~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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Re: Canadian Thread #4

im not christmas shopping :p my friends and i are poor so we dont bother. i did get my friend something for her birthday/christmas because she got me something too. and were going to open our presents under the giant christmas tree in new york :D as for my family im getting them stuff from new york so i get to avoid the mall. yay!

Palm!!!!!!!!!!! get a duck toller they are the sweetest most cutest dog ever and are canadian! :D or if you like em big and slobbery get a newfie
Re: Canadian Thread #4

^ My Cousin has a hige Newfie named Tony [Yeah. After DiNozzo XD] and he's like... a horse. And he attacks me with his fluff everytime we see him D: Like... smothering with love and I'm like ".....GAG!"
So. Maybe not a Newfie. Because... well. I don't want another Tony around >.<;
AAAAAAAAH! I'm SO convinced on the 'Duck Toller' though! Waaaah! D:
He's soooo cute >___<
Re: Canadian Thread #4

momma always says if we were to get a dog wed get a toller, and then finishes off the sentence with 'but were not getting a dog' :(
she likes the ones with white faces like these how could you not love them??
oh! and since its winter time canada dry has their cranberry gingerale out. i drink it more than water
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Holy cuteness, Batman! Those doggies are adorable.

Your mom's just a big ol' tease, eh maple :p
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I like how when I showed these pictures to my Dad I was all ".. =D Lookit the Dogs!" And he was like "hat's not a dog, that's you."
And then when he noticed I was giving him major sad eyes and my jaw open in disbelief, only THEN was he all "...Oh! OH! I didn't mean that D:"

XDDD Gangster Dog. Omg.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

ok all those dogs...totally cute! if i were allowed pets in res id so go out and get myself a toller. either that or just take the family dog. a begion (sp?) maltese cross that we rescued from the SPCA named jude (yes after the beatles song). lol.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Teehee, I'm not Canadian, but I'm in here! Because I love all my Canadian friends dearly! Oh Canada..........hahaha *waves Canadian flag* Just stopping in to say hi! *hugs everyone*
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Jess, welcome to Canada. A.k.a. The Canadian thread. :p

Now I must haze you by speaking only in frenglish and serving you poutine.


Palm, get a poodle-cross. They don't shed, they have great personalities, and you can pick from three great sizes. :p

...Or you know, you can find something less expensive. Sheesh. Poodles are crazy for prices. However, if I had to choose a dog, I'd go with a Newfie. :D
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Ok is it weird that i just got two new thread names in my head??? yes :lol:

Palm you should get one of those dogs with all the flabs on it, i think it's a type of bull dog. THEN you'll get noticed :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Speed_Cochrane It kind of sounded like we're going for a smaller dog that doesn't shed! A Newfie is like a pony crossed with a duck! (they're huge and water proof) I had one once, by three months old it was bigger then my brother!
A Jess! Welcome to Canada! and Geni, poutines are not torture, they are a wonderful snack!
Hello all fellow Canadians! Missy here, from good old Calgary!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol...frenglish....ah good memories from french class. ;)
oh, yeah we'll serve you poutine, while you sit on the chesterfield drinking tim hortons coffee with timbits for dessert:)
sorry jess just some canadian humour ;)
CSI_in_training, you're in good ol cowtown too? small world.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

we always called it franglias at my school :D i was very good at franglais, probably cuz there was a little more anglais and a little less francais :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

As mascot, I present you with this gift basket of Timbits, this gift certificate to Rona, A small flag of Canada to sew onto your forehead, and Medi-Care.

Which comes in handy because I just got punched in the heart by my brother and am considering cashing mine in @___@
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