~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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Hey everyone, I'm new. And I'm Cannadian too! From Vancouver. I also applied for a job at Tim Hortons recently. hehe =)
^^ You're from Vancouver too? That's frigging sweet!!! Finally, someone who doesn't come from the boonies or T.O :lol:. Welcome :D.
Hey now, you Van-City-ites are getting a little cocky.

I might have put you over my knee jorja or break out my can of T.O whoop ass and bring you down a notch.


ETA: Forgot .. welcome Luckey! :D
:lol: Hey now. Everyone knows that the west coast Canadians are much, much tougher :p. *puts on boxing gloves* Seriously though a lot of Canadians I meet when I'm outside Canada seems to be from the east coast. To illustrate an example that'll make sense let's say I'm in Greece & I met someone else from Canada :lol:. Most of the time they come from T.Dot or Montreal.
That's true. My mum's from Vancouver and she can hold her own. She's also Irish, so that might have something to do with it :lol:
Wow. It must really be love if she settled in your province instead of going back to where she came from with you & the rest of your family :lol:. Seriously though nothing cracks me up more then some friendly but fiery banter. between the west coast & east coast. *does west coast sign* Weeesssst siiiddde.
Us Albertians are to nice but crazy when it comes to hockey. We are the Sandradey from Grease of Canda and hockey makes us Sandey 2.

...I just watched Grease so...
I think hockey makes everyone crazy. Crazy like you're so passionate about your home time & crazy like you want to throw your tv out your window 'cause of all the hockey makes you crazy. Yeah...
*screams in sight of Jorhja's Icon*
AHHHH. Mind scaringly hilarious!

So, if I go to Vancouver will I become tougher? I MUST DO A STUDY NOW! ... XD Oh, and kicky? I love you and your 'I just watched Grease D:' sense...

WELCOME LUCKEY! If you go back a page, you can click on the honorary WELCOME picture! :D
Ha Jorja... Prime Minister, i loved that scene though the bar didn't look comfurtable on Dwight.

...I wonder what would happen if someone said that to the REAl boring PM?? :lol:

Thank you Palm, you are better maskot then those weird baseball ones who wear fluffy suits and half the time the person at the bat is aiming for him/her.

Stupid ground hog said that winter was right around the corner when it's snowing.
oh wow i've been gone too long! sorry, been busy celebrating my 19th birthday :) yay - i'm finally legal in the rest of Canada! Oh and incase y'all are wondering, my birthday was on groundhog's day and most of the groundhog's said that we'd have an early spring! :) but this is Canada people, may I remind you that "spring" still means that 3 feet of snow on St. Patricks day, or in the middle of May. :lol:

first off let me just say welcome to Luckey!

and secondly, as far as hockey goes....I am slightly (ok very) obsessed with the sport (the funny thing is i can't skate) but i do love my NHL (ok fine, every form of hockey). I have been known to yell at my television while watching games. :lol:

and Palm I'm all done my English for good so you don't have to worry about that. How are you at Law? :lol:

Unm, Law? Uh. Not good. I always break the Law's rules. I have a Lawyer if that'll help. She comes in handy in case I REALLY screw up one day. :B

Um. I didn't watch the Super Bowl yesterday but I did watch "Deal or No Deal Canada". And .... why. WHY ARE ALL THE ATTRACTIVE FIREMEN MARRIED/ENGAGED! ;__;
There's no love for Palm tonight... unless my cat decides to eat my legs again.
*pounces Shelb*

Happy (belated) Birthday!


I swear, we're going to have snow all the way into April or May. And I for one, DO NOT WANT.

ETA: Im alright @ Law, Shelb .. you gotta know that laws, so you don't break them when you go out with friends :lol:
As the fake pm of Canada I declare Feburary 4th... Shelber day!!! That's right everyone. When it's your birthday you get an entire day dedicated to you. There will be parades, beavers, cake, half naked sexy hockey players & uh, did I say cake :lol:. Partay!!!

Uh, Feb. 4th was your birthday...right Shelbers? Or the 3rd... *is confused* Oh, and happy belated birthday. Guess what happens when you become legal :devil:...
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