~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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Re: Canadian Thread #4

I finished my Christmas shopping over a week & a half ago & this is what I got my family...

Mom & Dad: Bottle of red shiraz wine from the BC region
Brother: Black sporty beanie hat from American Eagle Outfitters
Sister: Silver flats from Aldo
Sister: Golden black eyeliner from M.A.C makeup
All my siblings: Tommy Boy Holy Schnike Edition DVD

Since they all love Tommy Boy so much I figured I'd get it for them since it was only $9.99 at Future Shop.

Well, it has snowed once again. The streets & sidewalks are covered with that white stuff. And just when I thought it melted :(.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Me and my sister went Christmas shopping and she still isn't done. She showed me what she was going to get me. It was a Fredie Mercury toy from HMV, i just hope the gift she got me is as cool as that. I want music toys this year ;) *Wishes for a Killers doll set*
Re: Canadian Thread #4

oooh WEM is scary busy, well just plain scary, around this time of year...i bid you good luck with that mission. oh well just keep your elbows out and walk fast. lol.

i have had my shopping done for oh...3 weeks, the only thing left is to wrap it all.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I got my Christmas shopping finished this week. Now I just have to find the time to put a tree up, decorate it, and wrap presents. The tree goes up Sunday and we'll hopefully start wrapping presents Sunday evening.

I was listening to the radio this morning and according to Environment Canada we in Ontario will be having a green Christmas.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

allstar12 said:
I thought you wanted snow :p

[Insert a twitching followed by a snapping noise]

I always wanted to try BC Wine. Hm. Maybe I'll buy a bottle and wrap it up for myself :D
Ah, but I got some of the gifts I needed for people:
Daddy: XM Satilite Radio
Jon: BLACK SOCKS! HA! SUCK ON THAT! ....I mean. Um. No. I meant it.
David: Talledega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Natasha: Paul Oakenfold CDs
Mom: Sweaters
Katlyn: Handmade Vinyl stickers stating her love for things.
Me: Early Birthday gift of the Sopranos. XD

I just need... my friend Mel. I was gonna draw her some Simpsons fanart... but I don't know. People usually get kinda cold if you give them a drawing for Christmas =\
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Wine sounds good, I could use some right now.

I still have shopping to do but i have a paper due on Monday so no more procrastinating until then. Although, that's what i'm doing right now.

I really hope we get some snow here in Ontario for Christmas, but it doesn't look too promising. it's like springe here.!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

^ ;____; I'm jealous.

Oh no! A Paper! D:
Wait... Monday? No way! Christmas Break should automatically start earlier! ALWAYS! I always feel bad for the High School kids who are there until Friday. Well.. not really because their High School kids and don't know what "Don't Touch my Car" means, but still.

[Inster Old man & Rockign Chair] I remember the days when our breaks used to start on like, the 17th of December. Now days their like.. on the 22nd. It's dumb. I'm just glad that in college, your break starts whenever you finish your projects. Whew!
But it's still a crime!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I'm just glad that in college, your break starts whenever you finish your projects. Whew!


My last official day was the 15th but since I had exams for certain classes last week, I had more free periods this week which was awesome.

Im not gonna even pretend to say, "Hey, Mother nature dump 40 centimetres of snow on Toronto" cause Im loving the nice weather right now but it's not Christmas without snow. Hopefully it snows on the 24th then melts on the 26th :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I'm out of school already, i'm taking a part time Masters at Western in London, ON, and the prof decided to make the paper due the week before christmas. Not a good idea, i have hardly any motivation. oh well, it must get done, back to the grind!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Shelbers said:
oooh WEM is scary busy, well just plain scary, around this time of year...i bid you good luck with that mission. oh well just keep your elbows out and walk fast. lol.

i have had my shopping done for oh...3 weeks, the only thing left is to wrap it all.

I know eh!. The most annoying part about the mall during Christmas is when you are in the croud and you are stuck behing a old couple or quote "Gangsta's" end quote who take there sweet time because A) Their hips aren't working like they used to, or B) They have to walk like gangsta's because it's the rules and regulations and they take there sweet ass time *____*
Re: Canadian Thread #4

^ XD Hey, I didn't know you were walking behind me! STALKER! Naw, J/K. I usually zigzag through the mall like a hamster on crack, making my way to HMV, throwing people into walls as I run. THAT'S me.

Anyone know what a good breed of dog is? I'm searching for a new Pups to guard my hell hole. =|
Re: Canadian Thread #4

...wow I just spent 5 straight hours at a mall trying to start and finish my Christmas shopping and I still didn't finish I just ended up stopping because one foot refused to go in front of the other and traffic started to build up behind me :D...even the old couples were going faster than me :p...usually I am like you Palm....the hamster on crack is a very good analogy...some people would probably see me as a caffinated squirrel but people just walk so damn slow sometimes.....I might suggest a wild and rabid pomeranian to guard the precious hell hole of yours Palm so that no one could mess with your precious sarcasm :)
Re: Canadian Thread #4

lol gotta love the hamster/squirrel on crack analagies. and as for trying to get by the old people/"gangstas"....good luck. lol. it helps if you go shopping with a hockey player who just slightly checks people out of the way for you :lol:

whenever im in that mall i have basically 4 places i go (other than the food court/booster juice), chapters/starbucks (the caffeine helps with the hampster on crack state of mind), hmv, the body shop, and the disney store.

but i usually try to avoid WEM at all costs. i much prefer kingsway, its closer to home and has everything i need. plus more shoe stores than anyone needs...which reminds me i need to buy shoes ;)

as for dogs, well it all depends on the kind your looking for. id try your local shelter...that way you arent paying out the nose at a pet store.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Fingerprints Said
I might suggest a wild and rabid pomeranian to guard the precious hell hole of yours Palm so that no one could mess with your precious sarcasm...

Who stole my sarcasm? D:
Wait, aren't Pomerains those little yappy dogs that are like, smaller than a cat and like to piddle on your shoes and are only owned by real old snobby ladies and celebrities who think dogs are accessories? Or is it a chiuhuaua? =\
I don't know my Dog Breeds...

Shelbers Said
whenever im in that mall i have basically 4 places i go (other than the food court/booster juice), chapters/starbucks (the caffeine helps with the hampster on crack state of mind), hmv, the body shop, and the disney store.

XD I love the Disney Store! Well, the one in Kingsway. Because they had a deal on that you could buy 2 Stuffies for $25. I wanted the Bambi ones X3
I am such a dork.
Naw. But Kingsway is good if you know what you want and are just popping in for a few minutes to fetch it. Like in between classes @ NAIT. But the Mall... Oi! I only go there if I have $100+ or on a mission to get a special boxset that Wal-Mart/Superstore won't/can't buy/supply.

And aren't we all Hamsters on Crack?
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