~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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ive never had trouble rolling up the rim :p you just have to fold the cup and up it goes! except i didnt win :( not sure how much ill try again, by not drinking coffee i only get french vanilla or hot smoothies which are like a heart attack in a cup :lol:
and as much as i hate winter and cold wed be a lot worse off without it. i just want winter to be over with, spring should be on its way shortly so that good :)
See, struggling to roll up the rim is the best part! It's the anticipation that makes it so exciting. Mind you, I don't buy a whole lot of coffee from Timmy's, so if you were doing it everyday I could see how it could get annoying. I've only rolled up the rim once so far this year. I hate how you see the "P-L" and yell "PLASMA SCREEN TV!!" and then it just ends up being "Please Play Again." *sigh*

Spring's a-comin', spring's a-comin'! It's been really warm the last couple days, and the snow's been melting, and I've been happy. Now instead of 4 feet of snow piled up, there's only about 3. :rolleyes: The one day I was like "man, if it wasn't for the fact that my yard is burried under 7 foot snow piles, I'd totally go lie out on a towel in shorts and tank top and sunbathe." :p It felt just THAT warm. Of course it was only about +5... :p
lol i know what you mean. its been like 9* and plus these past couple of days here and its supposed to be like that for a while longer :D i mean i could walk to class with just my hoody and not my winter coat! the only downside is that i have to walk through a muddy lake to get groceries and the drivers splashing me since i walk/bus everywhere.

i've won 2 things from roll up the rim the first being a coffee (which i lost so i couldnt use it) and the second being a donut which have yet to redeem. i've been turning into a caffeine addict. then again i was one before, this just cemented it :lol:
I hate rolling up the stupid thing; I sometimes end up tearing the cup apart in frustration. I really wish they would make it easier.

Yesterday, I saw people getting on the bus with nothing but spring wear on. No hats, no scarves, no mittens, no heavy coats, none of that stuff.

Then again, I live in Toronto, so the smog causes a greenhouse-like effect. :p
the only downside is that i have to walk through a muddy lake to get groceries and the drivers splashing me since i walk/bus everywhere.
Oh boy, do I ever know how you feel! It's the most annoying thing in the world!

I've yet to win anything from Timmies. I don't have that much trouble with the rolling, I just use my teeth :D
bird_of_flame said:
Then again, I live in Toronto, so the smog causes a greenhouse-like effect. :p

Dude, did you go outside today..? It felt like April or something, it was really warm out. I just wore a vest and was still kinda hot.
I know; that's what I meant when I said that, the smomg traps all the heat in. I had to remind myself that it was the beginning of March and not the end of April or something. It was really odd becuase there's still snow in my backyard, and I was outside without a jacket.
Grrr why is it that saterdays are so damn cold :( this is a week end people. When it's warm i am stuck in school doing test and learning about Marxism and watching Eight below because my science/homeroom teacher is on a feild-trip while on a week end, the only days i get off until spring break it's cold. So grrrr
its nice out but i have too much homework to be able to enjoy it. the most time ill be able to get outside this weekend is monday (its weekend for me as i have no monday classes) when i go to get groceries and go out for coffee with my friend.
hmmm...i finally saw that rimroller invention on the news. but i mean for 2$ ill just use my teeth and buy another coffee :lol:
It actually rained a little today (like a light drizzle) as I was walking home from campus! Rain! In March! In Canada! Unheard of. :lol: It stopped just as fast as it started though, but it was still surprising.

No rimroller for me, I just use my nails. Current score: 0/7, but the location where I get my coffee had at least 1336 winners thus far. :eek:
lol it snowed for like half an hour here the other day...but then it melted. so im happy. now if all those muddy lakes could just disappear!

yeah i just use my teeth, and im still 2/15 (ive lost count but that seems like a fair guess) :lol:

ok i heard something that i thought was disgraceful on the news today. a man was beaten up in an ontario bar the other day. ok so not shocking, people get beat up in bar fights all the time you say? well what makes this disgraceful is the man who got beat-up was a man who had recently returned from a tour of duty in afghanistan and the 21 year old charged for beating him up was apparently berating him about his work overseas.

sorry, that just made me really mad. i mean if you dont like the fact that our troops are over there, don't take it out on them, pressure your MP or something. :mad:
This is unacceptable, people! No posts in 4 Days!!! What's going on? Were is everyone?

On a different note, has anybody ever heard of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair? It's a huge thing here.
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