The courtyard is open. It is completely open on one side, save for a few trees, and there are large gaps between the buildings. It's also a smaller campus in general.
I don't think any one plan would work for every school. For instance, while it is possible at my school to escape through the court yard, it only takes about 5-10 minutes to cross the entire campus, and many of the buildings are connected by hallways and catwalks. If there was some sort of emergency, we'd likey have to evacuate the entire school, not just one building. However, in a larger school, it may be possible to evacuate one building, and still be sure that everyone is safe.
Perhaps some national guidelines would help, but each school needs it's own way of dealing with things.
yeah at my college there are 4 buildings (for this particular campus) connected by pedways on the upper level, but with a bit pf room between each of the buildings on ground level (but all connected underground). thats not including the parkade or residence that are across the street (along the same side as campus). but we arent boxed in when we are let out, there is a main avenue on either side since it is in the downtown core.

i do agree that each campus should have its own evacuation plan but there should be some guidelines as to how the students can be warned about these kind of issues.
Help! I think i am becoming American :lol:

1) I am using the word y'all more then the word eh
2) I am overly obbsessed with American Idol (and i love it)
3) Every day i always say how crappy it is to be a Canuck because of the weather and that i cant vote for Blake.
4) I remind my self everyday how much hockey sucks

Dont stone me or chase me into a light house and then burn me or push me off a cliff with a broom and see if i fly.

...See i am even using old American Salum takes!!! and Frankenstien *____*

But i think i regained some of my Canadian back when i said "This is due at the end of the class eh?" to my LA teacher :lol:
csikicksurass said:
Help! I think i am becoming American :lol:

1) I am using the word y'all more then the word eh
2) I am overly obbsessed with American Idol (and i love it)
3) Every day i always say how crappy it is to be a Canuck because of the weather and that i cant vote for Blake.
4) I remind my self everyday how much hockey sucks

Dont stone me or chase me into a light house and then burn me or push me off a cliff with a broom and see if i fly.

...See i am even using old American Salum takes!!! and Frankenstien *____*

But i think i regained some of my Canadian back when i said "This is due at the end of the class eh?" to my LA teacher :lol:

:eek: traitor :p How can you not like hockey?? Gah!! that is crazy talk...

I vote for AI every week ;) I have found a way to vote from Canada. I voted for Sanjaya :D
Kicky, I am loving the rain! So its not exactly warm as it was before but its npt snow!!! :D ok and i mean i get that you can be a non hockey fan but youre not a total american because you probably still know what the sport is and what is going on in the sport right now (playoffs), lol! oh and dont worry i find myself saying "y'all" a lot too, i just blame it on a my southern alberta/farming roots! :lol:

ok so my big rant is that every time ive gone to tims lately ive wanted an iced cap. but everytime i go theyre always cleaning the machine, so no iced cap for me. grrr! who cleans the iced cap machine at 3:00pm anyways??? :mad:
ok, rant over :)
Mmmm, iced cap, and today was perfect weather for one too. Darn, I should have gotten one after my exam. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. :rolleyes:

I’m not too big of a hockey fan either, but that’s only because my home team absolutely sucks year after year and dashes all of our hopes for the cup! I’m forced to have my hopes crushed every year, and this year was the final straw; I’m now rooting for some of the better American teams until the Leafs smarten up and ACTUYALLY PLAY THE GAME PROPERLY!!! :mad: *glares at the Leafs* Ok, I’m calm now… My only consolation if that many of the players in the NHL are Canadian, so even if an American team wins, there’s bound to be a Canadian on the team. :p

I say eh, I say it a lot. I try not to type it here, but I say it often when I’m speaking to someone; it feels natural to me for some reason.
I think we all know that the Oilers were just ew this season, well near the end!

At least this year there wont be people going crazy when they win, last year was just a psycho Billy freak out *___*
xfcanadian said:
hehe, Leafs :DIts hard being a canucks fan in Leafs teritory, but at times like these...very fun.
Yeah yeah, laugh it up. Until the Leafs start to play better (and for goodness’ sake get a better goalie), I’m hopping the fence. *hops over the fence, points and laughs at the leafs on the other side* :p

Yeah, I’m just reading a story about our environment minister hating Kyoto, and how the cost of everything will go up so high Canadians won’t be able to pay the price. Oh how I hate governments and politics.
blarg, i hate hockey :p but is still above baseball...only just... ive been to a few ohl games but only because i was forced. i just cant do it. but this is coming from a girl who watches show jumping so take it as you will :)

and here are some reasons why you should never de-canadianize:

1. ketchup chips
2. smarties
3. coffee crisp
4. uuummmm.....
5. our money is prettier
6. did i say ketchup chips yet?
7. people around the world like us better

Man, I didn't know that ketchup chips are Canadian! After reading that, I just HAD to Google it, and what do you know, there's message boards of people going "Hey, have you ever had ketchup chips?" and people responding "WTF? Ketchup? That sounds gross." I had no idea. *world is turned upside down*

Now I'm craving ketchup chips, and their ketchupy goodness. Does ketchupy have one 'p' or two?

Man, I hate when the Iced Cap machines are down. Last summer some time there was a sign in Tim Hortons saying that it was so hot that the machine overloaded and there were no Iced Caps. I think that's what it said, anyways... maybe I'm making that up. The point is, there were no Iced Caps, and I was sad.

*craves Iced Cap*

Have you guys ever noticed that we talk about food in here a lot? Food, and hockey...

So, I haven't filed my income tax yet (because I'm a procrastinator). Also, I have NO FREAKIN' IDEA WHAT I'M DOING. I've never filed it before, and I tried reading the book thingie, but I mostly just found it confusing. I didn't like that 'genuinely confused' feeling. Usually I can figure stuff out. It bothered me. Meh, I'll just get my dad to help me. :D
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