~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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ok so bring the conversation back to tim hortons :lol: i was watching "Not Your Daddy's Country" today on CMT and they were showcasing Emerson Drive (who have an aweasome live show btw) and they had one of the guys making coffee on the bus...Tim Hortons coffee! :lol:

and i still have yet to try that new chocolate mint iced cap....wonder if you can get it in Calgary??
tim hortons is truly one of the greatest contributions to life canada has provided :D on the special features of the movie 'land of the dead' they had john legassamo (i have no idea how to spell his last name :lol:) going through the set. and when he got to the craft services trailer he found george remaros stash of tim hortons tim bits! i laughed so hard.

i watched a repeat of the mercer report tonight when rick went to octoberfest in kitchener. he is seriously a national treasure.
ah yes rick mercer :lol: i love this hour has 22 minutes, and the hour.....though with the playoffs i havent really been watching the hour because i think its times have been changed...oh well :lol:
I love rick mercer, I love that 'Talking to Americans' special :lol:

I don't know how he keeps a straight face though, that is hard!
I'm not a fan of Canadian comedy :lol:

Music on the other hand, i'm listening to Michael Buble and oh god i love him, i cant wait till May 1st when his new cd comes out and tomorrow he's gonna be on AI :D

And thanks guys now i have a craving for a ice cap :lol:
your welcome Kicky! :lol:dont worry though i have yet to actually go get the iced cap so i still have the craving too! hmmm maybe ill take myself out for lunch tomorrow.

oooh im all about the Canadian music scene too! I love Michael Buble, Three Days Grace, Billy Talent, and all my Canadian country artists and anyone else who I forgot to mention (i dont have my iTunes playlist available to me right now, lol!)

and we cant forget about the Canadian actors/actresses! I just found out A.J. Buckley was in walking tall 2 and am considering ordering it on VOD for that reason alone! :lol: and Brendan Fehr....gotta love our Canadian CSI Lab Geeks!!
Did anyone else experience an absolutely beautiful day today? Gotta say, I love when it starts to get like this. 20+ C, slight breeze, just enough so that when you're in the sun you don't get overly hot.

I got my dad's hammock out and set it up this afternoon. I tested it out for him. He'll be very pleased to know that it's still capable of holding a person and two dogs :lol:

Then I walked over to DQ (I'm a ten minute walk away. Perfect for not feeling guilty for it) and bought myself a Moo Late. Hazlenut. Mmmm. I know a lot of people think they're too sweet, but I don't like coffee flavour, so the sweet and coffee just kinda equal each other out.

The Dairy Queen we have here only serves ice cream, no actual food. You can't go inside, only line up at the window. Also, it's only open from March to September. If they tried to stay open all year, they'd probably go out of business. Does anywhere else have a DQ like this, or is it just here?

And now, I have an actual Canada-related question. Has anybody ever heard of Tobermory? It's in Ontario. Anyone? Anyone at all??
ive been to tobermory. we stayed there in the marina when i spent two weeks on my friends boat. i hear its good for camping and scuba diving, plus they have a really good candy store. we didnt leave the marina much, we were stuck because of bad weather and couldnt leave safely. it was good though.

and we still have crappy weather in southern ontario, but it should be getting better soon. i hope... i dont think we have a dq like that, but on sunday i walked down to a new marble slab with my momma. we had to wait 30 minutes for ice cream :eek: totally worth it, best damn ice cream. period.
Hurrah! I've found someone who's heard of Tobermory :D My grandparents live there, so I've spent a lot of time there. But no one I know outside of my family has ever heard of it. It's soooo beautiful there. I absolutely love it.
It's been absolutely beautiful here for the last few days, sunny, got up to 19 degrees yestereday, and 18 today, although it felt way hotter than that. I'm so glad it's so nice out, although it's already getting to the point where I'm like "Mrrrph, tooo hot... *grumble*" Mostly due to the fact that I'm not acclimatized yet. :)

We have a Dairy Queen exactly like that here in Saskatoon, too. :D I went there April 1st at like 10:00 at night, and it was soooooo cold, and I think it was even snowing a little bit as we were waiting in line. It was still worth it though. :p
xfcanadian said:
it was like vancouver in toronto today...10 degrees and rainy! I want warm weather!

I know! I had my last exam this morning, Im finally free and I wanted to do something fun but it was so gloomy and cold out! :(
went there April 1st at like 10:00 at night, and it was soooooo cold, and I think it was even snowing a little bit as we were waiting in line. It was still worth it though.
:lol: I've done that. About that same time, I might add. It's always worth it :p Doesn't stop me from complaining, though...
lol ive done that but with slurpees and not ice cream. oh better yet the 3am nights when my friends and i hung out at timmys. is it a good thing when the RCMP see you and your friends sitting at tables and get their orders to go? :lol:

and i havent seen any dairy queens like that but in calgary they have this famous drive-thru/walk-up restaurant (Peter's) you can get burgers, fries, milkshakes, the standard fast food. but it is SO good! but i have been told there is a place in High River (not even 30 mins outside of calgary) called the Hitchin Post that has "the best" milkshakes you have ever had. The Hitchin Post is only open in the warm months (i think april-september or something) but Peters is open year round.

and it has been gorgeous here in calgary lately, rained yesterday (in the south end) and was beautiful today supposed to be showers for a bit tomorrow but hey its not snow! :D plus its like the warm showers when its still +15 :)
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