~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol...hey, when youre in edmonton we can have a party :D

and as for you're history teacher jess, i agree...he needs to be fired. i know most (if not all of) the 50 states and your national anthem....and btw canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories :) yeah i was really good at the maps in elementary and junior high :p

lol...back to music. i was/am a country music nerd. in gr. 5 my teacher would give out stickers to whoever could identify the song & artist when he played music...i was getting too many stickers. it got to the point where a) the whole class would look at me as soon as the songs started and b) the teacher told me to let the others win some stickers. lol. but i do love pretty much all kinds of music, except for rap and hip-hop (not a huge fan of those genres).
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Are social teacher said he isn't going to be my Gr.8 social teacher so he wont make us learn all the states but we have to learn about them, which i love. Learning how people thought that the US should take over North America makes me thank my lucky stats that Manifest destiny never happened.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Yes, Geni, you spelt Nanaimo right. :p

But Jess? Your history teacher is pathetic.. Please tell me he knows of the War of 1812. :lol: AND YOU HAVE TO COME VISIT ME.

I think I can name most of the 50 states and I know how to play Star Spangled Banner on my flute... *shrug* xD I know some lyrics...

QUICK! NAME ALL FIFTY STATES AND ALL THIRTEEN PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES! Including!: Prime minister and President, along with all the parties of both countries. Vite! VITE!!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I could probably name all fifty states... but I really don't want to :p It's nice to see you in here, Jess. You could come visit me too, but Manitoba sucks, so I don't know why you would :lol: Maybe you could pick me up on your way, and I could go with you.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Well you can come visit me in Edmonton, and then we can take that 12 hour drive to wherever Lauren lives in BC.
And on your way there you can visit me in Cowtown, I mean Calgary, and hang out with me and JC at the mall and then we can all go and visit Geni and then go to BC and *takes breath* we'll make you an honourary Canadian!
I can name all the provinces with their capitals, the prime minister and our new premier in alberta, but I don't know much about the states...sorry, Jess.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol i can name all the provinces/territories with their capitals and canada's capital. plus our (alberta's) premier and canada's PM and most of the 50 states. lol.
and by the way this sounds jess, you'll not only be an honourary canadian but an honourary albertan :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

YES! Shelbers, can you name the New premier? Now that king Ralph is gone? Lots of people forget we have a new person in office.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Ed Stelmach :) Yeah he actually had a pretty cool swearing in ceremony...held it outside on the steps of the leg building (saw it on the news).
Re: Canadian Thread #4

The only Premier I can name is Mike Harris and no one really likes him. And I don't think he's the premier anymore. Ya, I fail. :lol:

I hope our peeps in B.C are alright..wasn't there supposed to be another storm today?
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Don't worry, your "peeps" in BC are alright :lol:. So far the weather has been alright but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned more messed up then myself after a bottle of wine :p.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

oh geez i dont know premiers! i dont care about politics, until they piss me off :lol:
i like having only 10 provinces, makes things simple. if i were to try and name all the states it would be like ross on friends 'you have new mexico twice' but then again i dont care much for geography.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

... We're survivin'. :lol: Can't say the same for Stanley Park though.. Yeesh >.O

Only premier I can name is..... Gordon Campbell and Ralphie! But since Ralph isn't there no more... D=
Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol...yeah most of my political knowlege is what i hear on the little bit of news i watch sometimes, from my college buddies or when i tune into 'the hour'. what can i say...i love george stroumboulopoulos :D he was my alltime fav VJ at Muchmusic Rick was a close 2nd.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I'm not too big into politics, so I only know that Ed Stelmach is the new premeir in alberta. and Jorja, we would definatley come see you in BC! I used to live in BC, but I moved five years ago.
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