~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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:lol: I think we all should be glad that Tom Cruise isn't Canadian. Our country doesn't need another wack job. Besides, trying to roll up the rim on a tall half & half from Timmy Ho's is frustrating enough :lol:.

*eta* Saying "roll up the rim" is fun at the r's keep rolling off my tongue :lol:.
Saying it with a Scottish accent is the best time ever. Plus, you get a lot of weird looks from people. It's great :lol:

I hate how easy they make rolling up the rim seem on TV. It's never like that, I usually have to use my nails and teeth, which makes me look like a tool :rolleyes:
what? gnawing on a timmies cup doesnt make you look like a tool! :p its expected, that once a year every canadian is going to do it.

and to cruise scares the hell out of me :eek: when i was in toronto the scientologists were on the street trying to hand me flyers and wouldnt go away even when i ignored them :( i didnt realize normal people actually follow scientology, i would have thought theyd have more sense than that...
lol so i finally won a coffee today...right before my math midterm! and i guess it was my good luck charm because i could never get my reconcilliation (balancing chequebook record with bank statements) to balance until the midterm! and yes...i did have to use my teeth and my nails to get the rim to roll up and had a hell of a time ripping it off the cup to save for later. :lol:
I had to get my friend to hack away at my cup this morning, and all I ended up winning was a note saying "play again" :rolleyes:. Oh well, better luck next time.
There were scientologists here? Why doesn't that surprise me?
Yeah, and I've just discovered that this thread existed. Silly me.
allmaple said:and to cruise scares the hell out of me :eek: when i was in toronto the scientologists were on the street trying to hand me flyers and wouldnt go away even when i ignored them :( i didnt realize normal people actually follow scientology, i would have thought theyd have more sense than that...

I know! Scientologists are weiiiiiiiiird. There's a Church of Scientology in Downtown T.O and for my sociology class a friends of my classmates actually went down there and did a bunch of surveys and tests to find out if they could join.

They asked the weirdest question, and depending on your test scores, you're either severely sad & depressed and should join right away, or you've scored really high & have a lot of alien essence in you :eek:

It's very odd.
yeah theres one in edmonton though where exactly i cant remember and every time my friends and i see it we have to make some joke about tom cruise (or insert random scientologist celebrity name here). though its usually tom cruise.
I dont hate Tom Cruise because he scares me (Which he does) i dont like him because he is EVERYWHERE and people make such a big deal about him when there are actors like oh i dont know the cast of CSI, Jesse Spencer, who dont get enough credit for their work.

The people on Corner Gas bug me for reasons unknow...Hey thats a song that i love :lol:
I agree, tom cruise IS everywhere! then again...so are tim hortons locations (well almost everywhere) and walmarts (and dont even get me started on the bad things about wally world).

btw - kicky i Love your avatar and sig! :D
Aww thank you :)

Yes horaaayyy for global warming! it was plus 7 today!!
I was getting so mad that it was takeing to long that i wanted to go spray some hair spray outside :lol:
I Rolled up the Rim today, for the first time this year. Didn't win anything. Big surprise :lol:
I'm starting to suspect that the odds of winning something are wrong. I've gone through four coffees this week, and not one of them was a winner. I pass by one of the Tim Horton's on campus and they have a tally of how many people won at that location; the number was over 600 the last time I checked, but I really don't believe it.
has anyone else seen the new "Rimroller" ....suposedly some guy created this awesome invention made especially for rolling up the rim of Tim Hortons cups because he was so frustrated with the amount of effort needed to roll it up by hand :p ....I must find myself one of those
I heard about that this morning, I wonder why it took so long :lol:

I don't even know where they're being sold but I doubt I'll buy one, kind of a waste of money when I have a set of perfectly good teeth :D :p
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