~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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i rarely watch award shows, but i was doing school work all weekend :( and xfcanadian (forgive me in advance if you are not the one in my human genetics class but im pretty sure you are! :lol:) how much does it suck to have an exam on a saturday night?? i didnt even know they scheduled them then.

and i must mourn the loss of the store from which i took my screen name. last time i was at the mall in london the allmaple store had closed! :eek: i didnt even have the chance to pick up a silly canadian t-shirt. stupid london consumers, if the stores dont sell slutty clothes they go out of business :(
I've heard of exams on Saturday during the day... but Saturday night? Evil!

if the stores dont sell slutty clothes they go out of business
Sad, but true. Sorry for your loss!
I didn't watch the Juno's.

I'm not a big fan of Canadian music unless it's Michael Buble or Nicleback.

Other then that everything else is American (Even my Idol show!)
^I didn't watch the Juno's either.. but I watched the recaps on the news the next morning.
I love Michael Buble and Nickelback too!! I saw Nickelback in concert and met Chad Kroeger.. I'd love to see Michael Buble!!
Has anyone ever heard ketchup being called "Canadian sauce"..?

Someone asked me to pass them the Canadian Sauce today at lunch, and I was like "Uh, sure" and handed them the Steak sauce that was on the table. And they're like, "Oh, no. I want the ketchup."

My reaction, "........." Ive never heard anyone use that term before.
Weird. I've never heard that before either.

But allstar, are you feeling okay? You're looking a little green :p
Arg, it's so true about the lack of un-skanky clothes... I spent almost an entire day once looking for just a plain white t-shirt that wasn't tight, or low-cut, or too short. You'd think it wouldn't be too much to ask for. :mad:

And that's definitely bizarre with the whole "Canadian Sauce" thing... isn't ketchup supposed to be the 'Official Condiment of America' or something? :confused:

Also, congrats on your green-ness, allstar! w00t! :D
For the love of everything Miami realated i SO agree with you quickbeam. I can't find a NORMAL t-shirt. It's insane! No i don't want little frills or a litlle sparkle! It's crazy! The only place i can get a normal t-shirt so far is sportcheck. And they're like 60 bucks each which is also insane. This world has gone insane. (er.)
I have never heard it being called "Canadian sauce"

I heard tomatoe ketcup which i hate, what else is it why do they have to add the "Tomatoe" to it, and i heard red sauce.
Last post in this thread was two weeks ago :( I was trying to come up with a Canadian-related question to ask, to get some discussion going in here again. This is all I could come up with:

In light of the recent events in Montreal, and now Virginia:
A) What changes do you think will be made, if any, and B) What changes do you think should be made, if any, in educational institutions here in Canada? I am not asking about gun control laws, I am asking about security and procedures.
well i just heard on the news that the RCMP are atarting to compile blueprints for every school in their resoective province. the report said that this should be complete within the next year. and in alberta i heard that the police in the major centres (calgary/edmonton) have master keys for the post-secoindary institutions.

i think that the feds (in canada) should STOP extending the leniancey (sp?) dates for registration fines bring waved (the longgun deadline is being extended for another year). and possibly a better registration system, and a better screening system if people are going to purchase weapons. i mean its one thing to have guns for hunting, and quite another to have guns for the purpose of harming the public.
other than montreal this past fall has anything like this really happened in canada before? i think at the end of the day there is nothing you can do, you cant predict if or when something like that will happen.

and thinking about my university, im not sure what the administration could do to keep us safe. some of the newer buildings can be locked remotely but others have keys so they couldnt keep people out. residences are locked and each one has its own key, but anyone could still get in. people hold the door for those behind them or someone could lie and say they lost their key to gain access.

as for contacting people you cant phone thousands of people in dorms, they dont have off campus student contact info, and theres no announcement system. sure they can email but not everyone is going to get it.

some of the people say you are supposed to be safe at school, and you are. but the truth is there is no way from stopping someone like that coming on campus and hurting people. all i can do is trust that the people at my campus are decent human beings, because if there is one who isnt there is nothing to protect us and no way of going about protecting ourselves when it is all just random.
yeah just after columbine, there was a school shooting in Taber, Alberta....near Medicine Hat. and the Ecole Polytechnique shooting that happened several years ago (sorry i cant remember the exact date). and just a few weeks ago in calgary, they took a 14 year old into custody because he had guns, and a plan to take them to his school (one of his parents - his dad, i think - turned him in).

i know at the residence im at, we have key cards that let us into the building (the HD scanning ones with the computer chips and all that) and then we have to use the key to let us into the elevator area to get to our rooms. and of course the rooms them selves have locks.

something that would be nice is instead of a blanket email (lets face it, not everyone is online all the time) i think a blanket text message would be better. i mean most post secondary students have their cell phones on them at all times and most students have cells anyways. i think they might be testing out something like this in a couple of US universities. i know id be willing to give the college my cell number for something like that - assuming that that is the only situation they would use my number.
allmaple said:
other than montreal this past fall has anything like this really happened in canada before? i think at the end of the day there is nothing you can do, you cant predict if or when something like that will happen.

and thinking about my university, im not sure what the administration could do to keep us safe. some of the newer buildings can be locked remotely but others have keys so they couldnt keep people out. residences are locked and each one has its own key, but anyone could still get in. people hold the door for those behind them or someone could lie and say they lost their key to gain access.

as for contacting people you cant phone thousands of people in dorms, they dont have off campus student contact info, and theres no announcement system. sure they can email but not everyone is going to get it.

some of the people say you are supposed to be safe at school, and you are. but the truth is there is no way from stopping someone like that coming on campus and hurting people. all i can do is trust that the people at my campus are decent human beings, because if there is one who isnt there is nothing to protect us and no way of going about protecting ourselves when it is all just random.

No kidding, just look at what a disaster one snow day was...

I think handguns, should be banned from civilians, unless they have permission, like if someone was being stalked or something like that. But they should have to take a gun safety course. Unfortunatly it is so easy to get guns in the US and just bring them over the boarder. It sucks, and there isn't much we can do.
I was thinking about that as I was looking at the little "Security Alert" board on the wall today. They have these little yellow boards on the walls in various locations around campus that say "Security Alert" on them. Basically if something goes wrong, there's supposed to be a notice pasted to them or something. I've never seen any notices posted, and it led me to wonder what the real use of them was...

Bascially, I guess you have to do what you can to get security up to par, but in reality there's just not much you can really do to prevent it. I just think that the system needs to work quickly to react to something when it does happen. From what I've heard about the incident in Virginia, there was a two hour time frame between the initial shootings and the second shooting-spree, and security didn't react. Now, whether or not that's really an accurate description, I'm not the one to say. But, if that is the case, and security measures weren't efficient and timely... then whoa. Something's gotta change there. Cuz that's just ridiculous.

ETA: See, now, there's an idea, Shelbers. When time is of the essence, texts are probably the way to go. Even if you can't reach everyone, chances are the word would spread a lot faster. It's hard to miss/ignore a security alert that's buzzing and ringing in your pocket.
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