All My CSI's - II

(If I get kicked off, its stormsville here)

Catherine moaned when he did that, and ran her fingers through his hair.
"Cath.. please.." Nick whispered against her skin gently, blushing a little. He continued to kiss and nip her neck gently, his hands running up her back a bit.
Nick gave her one of those looks that told everything, but he was too embarassed to verbalize it. He shifted under her a bit before looking back up to her again.
Catherine licked his lips for a minute, before reaching to take off his shirt, and gave him a wicked grin, before kissing over his chest.
Nick let out a low groan, twisting his head to the side before gently taking Catherine's hands and pinning them above her head with one of his hands. He soon leaned towards her and pressed his lips hard to hers, those kisses driving him crazy.
Catherine moaned and moved her body around a bit, and tried to claw at his hand so he'll let one of her hands free, and let out a, "Nicky"
Calleigh stopped crying when she heard that. She finally smiled and eventually dozed off.
"I love you too" Mac said, muffled by the kiss. "With all my heart."

(aww, Jess, didja have to send those storms this way? LOL I'm glad I got some slow time to come on at work, I may not make it to the library at this rate)
Horatio let out a quiet, relieved sigh when she drifted off. It was good to see her sleep and to see she was recovering. Horatio sat down next to the bed, leaning against the wall and puling out a book, reading.
About three hours later, Calleigh had another bad dream. She was tossing and turning and screaming for "him" to stop. She screamed out for Horatio, crying unknowingly in her sleep. She had a cold sweat, and she was pale with fear. For anyone watching, they would be able to tell that she was through a truly tramatic event. She was thrashing in the sheets violently, and crying pretty hard.
Horatio was at Calleigh's side immediately, speaking softly to her and doing whatever he could think of to calm her. What he was afraid of was her ripping her stitching open so one of his arms were pressing just on her hips to keep her pinned down for the most part. "Calleigh," he called.